I'll try to keep this short

I'll try to keep this short.

Is it okay for a 24 year old to be hanging around a 16 year old, in hopes of getting together one day? Let me just bring up a couple other things. It's not about "getting someone your age" or maturity levels on the older person's part. But that the girl is a very rare specimen. Relateable interests, weirdly kinky, doesn't follow trends or other people, would rather be alone, good taste, etc. I guess everything that would actually come together to form a real connection between you and the other person.

Let's also say that this younger specimen is practically holding them by the balls (literally and figuratively), in those same hopes? I would imagine it isn't one of those cases of "young and stupid". It's.. different. Though the immaturity is sometimes annoying to deal with.


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>Is it okay for a 24 year old to be hanging around a 16 year old

Ill keep it shorter: No.

don't listen to the moral fags, OP.


What are your thoughts?

Sixteen is an impressionable, naive age where children, yes children, are unable to prioritize things the way the will the rest of their adult life. The stereotype about teenage girls falling for guys who already graduated high school is real, because the attention makes them feel grown up even though they definitely aren't emotionally prepared for the responsibilities and opportunities that come with spending intimacy with adults
>but this girl is mature
No she isn't

Dude, you have 6 years of advantage over her, you shouldn't connect so much. You should be on another stage of your life already.

I never said they are mature, but they will mature either way, correct? I know that stereotype is real, but it doesn't apply here.

What's 6 years of advantage even mean? The only thing I'm doing at the moment is looking for a job. That's something 16 year olds can do too.

That's called grooming, user. Don't do it.

>Child grooming is befriending and establishing an emotional connection with a child, and sometimes the family, to lower the child's inhibitions with the objective of sexual abuse.
That is not me.

She needs to develop socially and emotionally with people her age, just like everyone else
I don't know how else to tell you this, your influence is unhealthy for her and any eagerness or acceptance of your friendship/companionship on her part is the equivalent of buying a child toys and candy because you know that's what it takes to motivate them

>Is it okay for a 24 year old to be hanging around a 16 year old, in hopes of getting together one day?
Pedophiles are human garbage, but groomers literally have no soul. Do whatever you want, it's pretty clear from your you're a deplorable human being looking for justification for your disgusting behavior.

>What's 6 years of advantage even mean? The only thing I'm doing at the moment is looking for a job. That's something 16 year olds can do too.

Exactly. You are stuck. Is this your first job? Because a 16 yo is just getting their first job, I hope you had others as you are 26.

Also, you should be done or almost done with college/tertiary education at this point. Or, if you have forgone higher education (which is fine) you should have been building a career in the meantime.

Are you living alone? Are you planning on moving out at least? Again, they are nowhere near that, and you should be.

You two are at different points in life, you have to see it.

> I know that stereotype is real, but it doesn't apply here.

Also, come on. Don't lie to yourself.You said she was immature in the OP man.

You want to bone down with a minor "eventually", and you are establishing the connection now.

But they say it's the best age for women
[spoiler]What's up with all these questions about getting together with minors these days? Common sense should tell you to not do that. Ever.

>But they say it's the best age for women

>But they say it's the best age for women

Who says that? And best age for what?

>She needs to develop socially and emotionally with people her age, just like everyone else
Oh bullshit. So you think it is best for her to go out with a bunch of retarded boys to develop "socially" and "emotionally"? Those sorts of things develop normally through literally anything, like a fucking job. Not everybody turns out to be an annoying extrovert.

Pedophiles ARE human garbage. And no one said anything about grooming.

I had some other part time jobs. Not much experience in anything. All I need is a full time job and I can move out. 50% of people drop out of college. It's pointless, and I can't afford it. I'd rather take up some programming and learn to freelance with those skills.

Why does any of this matter? Tell me where it is going to end badly.

I didn't intend for this to happen. It just happened, like how you meet with someone you enjoy being around. I also have no clue what these dating underage girls memes are about. I have never seen them.

No you idiot
>a now 20 y/o guy who met someone 7 years his senior when he was 16
>she fucked my shit right up and I still have feelings for her
>the chances of this working out are so abysmal you should just leave it
Honestly OP if she's still around in your life by happenstance when she's older THEN maybe it could work.

Whatever dude we aren't going to be your pedo hugbox so you might as well stop posting

>Why does any of this matter? Tell me where it is going to end badly.

As I said, leaving higher education is fine. I just pointed out that you need to spend the time you would be using studying on building a career. You clearly haven't.

