I need help Jow Forums quickly

I need help Jow Forums quickly...

I'm an 18 year old and senior year in HS.

I was hanging out with my best friend (also male) and we were playing PS4. Well it kind of turned sexual and we ended up licking out each other's assholes.

He told his GF and now she's told everyone in the school.

I haven't spoken to my best friend in a week now. I have no idea what to do. I feel like my life is over.

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Lol hope you're going to college out of state. But at least you're in the ass-eating club, that's pretty cash

OP Here.

We're both guys. I didn't clarify that well.

I was going in state but now i’m thinking about dropping out

You clarified it, regardless of gender ass is ass

It seems like the end of the world but, really? Sexual acts between consenting adults. Who, cares? You're about to move on with your life. If everyone else has a problem with it then that's their problem and you can freely cut them out of your life. Graduate school and make new friends.

Don't fuck up your life because of other people's immature opinions.

thanks for the kind words user. I’ve lost all my friends. No one wants to associate with the ass licker.

Embrace your faggotery XD

Don't worry about them. They are children or close enough. They'll make fun of you because they are insecure themselves. Focus on school, hobbies, finding other friends. Soon none of this will matter. You'll get through this.

Unless you’re in a frat or some shit, no one gives a fuck at college. Everyone’s too busy doing other shit to give a flying fuck.

idk user i’m just worried my past reputation will follow me in college where i want to be taken seriously. I don’t want to be known as the ass eater.

yeah i’m just worried. Basically they posted it all over the school facebook groups. i’m known universally for what i’ve done. If you google my name it shows up.


Just laugh about it. No one can use it against you if you don't make a big deal about it.

Just say, "Yep, that was me. It's 2018. We are all free to eat ass."

Ahhhh yes, I remember the good 'ol days when I'd invite my friend over to play some Gamecube and we'd end up licking each others' asses.

By far the funniest shit I've read in a hot minute.
Thank you OP.

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are you gay or just bi?

keep in mind this dude also licked your asshole

Cant say you couldn't see this one coming. Holy kek. Wow...

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OP is gay lol


The Google thing is kinda humorous. But from what I understand eating ass is a hot topic these days; the college chicks (or dudes if that's what you prefer) will be all over you.

Also, what is eating ass like?

This. If they can't deal with homosexuality, you're already better prepared for life than them.

What bout ur former bestie? Niggas still wanna associate with him?

OP here: no they don’t but he blames me for ruining his life.

Niggers tongue my anus

It's literally his fault for leaking that information.

I know :-/

Op here: i enjoyed it in the moment but what happened afterwards was not worth it :-/

I could see this being a problem if it were years ago but unless you weren't already out or live in the deep south what's the issue ?

Society hasn’t progressed as much as you think user. Being gay in public high school is being thrown to the wolves.

From my perspective you get so much support and endless dating opportunities and anyone who makes fun of you gets lynched

It’s okay this type of thing happens to everyone

>I was hanging out with my best friend (also male) and we were playing PS4.
>Well it kind of turned sexual and we ended up licking out each other's assholes.

Newsflash: While people pretend in public that homosexuality and transsexuality is ok, they still despite faggots, trannies and other mentally ill bastards and will not associate with them, or make friends or anything, unless forced. (Enforced) tolerance is not acceptance.

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Hahahaha holy shit OP

But for real, you're graduating and by the time you hit college no one is going to give a fuck anymore

lol this is so fake.

No closeted gay dude would tell his lover's GF about their closeted gay activity.

Funny as fuck though.

Literally lold


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>mfw one things leads to another and now I'm eating out my friends' ass

Not agaaaain.

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I don’t see the problem? Why you depressed that others know?