What can Trump do so people can take him seriously instead of seeing him as the shitposter in chief?

What can Trump do so people can take him seriously instead of seeing him as the shitposter in chief?

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Become democrat

Put Clinton and Obama in Gitmo



So much winning you will get tired of it!

#MAGA, faggot!

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Delete twatter

keep promises about immigration reform

waterboard himself until he confesses that he was the jew behind 9/11

unironically, this

>trying to fit in this hard

go to bed kid

off yourself, literal faggot!

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die mad

Appoint Ricardo Milos as the next Poet Laureate

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The dude already boosted the economy, silenced North Korea, and defeated ISIS.
It's year 2.

>boosted the economy
"conservatives are worried about 2020 nightmare: another recession"

>silenced North Korea
"the DPRK has continued its nuclear testing in secret"

>defeated ISIS
laughs in Syrian Arab

give it up

>The dude already boosted the economy
The economy has been improving since the Obama administration. There was no significant boost since then, it was just a steady climb

>silenced North Korea
Kinda, he got Kim Jong un to end the Korean War, but they still have an uneasy tense truce going on

>and defeated ISIS
Again, been on decline since the Obama administration.

Trump never made America great again. It's always been great. He just had an amazing campaign team. He's a mediocre president.

Stay off Twitter more than 15 minutes

>nobody takes him serious

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>a mediocre president

A serious threat, sure.

>What can Trump do so people can take him seriously instead of seeing him as the shitposter in chief?
not much. stupid people have a special knack for demonstrating their stupidity no matter how hard they try to conceal it.

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NoT MuCh...

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Stop misspelling everything.

Not work with the democrats at all. Fuck them. Use the 750B for Wall and everything else you want to do.

Shut down Mueller

Arrest all the disgusting freaks like Barry Soetoro and (((deepstate)))

Declassify everything

Tell israel to fuck off and stop trying to work with Synagauge of Satan

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