MGTOW = Male version of cool wine aunt

Prove me wrong

You can't

Attached: Screenshot_20180517-204743.png (1440x2560, 1.3M)

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It's the final redpill, you're just not ready for it because you've been programmed by kikes.

Attached: we-need-you-to-lazy-goyim-get-a-9-5-whos-27101242.png (500x399, 60K)

Attached: 1502317794620.png (1200x800, 523K)

>happy hanukkah

Attached: 1484636259211.png (1648x1420, 1.14M)

except less cats, and less crippling depression and loneliness after family gatherings.
cool wine aunts are all show, they are a mess alone, clingy as fuck too.
cat hair everywhere

Damn feels good to be cool and male, I prefer beer though.

Marriage = a jewish scam for whores, where you'll lose all your shit and pay alimony for the rest of your days

Prove me wrong

You can't

Attached: how whores use 'fake-up'.jpg (960x960, 113K)

MGTOW fags are just incels that were never going to get laid anyway.

If you're a virgin then you're not a real MGTOW, everyone knows that.