Do you really need me to explain to you why growing up with a developmentally stunted partner would be damaging for a teen? Really?

Dude, you are not 16 anymore, stop acting like you are.

>And no one said anything about grooming.
>I didn't intend for this to happen.

But you are planning on doing it now. Please, explain to me how this is different from grooming.

In another time it would be fine and even expected, but we live in degenerate times so the degenerates will project their illness into you.

Good luck and take care of the laws.

What do you mean she fucked your shit up, what happened?

I'm not a pedo.

So it's bad because my life hasn't taken off yet? I'm not a bad influence, and I only encourage her to do good things. It's true that I should be focusing on something, and I am trying to. But I'm not grooming because groomers use young people for sex.

>But I'm not grooming because groomers use young people for sex
Keep telling yourself this lie

Idk, probably pedos or some shit. I recall people saying that their bodies are at their best since they're considerably developed but at the same time really youthful.
Even if that were the case it's still not worth screwing them other in a rather critical moment of their lives.

>But I'm not grooming because groomers use young people for sex.

So you don't expect to have sex with her?

>I'm not a bad influence, and I only encourage her to do good things.

How can you encourage her when you can't even encourage yourself?

>So it's bad because my life hasn't taken off yet?

Exactly. You are just going to drag her down. You are not in a place to really date, but even worse if you go for someone younger.

Wait, are you even OP?

>no one said anything about grooming.
Was it not your plan to stick around until she grows up?

No, of course not, I'm not interested in getting with kids.
I thought the failed spoiler would make clear I don't agree with his position.

The only reason I feel even slightly wrong about this is because of what the majority of people think. I'm doing something else and she is still in high school so I can't be with her. Other than that, I don't feel anything from it.

I am encouraging myself. There is only so much I can do. I'm getting my car fixed, so in the mean time I'm just reading.

All I see is that you didn't deny wanting to fuck her and that you didn't explain how this is not grooming when it fits the definition to a T.

>I am encouraging myself.

I'm glad, but until you move on from being 16 mentally, you are not ready to date. Why do you think your best shot is a teen in high school? Because you are still that in your mind and attitude.

You need to grow up.

>So you think it is best for her to go out with a bunch of retarded boys to develop "socially" and "emotionally"?
She needs to grow up in an environment she can relate to with friends her age. That can share her perspective. A guy 8 years older is hardly going to be able to do that.
Friends are important, we are social creatures.

>Dude, you are not 16 anymore, stop acting like you are.
I wish I could. I really stopped growing mentally once I finished high school. I feel the exact same way as back then, I'm a manchild.

The amount of disgust reactions you're getting from everyone in this thread should be a good indicator on the choices you're making
We operate within the bounds of a social contract, and like it or not you can't do everything you want to do, even if you don't think it will hurt anyone, without consequence
Hanging around a vulnerable person much younger than you in the hopes that you she will eventually fall in love with you is a predatory practice and everyone has mutually agreed that it is unacceptable

Hell, it's as easy as saying: It's not legal, don't do it.

Why does it always boil down to that "I can't find someone my own age"? I'm not and I wasn't looking for someone to begin with. Like I said it just happened and I ended up really liking her. I'm not in a high school state of mind.

I tell her to try and make some friends, but she says she doesn't want any, gets angry at me and asks why I care about friends so much, and then just says she only cares to be with me.

We are social creatures but we aren't all social. We don't attend to one characteristic, and that is what makes humans special. She seems to be asocial in a way, where she will talk to people if it matters or to be nice and waste time. But not actively searching for it. Even one friend would be nice though.

You really are a manchild.

Everyone I know who's done this has been a loser scumbag and has been perceived as such. You're justifying your behavior already so I can only imagine how much worse it will be when you end up fucking her.
Do yourself and her a favor and let go. She's going to be nearly a different person by 19 anyway.

Why would you even want teenagers? They're fucking annoying.

Get a job, move on your own or with friends YOUR AGE. Hang out with people YOUR AGE. Make an effort to grow up.

Teens sit and whine like bitches, waiting for adults to solve their problems. You are the adult now, and we can't solve it for you. Do something with yourself.


I'm not a loser scumbag. I'm sorry if it seems like I am trying to justify it. I just want opinions. It seems like if I leave her, she would probably kill herself to be honest.

>I'm not and I wasn't looking for someone to begin with. Like I said it just happened and I ended up really liking her. I'm not in a high school state of mind.

