MGTOW = Male version of cool wine aunt

Prove me wrong

You can't

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It's the final redpill, you're just not ready for it because you've been programmed by kikes.

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>happy hanukkah

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except less cats, and less crippling depression and loneliness after family gatherings.
cool wine aunts are all show, they are a mess alone, clingy as fuck too.
cat hair everywhere

Damn feels good to be cool and male, I prefer beer though.

Marriage = a jewish scam for whores, where you'll lose all your shit and pay alimony for the rest of your days

Prove me wrong

You can't

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MGTOW fags are just incels that were never going to get laid anyway.

If you're a virgin then you're not a real MGTOW, everyone knows that.

sure thing roastie


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I don't ever see myself getting married or having children, but I still have relationships. If I magically find a grill I really want to spend my life with then I will start a family, but until then just keep it non-serious. I don't understand mgtows general view on women.. Like what is the point of cutting females out of your life completely? What's wrong with having a bitch around? What's wrong with giving it a chance until it doesn't work?

Daily reminder that artificial wombs will make women obsolete

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Then don't get married. Or sign a prenup. Not ever girl is a thot man.

Get a pocket pussy too, it's better than the real thing

>sitting around playing WoW
>yep, that's me, a cool ranch uncle

That would be great. Purely for legal reasons, I would love to have a child that is mine alone, and still be able to choose a nice wife to mother him.

Wow! I have seen this with Asians but never a white.

It's really not user. You're either lying to yourself, or a virgin.

Reasons not to date chicks who wear makeup

My daughter is curled up with mom right now. She's irreplaceable.

No, its Atheist Uncle

He waits for the first mention of God or jesus during Christmas dinner and scoffs before launching into a tirade about how small minded every Christian is and how Neil Degrass Tyson proved mathematically that in the infinity of space we are alone and the sun is dying.

He then drinks too much and half molested his favorite nephew while making an awkward attempt at bro bonding by looking at underage porn from his old computer from his childhood room.

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Guess you haven't tried it then

Nah, it's so much better. Especially the ones with teeth.

>Ending your bloodline is redpilled
>spending your money on material possessions instead of offspring is redpilled

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No, but seriously. How are you going to prevent your daughter from trying to become the world's most promiscuous thot?

Implying you won't be a suicidal mess when you are a 55 year old single gamer.

By being a good father and role model. Most turbo sluts have serious daddy issues.

>Not ever girl is a thot man.

You want to risk your entire future just to find out?

Oh, and most prenups aren't worth shit btw

I had one a few years ago, and I will admit the actual feeling of it was better than probably half of the vaginas I have been in. Comparing the experience of sex to a fleshlight is ridiculous though. Sex isn't all about how the pussy feels. Hell for me it isn't even 20% of it. The fleshlight doesn't back its ass in to you, moan, ride, etc etc. The real human connection is the greatest part of sex. Dominating a woman in bed, or even her dominating you. Fleshlights can't do that.

Sure, it did just last night. You just pay your roommate to hold it for you.

Then just don't get married. If you have any suspicion a woman is a thot, then don't get permanently connected to her. Giving up entirely on women is retarded either way. Even if you won't find a lifer, at least you can experience that connection. MGTOW is autistic


Might as well take the MAN out of MGTOW

it's really funny when a woman tries to pretend men and women are biologically the same or subject to the same social expectations and pressures, and shame them that way

Better to be MGTOW than a cuck taking care of kids that aren't yours or divorce raped.

>thinking that normies will EVER become red pilled in any significant numbers
enjoy your children drowning in shitskins even more than what you are

OOOOOORRR. You find girls who don't have kids.

mate that was me in the 90's before it became acceptable to play games.

>Then just don't get married

Already way ahead of you bud...

>Giving up entirely on women is retarded

No, letting women inevitably fuck up your life is retarded, but whatever.

> least you can experience that connection.

Why would I want to try and for a connection whiat a brainlet childlike whore that I have nothing in common with?

>MGTOW is autistic

Even if MGTOW is autistic, marriage is still completly retarded.

Enjoy your alimony/ divorce rape, because statistics say that it is probably going to happen

Can't disprove evidence you haven't provided.

