When you bite the big one and make the permanent move to the bone orchard, what do you want your epitaph to read?
Also are you an organ donor or are you keeping your organs?
When you bite the big one and make the permanent move to the bone orchard, what do you want your epitaph to read?
Also are you an organ donor or are you keeping your organs?
I don't want anyone to find me.
What do you mean by that?
Here lies user McAnon, who donated his dick to science. His contribution to urology was massive.
I was an organ donor but I'm spiteful and I'd rather they go to nobody than used by a criminal or an addict (food, drugs, otherwise).
1. Best: buried in the middle of nowhere woods, deep, no tombstone, never to be found
2. Preferred: no cremation, keep all my organs, epitaph being something short that makes you think, put me wherever
3. "Whatever, I'm dead anyway": do whatever but the following:
4. Pls no: burn my body, fuck you if you do that
How big is your dick, and may I suck it while you're alive? I love man juice.
Wouldn't worms and bugs get you then?
Not that guy but decaying in the earth is part of the cycle of life.
My ideal situation is breaking down to nourish a nice fruiting tree, maybe a tasty orange tree or something like that, that my friends and family can enjoy.
So basically you want to be symbolically cannibalized so that a part of you becomes them?
not that user but i want to be cremated so that my ashes will be dumped into the sea so this fish would eat them thus making the fish apart of me once they're caught and eaten or what not
What if a coked up whore mistakes your ashes for more coke while stumbling through the moratorium, and snorts you?
Smoke em' while you got em'
I want to be burned and have my ashes scattered. I just want my epitaph to say that I was happy.
I'm not an organ donor but I may consider donating my body to science as I have a 1 in a million condition and if my doctor could guarantee that I'd go to the people conducting research into the condition then I'd be up for that.
You can't be both donated and creamated. If you donate your carcas it you'likely go to college to be put in a fish tank for med students to practice on and the night janitor to fuck.
i'll take over her body and cremate myself again
today, a whore, tomorrow, the world
What if there's a mix up at the morgue and your shipped off to an a stroglide facility and your remains are accidentally mixed into a fresh bottle of lubricant and some guy uses you to slick up his dick and madturnate.
No shit but the point is I'd consider donating instead of being cremated. I'm aware that donating your body to science usually means you go wherever they have need of someone to carve up but my disease is a big money business for drug companies, at least at the moment, so it might be possible to make special arrangements to end up in their labs for testing.
I don't trust the medical profession so I don't want to give my organs away. Also I doubt they are any good. I think it's macabre.
What kind of disease do you have? If it's not life threatening can you give it to me. It's a fetish fantasy of mine.
Sorry, it's life threatening.
>He did as little harm as can be expected from a human
I'm donor.
I am an organ donor. I advocate for to to be an opt out system instead of an opt in. Additionally all NEETs should be required by law to maintain their bodies to a certain bmi range to keep their organs healthy for actual productive member of society who may need them. Eyes go first.
Decaying naturally is what allows the incarnation process to unfold. Thats the big secret to Buddhism they dont want you to find out. Your consciousness is contained in your matter and as it returns to the Earth you'll reincarnate into a different life form.
>"He wasn't a faggot all the time"
I'm a donor but my family keeps telling me I have some protein deficiency "spend more money on medicine" meme and I was a smoker for 10 years. Doubt they'll get much use out of me.