You were only able to connect with a high school girl, so you are in a high school state of mind.

We are not saying you looked for her, we are sqying that now, instead of realizing you need to be with someone your age, you are trying to groom this girl up.

>You really are a manchild.
Isn't that a bit rich coming from you.

Let's put it another way. She's not an option as a partner, so you'll have to get rid of your feelings for her. Interacting with people your age will give you access to individuals whom you can connect better with and that will be a better match for you, more mentally compatible. You'll hopefully find someone you like more.
The other option is to lose those feelings through distancing yourself, but we both know you're not doing that.

>It seems like if I leave her, she would probably kill herself to be honest.
Are you certain about that or are you trying to find a justification in that she needs you to live?
Because that's serious.

Well to throw one more in the pile, my opinion is that you will fuck this girl up. Her infatuation for you is likely a phase and she'll probably undergo a change in social habits like most young people do. She doesn't need you, what you did there with the suicide thing is justifying. Acting like your hands are tied in this matter. They aren't, walk away.

>It seems like if I leave her, she would probably kill herself to be honest.

If that's true, then you are the least qualified person to help her. You are a dude that's missing 8 years of emotional development. You won't save her. You'll probably only make it worse.

Just like your jailbait, I too was very forward with my advances on my ex. I eventually got her to cave and all was well for a while. I was extremely happy with her and we just had great chemistry together. However what undid that great chemistry is the FACT that you two are in very different periods of your life. She is not and will never be at the same place as you in a sense. It may seem insignificant to you right now, but I can assure you it will rear it's ugly head more the more time you spend with her.
>short story time
>older chick and I date for a while
>after some time chick starts to resent the fact I am so much younger
>this leads to arguments about our future together, but mostly my future. Things like where I would go to uni, if I want children, when will I move out, etc
>these arguments came to a head in a very messy break up
>shit sucks because we got along so well and cared for one another a lot, but once she really understood just how much younger I was it drove her away from me

I'm try to tell you to not get involved with this girl because it's not going to end well OP. There is just way too much against you in this situation.

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>It seems like if I leave her, she would probably kill herself to be honest
Yeah, and this is what happens when you're almost in your mid-twenties and you give a teenage girl this sort of attention. It's like social cocaine, it's an overload and now that she feels like she's mature enough to attract someone your age she'll find it hard to "settle" (in her mind) for less

I wish I could spoil this, but she was raped a couple times, and she only finds true comfort with me. So I ended up being really attached to her, and it does seem like she would. This isn't some little thing. I do like her, but she really really likes me. I figured I might as well just let the age thing go, and wait to see if she ever will grow out of me. But I don't think that will happen, even though people tend to say that.

So it's all about taking those responsibilities and finding people that are already in that stage so that you'll become more like them?

You are the worst

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So now you are not only grooming a minor, but also taking advantage of her damaged mental state? Dude, stop digging yourself in!

Yeah, pretty much. If you really want to get there, you need to find people that help you get there, not that help you stay stuck.

Why? He just tried to help her in her time of need but bit more than he could chew.

This just gets worse and worse lol
This girl needs a therapist, not your future dick.

Garden regardless of what you think if anyone finds out and I mean anyone finds out what y’all are doing it’s a minimum of two years in prison. Maximum sentence is life by the way. Just please God stick to the three-year rule dude come on.

I know that's you, op

She has a therapist. How am I taking advantage of her mental state?

He is still planning on fucking her, though. He is the worst because of what he is doing now, which is take advantage of a vulnerable person (or at least, planning n taking advantage of her and coming to us for support and encouragement to do it)

I'd like to believe OPs situation came out of ignorance and not maliciousness, but regardless it's FUCKED

By feeding her dependency while you harbor plans to dick her? It's pretty obvious.

Oh my god. I am not planning on fucking her. That's not a thing right now.


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You're either dumb or just pretending to be.

Bruh you are in no position to look at a 16 year old in this way. Especially if she is in the state you say she is in. This. Will. Not. End. Well. put that in your head OP.

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>Though the immaturity is sometimes annoying to deal with
you mean your immaturity?

Didn't OP say that the dickings weren't happening? If he plans to fuck her, yeah, that's fucked up.

But it's going to happen, right? That's why it's a plan, it doesn't happen now, it happens later.

The second sentence of your OP was talking about dicking her.
You might not think it's about that, but your dick has other opinions.

I understand, I'll try and meet people then.