Females age like milk

Males age like wine

Chicks love the cool bourbon uncle that has stories to tell

People are annoyed by the lame wine aunt who wasted her youth

It's okay to choose either as long as you can handle it though

Out of the dozens of non-virgin women i've been inside, I only consented to a relationship once

Multiple females have voiced their opinion about wanting my child inside them

MGTOW makes females lust for you as long as you aren't a loser

>muh statistic
Like I said nigger I don't plan on getting married.
>muh women gonna ruin ur life
Not if you aren't autistic. Like I said., don"t let them get permanently attatched

Previous poster was probably right. MGTOW is just full of beta pussies that won't get laid anyway. Keep making excuses for yourself instead of manning up, and getting over your fear of women.

user., you forgot to add "pro-tip:" to your post. To start with, since you're using the term, define M.G.T.O.W.

still doesn't prevent divorce rape and no one can tell the future

>don't get married
>girl has another mans child
>leave her

ezpz. You chromies are literally just making excuses for yourselves. Did somebody hurt you user?

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I'm going to play daggerfall, I really hate MGTOW because all of sudden my life choice has become increasingly politicized . I'm a man child who can't keep a chick, big woopty doo

men dont go baby crazy and have their wombs rot at age 35.

I don't have a fear of women, now stop crying about MGTOW, it isn't a threat to your mangina, Jesus Christ, so calm your tits and keep pretending women are "awesome" if you like who even cares?

Nah it's not a threat to me. I never said that. I'm just sick of pussies like you turning into the male equal of man hating non binary dykes.

You're right. But I still support paternal rights and a reform of marriage law. So I don't give MGTOW much flak, just try and embolden the downtrodden men that subscribe to the movement.

I use both regularly and the real deal is definitely better, but the fake one requires less effort.

Yeah. if you've been with the same chick for a while and you're just trying to blow a load it can be good. Sex is exhausting

Where is the original? Reverse search cant find it

Women marry beta males and get pregnant by chads kid with the beta male being non the wiser and to chickenshit to DNA test the kids. You can end up paying child support for kids that aren't yours and in some states a women can say you took on a fatherly role by taking her kids to the park one day and you can end up paying for those shits too.

>Being so hateful of women because of a meme that you force yourself into the closet.

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implying solitude has the exact same effect on both sexes.
a man i fully capable of existing on his own, emotionally and physiologically, sure there can be some hard times, but its nothing like a woman who has an infinite need for social validation.

>don't be chickenshit beta

Problem solved

>t. actual non-meme autistic permavirgin

Don't get them pregnant, and don't marry/co-habit. So long as you don't do either of these women are great to have in your life.


Because I'm not under the thumb of some whore, like you?

and dude fyi, and unless your some kind of ultra-badass, and I sincerely doubt it from the way you sound, I'd beat the living shit out of you in a fight, and no I'm not fucking around.

Now stop faggot, you're starting to embaress yourself.

>Fully capable
>Can't even spell
Totally works goyim!

>I weigh 350 lbs, I would totally kick ass in a fight! L33t!

>Reddit spacing
>Calling people a faggot
You have to go back!

>misspells embarrass
>broken English
>physical threats over innernette

Ahhh it's a Pajeet subhuman on a work VISA.

>Can't even spell
what did i misspell?
aside from a typo for the "is"

I like MGTOW because they’re easy to seduce for a quick brojob. I get all the cum I need and they didn’t need no darn woman! It’s a win win.

Damn man fite me irl bruv. Confirmed that you're autistic. I must have hit a sensitive string there in your tangled ass brain.

>have gf
y-y-you are u-u-under her th-thumb.

You really must be a beta pussy if you think that's how decent relationships work.

Bitch lasagna

>Teach me how to shill better
Fuck off faggot

MGTOW are the dregs who can't keep a bitch in line.

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Great you're now an abusive asshole like the guys in the movies and as easily as you can beat the shit out of your wife, your wife can get some asshole to kick your ass or call the cops on you and now you're in jail. What now?

Some men are capable of genuine passion for the abstract which allows for fulfillment even in solitude. Of course there are also hopeless losers, too inept or undesirable to get or keep the companionship they crave.

you claim i can't spell
i ask you what i misspelled.
>teach me how to shill better.
what a fucking retard you are.

He just has to do the opposite of what your parents did.

No one can "keep a bitch in line" with modern laws. Don't marry, don't share accounts, don't put her name on anything. Respond to demands with ultimatums.

Save getting those asses-blasted for your inevitable divorce and alimony hearings, lads.

