How do I tell my girlfriend I want to commit a terrorist attack, hypothetically? In this hypothetical scenario...

How do I tell my girlfriend I want to commit a terrorist attack, hypothetically? In this hypothetical scenario, feel like she's one of the only people I can talk to about this, but how do I tell her without freaking out? Not that I want to or anything. I'm an incel, but how would one open up to their significant other on the chances that they wish to perform a political act of terrorism?

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How are you an incel you have a girlfriend?

This is all a hypothetical scenario. I'm an incel and don't want to commit a terrorist attack.

wait so is she your girlfriend in your hypothetical scenario. I'm so lost

You can deny them sex, or the other way around.

Why would you want to hurt people?

If you deny them sex then you aren't an incel they are the incel

The girlfriend is not deal, user. The only thing that is is this incel.
There's no way to tell someone something like that and have them not freak out, OP.

In this hypothetical scenario I have a gf, I want to tell her about a hypothetical desire I have to commit terrorism, and I don't know how to go about it.

If you want to commit a terrorist attack you should kill yourself for the sake of the humanity DESU

so you want to tell your girlfriend about a hypothetical scenario where you have a girlfriend and you want to tell that hypothetical girlfriend that you want to plan a hypothetical terrorist attack

You need to stop watching Fight Club all day, user.

is this a plot in fight club? i've never seen it

reported to NSA

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No I hypothetically wanna tell my hypothetical gf about my hypothetical desire to commit a terrorist attack.

you hypothetically want to hypothetically tell your hypothetical girlfriend that hypothetically you want to commit a hypothetical terrorist attack hypothetically?

Yes, ho w would I hypothetically go about it, hypothetically?


well first you need to think of a hypothetical plan that you will hypothetically tell your girlfriend

Tell her youre being coerced by terrorists and they're forcing yoy to carry out the attack or theyll torture you both, and then remind her that it's just a hypothetical scenario every couple of minutes until you cum or whatever
Then probably don't talk about it too much if it's just pretend

It's not

This is a plot in Fight Club

How did it go about in the movie

Jesus Kev, what are you doing, it's a train wreck ITT

I have a weeeeiiiiird feeling that "hypothetical" is being used loosely here
Someone wanna hit up that tip line with a reverse image search of the op? I'm on mobile, shit's not worth my time

what do I have to do exactly?

I feel like this is too dumb to be real and op is trolling but I'm also still a little concerned just in case lol

I'm gonna fucking report him to

his is an intrusive thought aka something you dont tell anyone or act upon.. its the same thing as if all of a sudden I thought about fucking a dog or something. If this is a real post then i suggest you get checked for autism because autistic people often like to spew out intrusive thoughts to people