He never said that, he avoids that part. I asked him like 5 times already. The most I got out of him is:

>That's not a thing right now.

Notice the NOW at the end.

>if anyone finds out and I mean anyone finds out what y’all are doing
The people posting too?
Can you really get just two years? That's worryingly low for taking advantage of a vulnerable minor.

Read the OP. In what universe does "getting together one day" not involve fucking?

>right now.
Oh shit, it's true. You want to get into that teenage ass as soon as the law tells you it's ok. This is grooming, m8.

Lmao you must be baiting my dude. This girl is a rape victim, 16 years old, and is completely attached to you.


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Maybe I was too sleepy when I first read it, it's creepier than I remember.
Yeah, I noticed.

I have no idea how to react to these posts because no matter what I say, it is bad.

>I like her
>So you want to fuck her
>No. That doesn't matter now.
>OH but you WILL eventually! When she is older!
>I mean if you love someone. I can wait for it
>No I meant that it doesn't MATTER and after the age of 18 it...

What is the big deal?

>What's the big deal?
You have no sense of morality and your parents are total fucking failures, just like YOU

>What is the big deal?

That you are grooming! You have proven it yourself right now.

Befriending a minor (and a vulnerable one on top of that), waiting until it's legal to fuck them and using that connection to get a relationship and sex out of them.

How is that not clear to you?

What do you want to get out of this? What is your end goal? Is it to wait for her to be a legal adult so you can be a couple?

This is grooming, dipshit.

Let's play devil's advocate a bit. He's not a sexual predator, he wasn't planning on falling for the girl, it's something that happened once they got close. It wasn't expected on his part.

You are manipulating a child. That's it. Full stop. Even when she's 18 she may be fully grown physically but mentally there is still a lot of growing up to do. It will be legal at 18 for you to see this girl in a romantic sense, but OP if you don't see what you are doing wrong right now then there's nothing more we can say.

Then the ethical thing is to immediately call this off upon realizing what's happening.

Is he manipulating her by allowing her to be attached and being a friend?

That would be the end goal, yes.

Then you walk out OP. If this was not your goal, just leave. It's best for both of you.

Literally yes

Yes. Feeding this toxic relationship to reap a benefit at the end is manipulation.

That's grooming.

user says that he fears she may take her life since she is very attached to him and she's kind of a loner, given she's a rape victim he might consider it unwise to leave her alone and thus feel actually responsible for her instead of it just being an excuse.

Talk to her family, talk her into getting help, do something to help her move out, don't try to build a future relationship with her.

Fuck off, OP. As others have said in this thread, you are not the one qualified to help her and your continued presence will only exacerbate this issue. Assuming it isn't just adhoc justification anyway.

Therefore there's no room for them to form a friendship and he should call it off, right? Since she's in a vulnerable state of mind.

He is manipulating her by allowing this friendship to continue in such a way where she thinks it's okay to feel romantically for him because he also wants to be in a relationship with her. He is encouraging this unhealthy relationship. If it was nothing more than a friendship then we would have a different story.

Exactly. He can't form a real friendship because he has ulterior motives.

user says, boys. I'm not that guy. I just want to believe he's misguided, instead of actually bad.

I'm sorry, did I call it a goal? I have feelings for her, so it is my right to think that way. She can do whatever she wants. She isn't in a cage.

I'm not going to say much about what she went through, but I feel like I definitely helped her out of bad situations.

I'm not manipulating her. She feels that way for me on her own merit.

>If it was nothing more than a friendship then we would have a different story.
Alright, then it is a friendship. It isn't like we are dating. If she decides to date when she is older, that would be fine then, right?

It doesn't matter if he is morally bad or not, he is going to hurt someone and he doesn't want to listen to us.

Labels don't matter. He needs to stop.

So it's that simple. Why can't OP see that?

He could certainly be promoting romantic feelings in her without him even noticing since he feels that way as well. I don't think he really can form a normal friendship, at least not when the girl doesn't seem interested in establishing contact with people her age that would provide a reference and is so vulnerable begin with.

That's not what's happening. What's happening is that you fully intend to start a relationship with this girl once she's of age. That's grooming, and it's creepy and unethical behavior no matter what angle you look at it from.

>I'm sorry, did I call it a goal?

Doesn't matter what you call it. You said, and I quote:

>Is it okay for a 24 year old to be hanging around a 16 year old, in hopes of getting together one day?

So you "hope" it happens. That's grooming.