Wife is an unpredictable violent bitch (hot as well unfortunately and I do love her for other reasons) and tried to...

Wife is an unpredictable violent bitch (hot as well unfortunately and I do love her for other reasons) and tried to choke me and scratched my neck to blood after I grabed her wrist when she was about to hit my face while also holding my open hand against her neck when she was one inch from my face. She claims she was attacked (hand against her neck) and her attempts to choke me and digging her nails in my skin were consequence of that. And that I should just stayed still as she is punching and slapping (happened before many times sadly since she has anger management issues but never this bad and getting worse).
She threatens divorce (one kid) because she doesnt "feel safe". She’s petite compared to me.
Arguments was about me replying to an email sent by a random female seeking advice on professional topic without telling her. She is possessive and jealous at baseline.


Attached: angry-woman-pic-dm-111793587.jpg (500x378, 202K)

Get a lawyer before she does

Pretty much what says, get a lawyer, shit's fucked. Even if for whatever reason this doesn't end in court this situation is very unstable, so it's always good to be ready.
I told you to not stick your dick in crazy, user.

She was not that bad before.. when the kid arrived and some more stress in life (career for both of us) shit hit fan real hard..always in the context of her suspicions of my infidelity (100% no true unless you consider replying 100% appropriately to a professional question by an opposite sex)..

Yeah she’s a cunt and likely cheating on you. Just abandon her or keep getting cucked.

Maybe she just has crippling trust issues. She's clearly imbalanced but that doesn't necessarily mean she's cheating.
Has she ever seeked professional help?

Divorce is your only option. You knew she was crazy when you met her but for whatever reason you decided it was worth putting up with. Hope you've learned a lesson.

She is not cheating I am sure. She is super anxious, controlling, jealous and unsure of herself otherwise woman. She is also beautiful by any standard you take but since her anxiety has been getting worse (never diagnosed or treated beceause she denies it) those episodes and violent behaviour got more frequent.

Easy to say.. there is kid on the line. And I am in a critical period at work too..

>Easy to say.. there is kid on the line
Oh is it easy to say? Is it easy to suggest that you not raise your child in violent household where he sees his mother and father physically fighting each other? Fuck you and fuck your work. If that child grows up to be a completely dysfunctional, violent, anxious mess because you were too limp dicked to protect them from the trauma of living in a violent household with a psychotic mother then you have failed as a parent and as a human being. Not interested in your excuses, OP. You either do the right thing by your child or you don't.

Got your point. Thanks for this perspective.

Good. That kid is your responsibility, OP. If they grow up all traumatized and fucked up its because you didn't protect them from it and they will spend the rest of their life resenting you for it. This situation is not longer about you or your happiness. This is 100% about that kid. Do the right thing. Don't fuck this up.

Kid is better off without a crazy bitch around

As a kid coming from a very abusive relationship, I agree. I don't blame my mother but having such an hostile environment in my earliest stages fucked up my foundation big time, to the point I'm scared shitless I might be a repressed psycho or something. Getting a child used to violence is never a good idea. Give that kid a fair chance.

Sit her down, and show that you are compassionate and full of understanding. Let her understand that you want to fix this relationship, and you're willing to hear everything out. Also from the people I've worked with, there is a correlation between violence, and limited vocabulary. In short they aren't able to express their emotions efficiently through language, so they become frustrated and become physical. So when you talk to her, let her take as long as she needs to express her thoughts, even if it is yelling, or in any aggressive way, do not interrupt her no matter what. And consider your own habits/faults that you think that may bother her, however subtle it is. Give it one last run before you do anything brash and ruin that child's life.

When the woman is that abusive, and recurrent in her abuses, she can ruin that kid's life just as much as lacking a mother figure.

I try to address my subtle faults (at least faults in her eyes) but how does that make a relationship healthier when an unstable despotic woman with anger issues makes demands that have to be met or else..

>or in any aggressive way, do not interrupt her no matter what
This kills the OP.

It's on you. Do you think she's worth a last chance?

Outside of the angry fits (triggered by some bullshit problem like message to buddies complaining about not going out together because wife bitch or her perceived signs of infidelity as in: you looked at that woman, this and that invited you on social media, or reply to an email with zero intent or content that could be considered flirtatious..etc).. she is a passionate person, beautiful girl and good fuck although not much of the latter due to her generalized anxiety recently..

And she is a mother of my child after all..

Honestly, in my unprofessional opinion, here a what you should do.

Get documented, hard, evidence of her being violent to you and use it to force her into therapy/counseling with you. Even if you manage to avoid getting hurt and/or if she leaves you she might start taking it out on the kid.

Spare them that fate and get the woman you love back.

File for divorce before she does. It gives you an advantage.

The right thing to do here is difficult. Stay married but give her an ultimatum; Stop hurting me or I will remove myself and our child from danger.

Force her to work through her issues without violence and you have a chance to save your kid. If they lose their mother it's not gonna be pretty, same goes for if she's violent.

Thanks for all the suggestions.

Limp wristed faggots like this are the reason men get fucked through divorce court. Best of luck when she takes your kid, your house, and half your shit away from you. I can't sympathize with the likes of you. She has you bound around her finger and she knows it. From the very beggining.

theres an old saying a woman is good beaten and money is good counted, you let her grow out of control
my advice is slapping her when the next time she attacks you in her hissfit

>and get the woman you love back.
This just sounds naive.

you have to fuck her better and more often my dude

>She is possessive and jealous at baseline
had an ex like this, fucking beautiful woman, but crazy as hell and found she was cheating with a coworker every job she had.