Japan Yes!

Japan is about to be culturally enriched.
What kind of immigrants are they bringing in? It says "unskilled migration" so it amusing Southeast Asians, nogs and Arabs?


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Other urls found in this thread:


Viet, philpino, nepali, and Indians I guess.
Hot tip: they will never go home, despite it being "temporary". And once they are here they will start demanding residency, family visas, and higher pay.
Same thing that happened everywhere else.
This is the end.

Fuck off we are full kill yourself

t. shitskins who can speak English, and teaches english or works at a tiny software company slaving away as programmers

we need a space elevator

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Fuckin leave Japan alone you mutt. I hope Japan stays ethically pure since we are done for any ways. Its up to them to control the mongrel hordes when we are gone.

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They aren’t taking “immigrants” they are taking guest workers, which has been a Jap tradition for centuries. Ask their Zainichi Korean slaves about it.

Oh and may I add:
>1 post by this ID

They were already enriched during the occupation.


kys everyone is welcome

But I think Japan needs the strict limit of immigrants who we accept
Or our society and ethnic and race will be ruin soon

お前が死ね 糞チョン

It's going to be 99% other asians, mostly Chinese.

lmao who the fuck wants to work in japan ? only crazy idiots. to visit is good, to live and work? suicide is faster way

I don't believe any of the Japs here are even really Japs. Just English teachers and military.
Please post slits so I know this is really what you guys believe.
I'd like to know how you really feel about this.

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t. white immigrant who is probably worse for Japan than the people he criticizes

who the hell cares about such a thing, you fucking netouyo incel

i get that you're out of argument and that's the only thing you pathetic maggot can type, sad

Japan is a shithole and Japanese are subhuman slit eyed mongrels who shoulda been nuked to oblivion ages ago. The women are pretty hot tho.

Good point

Where do you think Japanese new workers will come from?

Japan could have just use tax cuts for couples with children if worker shortages were that bad. They could do alot with having natives make more children instead of employing foreign workers.

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Oh, you are so rude
You don't look anything like a Japanese
Are you Korean or Chinese, huh?

Do you guys like indians?

>Hot tip: they will never go home, despite it being "temporary". And once they are here they will start demanding residency, family visas, and higher pay.
>Same thing that happened everywhere else.

I know its a crazy idea but just say no.

I have a mechanical engineering degree, just graduated. Is that enough to go over there or will they not take me since no work experience?

Based and redpilled.
Cringe, bluepilled and proxyleafed.

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not even worth traveling here as this island is the biggest shithole on the whole planet filled with absolute subhumans

i don't care
everyone from everywhere should be welcomed but to answer your question most of them would come from southeast asia

i don't understand why you think i'm more rude than this idiot tbqh

>You don't look anything like a Japanese
>Are you Korean or Chinese, huh?

literally what the fuck makes you think so?


쪽바리 새끼들아 그만 싸워
우리 모두 황국신민 아니냐


Yes, of course
There are many Indians who are philosophical and mathematical excellent
And the Buddha is Indian
So many Japanese admire Indians

I'm not Japanese, but even I fear for you people.

Japanese women are top tier, and introducing shitskins will ruin that one good thing y'all have.

Sucks. Within 30 years, Japan will not be the same.

I'm Japanese and I support immigration. We have a demographic crisis and without mass immigration, Japan will not survive.

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I just posted my opinion dispassionately
But you called me "netouyo" and insulted me
You are fool and emotional like Koreans

HEY that is a Korean penius

Why did you post your small penis?

why do you fat fucks hate Canadians

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>I'm Japanese
I believe you

what did you say
i cant hear you over teh sound of her long hair

>Hot tip: they will never go home
I've been saying that since this was passed, and all the Jap apologists keep saying "NUH UH THEY'LL SEND THEM ALL BACK!" You fucking watch when they tell a quarter of a million shitskins and subhuman Asians (Thai and Vietnamese) it's time to go home. You watch how hard they chimp out in a decade, and by that point the leftist nips will be sympathetic toward them and decry and government violence against them, even though I'm sure the crime rate will have gone much higher in the meantime.

