So this is the power of the Nordic master race?
So this is the power of the Nordic master race?
it's called communism
The contrast would be much more stark if it wasn't for West Germany's aid.
You sure about that?
Nordics are trailer trash
makes sense, east Germany is full of WWII slavic rape babies
those western areas have the most mohamedans
Germany was mass raped by Slavs for 4 years (1945-1949). 2 million women raped repeatedly.
It's not a nordic country any more, it's slavic. Ethnic Germans were ended by genocidal rape.
But slavs have souls and the german people are still soulless?
U mean zionist occupied germany?
Camper used for trips=/=trailers people live in
It's alpine master race mate.
It wasn't rape, the German women accepted Slav cock willingly in order to repopulate
They realized these Slavs that killed their husbands are the stronger men, so they accepted their superior seed
no, both slavs and germans are soulless.
You have obviously never seen the campers they use, the are decked out and expensive
Go eat sand abbo
"In the days following Germany's defeat in World War II, at the age of 12, Hannelore Kohl was raped by Soviet soldiers and subsequently “thrown out of a window like a sack of potatoes by the Russians. In addition to the obvious psychological impact, the attacks left her with a fractured vertebra and back pain for the rest of her life. "
I agree, they were gagging for it.
They don't live in them, but use them for holiday trips etc. you retarded strawmanning cunt.
Kraut women had to lie about being raped, because they were ashamed that they got overcome with lust after they saw the Soviets approaching
she got railroaded and regretted it afterwards
Whatever else changes, female behaviour remains constant
triggered snow monkey gypsy's
slavs top kek
slavs have never been supperior
slavs boast on the achievements of their ancestors while they them selves still live by 3rd world standards
slavs are the descendands of mongols
mongols were more subhuman than chinese
chinese have no souls
you get soulless subhuman descendants that you call ''slav'' now
slavs believe in the paranormal
slavs are only white because they never see fucking sunlight, shed some sunlight on them and the eternal mongol emerges from within them
Insecure little Westboi, fearing that the horse archer might return
i actually live in the balkans and im a turk myself
LOL. Since when were germans "nordic"?
Oh look it's highest where all the nigger chimpanzee immigrants live.
Well they arent they belong to the alpin-germanic group more likely.
I wasnt aware immigrants had blonde hair?
The more nordic the country gets, the worse it gets
"Germans weren't Nordic"
Merkel has ruined everything
1 trillion dollars lack of investment in infrastructure,services
everything is breaking down
can´t build even airports
trains dont run on time
not enough police
schools fall apart
growth only due to low intrests rates of the EZB
suppressing wages
healthservices in free fall
Berlin is a total shithole
Merkel did a pretty good job of scamming the rest of europe actually
Look into the"Treuhand" shennanigans that happened after 1990. GDR states got systematically dismantled, potential competition companies folded or sold off for symbolic 1 Deutschmark to western corporations who then stripped and folded them.
Funnily enough, it were the French who literally forced us into the Euro because otherwise they wouldn't let us reunify. Get fucked, frogfaces lmao
slav and baltic
you're a retard
It really makes you think