I care about as much about your "relationship" as I do about you faggot. So, are you just going to keep barking about nothing little doggie, or do you actually have something useful to say?

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The people promoting MGTOW with no context are all anti-white shills.
That being said you can be tactically MGTOW in the sense that you give zero fucks about what women think or ignore them completely for long periods of time.
My thing is you just shouldn't try to turn a whore into a housewife. I'd rather save my time and money than go through the motions with a soulless thot.
When you hit a point where you want to have a proper family, it can be done, just takes work socializing a lot and finding S-tier groups of people, and you have to have your shit together to a basic degree.
Once you do enough of this, you can basically 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon your way to a non-thot waifu. Again though, you have to first work enough towards being an appealing person yourself. (basically being financially independent, somewhat in shape, and find 1 masculine hobby that you enjoy)

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I don't hit women. I am assertive, I tell them how I feel, and what I want from them. I tell them how I want things. I tell them what I think about things. I don't hold anything back. If I think a girl is cheating on me I call her out. If I think she isn't treating me with the respect I believe I deserve, I tell her. etc etc.. Just because you aren't being a chickenshit beta doesn't mean you beat your wife. Again, MGTOW fags coming up with standards, and making excuses for themselves. Think with logic, and not your fear of women.

>dont care
>keep replying

Man you really a triggered. Keep using demeaning language, instead of trying to refute any point I am making, or just doing what you should. Look into a mirror and see yourself as you truly are. Look at your beliefs. Look at your convictions. Pick out the ones that are holding you back from what could be. Be completely honest with yourself. MGTOW isn't the answer man.

>30 year old bla-blah-blah
I always knew that that was an anti-Jow Forums meme, T.B.H.

I'm talking about a wife boyo, anyone can pump and dump a skank. Your littler tactic there bud won't work against your wife if she decides she wants to cheat on your ass because she knows she has you by the balls. I think you don't understand what MGTOW is it doesn't imply celibacy just some MGTOW's are that way because they're ugly but others choose to pump and dump their whole lives or pay for prostitutes.

>Prove me wrong
>You can't

No need to... Im already gone

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>could tell from the first three words nothing useful to say whatsoever, stopped reading

No suprise there.

kek, fucking loser.

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MGTOW is seriously for losers. I remember being on the cusp of MGTOW and I heard one of their "leaders" speeches on youtube....It was the bitchiest, most defeatist thing I had ever heard. It is literally "meninism" that people joke about.

On the other hand you can take care of yourself and dress well and fuck women because you want to, but give them no power over you.

Letting women on to the internet was a mistake.

Marriage can be the most joyous aspect of life, but only if the couple is meant for each other. My parents NEVER ONCE fought in front of me or my sister/brothers. My father ALWAYS worked hard and my mother ALWAYS had a warm meal/snack/whatever he wanted ready and waiting for him.

I met a beautiful blonde at my work. Seduced her, knocked her up, and married her simply because i thought it was right. Turns out she's lazy as fuck, didn't support me, was weak at motherhood. And now I've got to explain to my parents why I'm leaving her.

MGTOW is not bad. It's good for men to have their own interest's as a priority before settling.

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>implying I wouldn't be assertive with a wife

70% of the women I have been with have been meaningful relationships. Women I felt like I could have a possible future with. When I felt like there was a chance that I wasn't going to I stopped treating the relationship like it might last forever. Never let a women "have you by the balls", relationships shouldn't be one over the other. It should feel like they are your best friend. I really feel like MGTOW guys just can't control their emotions well when it comes to loving a woman. So what if she cheats on you? Are you going to let it ruin you? No, you make the logical decision to move on, and try to find a better one. Just because you love somebody, doesn't mean you let them walk on you. You still tell them how it is.

This. No one weeps for an eternal bachelor. Men don't have to pair up. Women do.

Thank you for this user.

This. My parents split up when I was pretty young, and my mom is still struggling. My father got with a 33yr old at 45 after spending 10 years bouncing girl to girl, and they have been together for 7 years living off grid. They are happy together. My mom is an absolute cunt (love her to death). But he didn't let that ruin his life. He is still in great shape, and he has a good wife to live with.

>S-tier groups of people

What is that?

>When the final redpill is too great for Jow Forums

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Fuck off the male version is Motarcycle Chad; IE single women 30+ get cats, single guys 50+ Get cats

They didn't even add in latent homosexuality or any of the plethora of insults you can throw at people though.