I am part of the armed forces. Pic related. I joined because I wasn't redpilled...

I am part of the armed forces. Pic related. I joined because I wasn't redpilled. Ive been in for a while and now im about to go hang out with goat herders for a few months in a mudhole in the middle east for the third time. I am done being a good got. How can I avoid this /pol?

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Good goy*
Damn autocorrect
>inb4 phoneposter gtfo


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just do the deployment you fucking pog shitter

No. Idgaf about this gay army. I'm done doing this

shoot your commanding officer

How about a way where I don't go and also don't get imprisoned?

Stop being a coward, you're not fighting for Israel or anything. This war is just an inconvenience, at this point, no one gives a shit, just go fucking do your job and don't reenlist.

just BRAAAAP a lot
somebody will eventually complain and have you reassigned

Pop on a piss test

I don't want to. I've gone twice already. Is rather be with my loved ones. Also iI habe a feeling this time I'll get blown up. And for nothing.

Poison the food

I’m a year away from my Army medical surgical residency. Maybe I can tell them you definitely qualify for gender re-assignment surgery.

I would then be dishonorable discharged and it would fugg my life. Right? I have a family to think of.

Then why did you reup? After the first or second no one forced you to take another 3.... Or are what you're really saying is "I for this sweet bonus for 5 more years and didn't realize what that meant cuz I'ma short sighted nigger"
Fail two pt test idiot.

I didn't reup. Long first contract. 6 years. No bonus. Deployed the momenti was out of ait. Chilled one year, deployed again. Chilled another year new deployment incoming.

Finish your contract and get discharged honorably. Utilize your free college and get a good STEM degree.

Sounds like good advice. But I'll shoot myself it'd iI have to leave my family again for 9 months.

You knew what you signed up for dude..

You shouldn’t use our cause for an excuse to leave the military either, it makes us look bad. There’s plenty of veterans that think like we do, and they made it through somehow.

Stop thinking about going home. Right now your home is that sandy shithole. It’s just the way things are right now man. Don’t think, just do. I’m being sincere, you’ve got my energy. Hang in there.

ride that deployment out and finish that contract asap my dude
Dont get too existential man

Can't you just leave? Even if you get a dishonorable discharge, it's better than fighting for the ZOG.

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