Just fuck your women and knock them up, its not fucking hard to fix your demographics.

>japan takes some blacks
>blacks act like niggers like they always do
>massive blowback happens and they get even more anti immigrant and the younger generation gets redpilled
all according to plan

Or you know they could start state-appointed wifes

>being this obsessed with koreans

you sure are a netouyo maggot

>“Our biggest worries are about whether they will be able to follow rules, like sorting the garbage,” he said.

THIS is what they're worried about?
L M F A O They've got no idea what's about to hit them do they?

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There was a nip youtuber that suggested making a single tax to incentivize marriage. I think he ended up taking a lot of his content down because SJWs harassed him. It's an interesting idea I guess. They really have got to consider taking away the NEET bux DESU. As the route of the problem is that they're literally subsidizing the incel lifestyle.


japan will throw their asses back out.


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"Okonkwu-san you sirry duck! You're throwing that bloody knife in the wrong bin! The metal Recycling bin is this one!"

and then everybody bows

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Nips, please don't let this happen to you too. We're all going to crash and burn and you don't need to be a part of it.

Somebody has to eat all that fucking cake.
As soon as they get their first rabbi it's game over though.


>I'm Japanese
and if you were circumcised you would medically be a woman

pic related: Japanese man

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Koreans behave and think same as you
So I thought you are a Korean
What's problem?

Instead of a single tax, why not increase benefits for married citizens?
It may increase taxes, but I feel a singles tax would just be the straw that breaks many singles' will to live completely.

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>Koreans behave and think
well we can't have that can we

you raping decapitating irradiated freak of dentistry

the fact that you couldn't help but immediately consider me as a koran after reading my posts just makes me be sure that you really are a netouyo scum
you seem not even meet actual koreans in real life

Lol poor Japan fall for the immigrants tricks, just look at us, half of our population are foreigners.

I'm white and I don't work in Japan. I make 6 figs as a respected professional in my industrustry with a good work environment and life balance.
I come here to experience safe, peaceful homogenous society like my home country was when I was growing up. My home country doesn't feel like home anymore and sometimes I need to get away. I get invited here by locals I know.
I'm just trying to give a warning from the future. Don't do it Japan.

Ill go

Will finally see what all my kids look whom i conceived a decade ago, not all mama sans were keen on keeping contact.
Asians get so giddy after you puff with them

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Yeah, you are just a Korean
When reading my post, people who butthurt are only stupid Koreans

>But I think Japan needs the strict limit of immigrants who we accept
>Or our society and ethnic and race will be ruin soon

Do you consider yourself as a muslim holy book?

I think he was saying the tax would go to subsidize married families. His English isn't great.

You forgot the fact that japan has signed the Migration pact in marocco too :)

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Locals already don't like the Nepali immigrants (mostly indian phenotype, not actual nepali) because of their shit quality of work and bad work ethic.
They also rove around in big groups which is not normal in Japan, and stare at people, which is also very abnormal (and rude) here. They max out their hours at factories outputting questionable results which the OCD Japanese fix by working even harder, then send all their money home anyway.

>the only thing you can do is just keep mumbling the same thing again and again and again and again

i get you're out of argument

So they're our Mexicans? Not surprised.

What do you think of the fact that 23% of japanese want more immigration and 58% are content with the current immigration system ?

Yo homey? You got a problem with tha way we be starin' at ya? We gun beat u up n fuck ur sister.

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Big business doesn't care because they save money. They are the ones pushing for the laws. End result will be a decrease in Japanese manufacturing reputation, and overworked locals burning out, as well as eroding wages which are already low.

Are you frustrating as you are called a Korean?
Aren't you welcome them?
Don't you happy with that you are called a Korean, huh?

