Can smoking weed once have lasting effects?

I smoked weed yesterday for the first time ever. It was fine, but I don’t really feel like doing it again. I just wanted to try it once.

I’m really worried it could have permanently fucked up my brain. I took maybe 6 puffs of a joint and I was high but could walk and talk and everything. The weed wasn’t that strong.

Please don’t fuck with me. I have so much anxiety over this. Can using weed once ruin my brain functioning?

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No, in fact, bc its ur first time it should already be out of your system. You are way overthinking this


No, you'll be fine and it'll be out of your urine/blood in 6 days if it's your first time. Don't worry, you'll be fine and weed doesn't usually have lasting effects.


Jesus Christ when did Jow Forums turn into yahoo answers

How fucking old are you? 16?

This the result of propaganda.
The government should be educating not fearmongering when it comes to drugs.

No, it won't ruin your brain you moron lol. People use it every day for years and they still function. You tried it ONCE. You'll be absolutely fine. Any strange thoughts or paranoia you have over the next few days is just attributable to the weed, so don't worry. You'll be fine. Don't smoke it again if you're this much of a worrier, it won't suit you.

Wow, that's just rude Anonymous No.19641991. I hope you enjoy your downvote!

No, smoking a joint once isn't going to affect your brain function. But if you had schizophrenia or some shit or a family history of same to begin with then there's a good chance smoking weed can accelerate the presentation of psychological symptoms, but that's just some shit you had that was going to go wrong eventually anyway.

This is accurate. My wife has a family history full of schizophrenia and she's had a few extremely bad reactions to weed. In the end she stopped smoking entirely.

OP chill out. Just walk in the other direction from drugs & alcohol. The truth is that while you can still "function" on weed, you'll end up stunting your emotional growth compared to sober people and if you develop a habit, that can leave you seriously behind your peers.

No, at worst it’s probably just the placebo effect from all the shit you heard you’ll be fine laddie

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ignore everyone else in this thread
yes, it can

No, it won't fuck you up from just doing it once, and even occasional use is fine, but if you're one of those people who smokes dope every day it's going to fuck you up over time. It happened to a guy that I used to be friends with and it's really sad to see

Thanks everyone; I’m way more calm now. Everyone has just convinced me that weed is just as bad as crack or some shit and I know that isn’t true; I just got anxious because our school scared the shit out of us about it (I’ve been or for a few years but high school health fucked me up). Truthfully it was fun but I don’t really have a desire to do it again.

Many places around the world sell weed recreationally. Nowhere NEAR in the realm of crack. Those are just scare tactics to make you not touch it. Atleast you know what what it's like now and can say you've atleast tried it. Good to hear you don't want to stick to it because it can really bring your motivation / money down.

But it’s actually a good thing because get help sooner than later.

yes, you will now grow long hair and become a pothead hippy. lol.

mark my words!

smoking weed will interrupt REM sleep. Most drugs including alcohol will interrupt REM sleep. Smoking releases carbon monoxide, free radicals and carcinogens and will cause brain damage but stoners here think its "not bad for you". idiots.

The earlier the onset the worse the prognosis. John Forbes Nash developed in his late 20's, which is late compared to most men. He later went on to fully recover. Which is rare for most people. Women tend to develop it later, around Nash's age, and are usually better able to cope with the symptoms and regain functioning.
The thing with psychosis and weed though is that it takes chronic usage. A handful of times won't necessarily do it. But if you have a family history of psychotic disorders like schizophrenia absolutely do not fuck with weed or other psychedelic drugs. It probably won't provoke the disorder but you could get sent to a mental hospital for a few years and fuck up your life.

Marijuana can affect those who are still developing; same goes for most drugs.
Even if you were 12 and tried marijuana just once it wouldn't do much of anything. It can permanently affects those who are young and abuse it.

kek. baby's first puff. your brain function will never bee the same. enjoy being a brainlett for the rest of your life

plenty of people feel aftereffects from weed and take a while to get back into their normal rhythm.

the only time I've heard of weed permanently damaging someone is when it triggered a nervous breakdown. nervous breakdowns have aspects which are not possible for most people to recover from.

but my guess is that, if you didn't have a nervous breakdown, you'll be just fine. give yourself more time to go back to normal, and don't smoke if you aren't comfortable with it.

I usually have an "afterglow" the next day but you'll be fine tomorrow

No dude if your smoke weed literally ONCE you become gay and retarded for the rest of your life


Not unlike drinking coffee once or even regularly cannot permanently affect your brain in an irreversible way

Weed tends to highlight and trigger stuff that's already there. But it mostly amplifies them and exaggerate the way you perceive those things.

So while your impression of certain things while your brain wiring was being modified by that substance might have been strong, this is more often than not just the substance doing its thing with your mind and bodily perceptions and it can leave that impression hours after.

Yes, it is known between professionals. Drug use with family cases related to mental illness can aggravate/wake up the symptoms you may have inherited from your lineage.

It's like allergies, you know. Allergies can be dormant for years and one day you can wake up and have allergy to your pets.

It's really not like that. But I don't want to explain why, it's too long
The opposite can also happen

Now. Drug use can estimulte the brain and if you are prone to schyzophrenia you could be putting yourself in a tight spot.

I'm surprised the average person does not know this.
Drugs should be made with a clear state of mind. Specially LSD

Be carefull user. Drugs are no joke

Your first experience was better than mine, one puff of a bong and 20 minutes later I was vomiting into the garden. Spent the next 3 hours huddled over a toilet in a cold sweat, shivering, vomiting regularly, room spinning and every noise in the house amplified 100x.

And even then I knew the effects wouldn't be permanent, you're fine OP.