Latin America

How do we fix this murderous shithole?

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Virtual waifus

Mandatory cocaine

A Kingdom.

It feels good to know that the United States is a part of Latin America; we need to tear down the wall and impeach the fat and lazy Drumpf.

death to republics

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>Mandatory cocaine
>coked up people
i dont know user....

Sadly because people who speak spanish are poor criminals

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Send all the people with more than 1% Spanish or Portuguese ancestry back to the Iberian peninsula and leave it to the Anglo sphere to fix it

>includes America
Bismark truly was the boomer of the 19th century

If you try to "fix" it, it will either be a wasteland of bombs or a Canada-Like vassal state to Modern Babylon.

And aren't white

>Anglo sphere
do you want south africa 2?

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United and under the rule of an emperor DESU

ironically the "white" ruling class of latam are one of the big problems there. The corruption involves them fucking over the country and only sharing wealth between each other. The entire region could do well under US led pan american empire.

Make the Norks or the iranians give us nukes, so the mart sharters on the north think twice before ever intervening here again.

there are countries here whiter than the US lmfao


Are murders gang related, or do they just brag, scream, die?

Anyhow, the solutions are:
- strong state (pro-American conservatives can't calculate this)
- strong military with oversea missions
- convert to Islam

The last one is the worst option possible.

carpet nuking it

That's how you destroy the rest of the world. Without Rain forests we get to drought quicker.

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South Americans are actually mongolian gooks being their ancestors crossed the land bridge from siberia. This is why they are so blood thirsty. Majority insectoid blood.

You forgot to include Quebec.


you tell us. it's your doing.

umm its actually yours tho? USA were the ones strongly against european nations owning land in the americas

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The same way the United States fixed her territory.

Spain colonized Latin America. It did nothing but rape and pillage. Spain did nothing to build up those countries in any way.


Brazil was an empire, it didn't work that well. And our modern monarchists are kekistani tier, except there are a lot of shitskins explicitly attracted to the fact our emperor was a faggot who thought we could all live together.

under british rule colonists weren't allowed to have factories, only allowed to send unprocessed goods back to britain
how is that any better from spain? they had plenty of time to recover from any supposed pillaging and rape

We don't need more zionists, masons and beady eyed people, thanks. Although I'd accept cooperation with the éire master race.

Walmart shitters?

We almost had a nuke, but the US and our press sabotaged it. Most of it was developed under secrecy and the guy in charge for it was arrested because he relied on the black market to get supplies.

>Includes United States
What have we become anons?

Just wipe out non Castizos and non Whites OP

Just take mexico to south america back spain put those little spear throwers in check

one of us, one of us!!!

No mames guey dawg

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explain what you think is broken, faggot
>murderous shithole
that's how it was built

the leaders want it that way
they will be mad if you try to fix
you think they have magic
they are just criminals
money is not magic
stop worshiping money and wealthy turds
stop being stupid
fix yourself
not your personal army