I think that 23% would be mostly the younger generation who watches too much western media or subverted Japanese media.
Mostly people are happy enough with how things are now, but they haven't really had to think about the reality of out-of-control migration because they've always had a firm but fair system.
Nobody is really talking about the new ruling because the media isn't making a big deal about it. I guess most naive countries are the same when these little-by-little rules are implemented.

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Not based

i can't fucking understand your logic at all, idiot
as to the immigration just as i said earlier i'd welcome quite literally everyone including koreans

Dude are you even Japanese?

Online a lot of japanese talk about the new immigration law and are not happy about it. Even on msm like jp.yahoo.

As for the 23% i always thought it was the more older one, like in the west, who want their retirement pay and being taken care of.

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of course
what's so weird about a jap being liberal?

>importing nogs and muslims so the jewish economy can grow
Always a story for success and benefitial of the host nation. Dont you want walking carpets in your country?

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Retard you're about to be invaded and you're worried about some Koreans.

The absolute state of Japan LMAO

That's a vpn memeflag.

he's a real jap
his english makes sure of that

I'm japanese too
white pig go home
you happy with state of youre country ?
ytou korean pig ?

everything. even weirder is the fact that you can write in proper english.

No way. Older Japanese here work to the grave. Even after they retire they keep doing small businesses or traffic controller type stuff. You'll see a 4 foot lady with a hunchback from tending to her crops her whole life, 80+, still out there pulling weeds and fixing things.
The "we need foreigners so we can retire" meme needs to die. What is the point of paying taxes for pension your whole life otherwise? Where did all that money go?

If Japan continues to accept Koreans, Japan will be Korea soon
So you'll be a Korean
Are you happy with it?

look at hong kong. what a pathetic shit hole. to think my family used to come from there.

Goblina is cute.

so, you confessed you're not japanese, then? fucking english teacher.


>demanding residency
Just give them the Koreans-in-Japan treatment, hopefully they will go away

They're taking in "unskilled" people on work visas for specific fields for up to 5 years. They aren't staying and can't bring their families. Only people who are "highly skilled" can stay as long as they want and are allowed to bring their families. They aren't cucks like the "west" who classify menial tasks and half-assed "care giving" as "skilled labour".

Japan also doesn't have slags sleeping around with or marrying foreign mooks anywhere remotely near the rate that "western" women do, and even then when they do it's because it's a "western" man who isn't overtly dominant in her life.

Life is going to be hell for foreign workers who aren't "standard white guy/girl", especially with how bad (and justified) the reputation is for immigrants these days and how bored Japanese police are in their homogeneous society.

Well they signed the treaty, didn't they.
Non-binding teehehe

Where do I sign up or is it shitskins only?

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If you have to ask it's probably not for you, sorry.

Yeah, I'm a pure Japanese unlike you Korean Kim

Hey Japs! I'm 6'3, blonde and white. I'm coming to Kyoto in May and I'm going to find one of your women, marry her and impregnate her. While I do this I'll make her tell me how much she loves my white cock. See you may!

Koreans in Japan are over represented in gang and crime statistics. Also some pretend to be Japanese but hold loyalty to Korea with intent to destroy.

There better be those far right Japanese nationalists, yakuza, and samurai going around with katanas to slice shitskins when the situation gets out of hand

Nowhere, i agree that's a meme.
Considering i've seen some solid based youth in my stay in japan, i didn't think it was the youth who cucked out. i'm really thinking it's the middle age generation like '35-55" who are cuck, at least, to what i see, the youth is obviously american lover, but not cucked to what i've seen, one girl, in a group i've befriended , complained that there was too much foreign cultural influence, thinking for exemple of valentine day.

Do you really believe what you are saying ? You know that their visa can be renewed right ? You know that if they marry a jap, they can stay forever right ?

None of them will return to their country.

I hear this. Nasty. They will not be welcome. We know better than to fraternize with foreign culture.