Did I go too far? I just graduated Compsci and I'm looking for jobs. I'm 23 and he's 26 btw. He blocked me, we probably shouldn't be roommates as planned.
Basically burned bridges
If you have to ask... yes obviously you did.
I guess I did, I just can't have someone dragging me down with them in my life. This girl really liked me, even my friend who was their said so. The fact he went "lol sorry" and "true" just made me aggitated.
Yeah dude he was being honest and he is right, you can't go on dates if you have no fucking job. You're an asshole
>employment as a status for dating is ignorant
Get a load of this guy
This right here that guy was being blunt and OP basically blown it out of proportion
Even if I have money to spend, a CS degree, and I'm currently applying for job? Okay
that's the part that got to you? i hope you didnt throw away an actually good friend.
He had his friend prank call me saying I got her pregnant. He's also used my Netflix behind my back.
that's not what you said earlier, OP. stop defending your faggotry.
>he used my Netflix
I'm younger than you and I have full grounds to call you a child
>I didn't say it earlier, therefore it's irrelevant
He said he hoped he was a good friend. I'm listing reasons why he's not a good friend. Stop trolling
Maybe when you're older you'll understand how irritating it is to have people leeching. To the point where you can't even use your own account
Change the account deets nibber
Don't reply to people like that though, their worlds tend to revolve around chicks
If you like a chick talk to her, if you feel pressured to be something you aren't/can't be, then walk
I wish humans would act, once in a while, like they have a fraction of the command over their lives that they truly do
>OP has a crush on some hoe
>Friend gives you blunt and probably truthful advice; that unless you come in chadstrong dickswinging, she won't be interested, and will likely string you along instead, assuming she's a dumb young girl that will fuck you around.
>even tells you that you'll can and will do much better
Idk man you kinda snapped like a sperg
I reset my account, the point was I don't want anyone in my life that would even do that.
Yeah he would always talk about how going to college = increased salary = getting chicks. He was a fucking retard, I only hung around him as a stoner buddy, and because I didn't have many other friends. When I introduced him to my other friends, he was embarrassing as hell because he was supposedly creeping on this girl at my party.
>chadstrong and dickswinging
Grow up, I was pretty normal the whole night, and she was coming onto me a lot.
>even tells you that you'll can and will do much better
I'll surpass her? That's pretentious as hell.
I had one of those and then he turned 30 and since, has done nothing but regret his first failed serious relationship and sabotage every relationship thereafter with its expectations and with the mentality of 'it's not her, so it's not good enough' and then you don't know what you got 'til it's gone, etc etc
The sad thing is they're usually covering up for something or trying to fill a void they created by trying to be an adult when they were a kid. In the end, while I've made good friends with some and they can come past it, a lot of these guys seem to end up at 60, single, with the same old "still staring at teenagers" shit going on as they had at 28.
tbqh I'd just budget in living on your own if you can, fuck roommates-- people are too empowered to do dumb, destructive, highly-dubious shit by the internet, which has just become a hugbox
become someone who can stand without people. otherwise, this world's going to find some way to fuck with you, that's just how people are-- there's no honor or ethics anymore, just a mad race to the top, populated by fucking morons
>grow up, i was pretty normal
can you read? might explain why you were such a dick to your friend.
Oh shit, my bad. But no I didn't misread my friends advice. I even told the girl I'm unemployed, she didn't give any fuck.
I learned a lot in college, 25% of that. The majority of people will step over you, I guess that's why there's true friends, than theirs friends for the good times. If I ever talked to this guy again, he would fall into the latter. was school, the remainder was the social aspects. Friends as roommates is nearly always problematic. I have no doubt that if we were roommates, I'd just be fronting his bills while he buys more weed, things like George Foreman grills and Light Saber chopsticks. This guy totaled his car, has court fees over getting caught smoking, then he tells me about his new $200 headphones and how he wants to buy a new Oculus because he's tired of the old one. It's pretty obvious I love to hate this guy, our conversations never go anywhere past weed and materialism, so it's really for the best. Even if our friendship was shallow, we've been friends for 3 years, so it's a lot to swallow.
As for living on my own, yeah getting a studio is my best option. I just feel like total silence would drive me insane, but my interest is in my work, so my friends are at work anyway.
I learned a lot in college, 25% of that was school, the remainder was the social aspects. The majority of people will step over you, I guess that's why there's true friends, than theirs friends for the good times. If I ever talked to this guy again, he would fall into the latter.
>we've been friends for 3 years
That's not long.
4u, JK, I've had friends since 2nd grade. I guess it's more that we became friends when I didn't have many other friends and was depressed over getting cheated on by a girl with BPD. But at the same time, he didn't have many friends either, so it was like two mackerels together or something. I also never smoked anywhere near as much as I did before I met him. If we lived in DC as planned, it would just be retarded dispensary trips, where I hang around annoying dumb drug people and blow my chances of top clearance.