Is it considered gay to date a trans girl?

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no bueno

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If you have a dick and it has a dick, yes it's gay.
If you have a dick and it had a dick but had surgery, it still has XY chromosomes, which still makes you gay

dating a trans-anything is the worst thing you can do, don't give them any attention. let them die off quietly

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Dating a man as a man is to be considered as homosexuality, hence the term.

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this senpai



But what if he only sucks your dick and you both said no homo first?

Trans girl or trans man? Is a man trans if hes a girl or a trans girl? Or is a trans girl a man if sheit is a man who is trans but identifies as a man who is trans? What about a man, who was born a girl but became a trans girl to become a man? Am I gay if I date a woman who became a trans girl man?

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The Chad tranny versus the virgin cissy

To be clear, a trans "girl" is a man. So yes, it is gay - you may be attracted to a certain femininity about them but this is mostly an affectation. While they are young and still somewhat androgynous they might just about pull it off with enough makeup - but as they age they will be abominations to man and gods alike.

>Is it considered gay to date a trans girl?

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yes because they are still men in girl body

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who cares


This right here.

It's gay to have to ask

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there are two genders
XX and XY
trans girls dont exist
its a mental illness
"dating" a sodomite is heresey and should be punished with burning at the stake without retentium.

I'll give you a nice rule of thumb: if you have to ask if something is gay, it is

Good thread.

Are traps gay?

"She" only dates women, even a tranny doesnt want you.

Look, you're choosing to date a guy who dresses like a girl. Why do you choose a faux over the real thing? Logic would dictate you like the balls and dick and that is the definition of homosexuality. An attraction to the same sex

what if you liked her for who she was and wanted to be with her?


You just like the idea of who they are. It's still homosexual if you suck his balls or touch them or fondle in any way.


According to science no. A trans woman is a female. Get over it Bigots!

Yes. It's a mentally ill man on hormone drugs. You're gay. You enjoy dicks.

Science is theories and speculation. constantly changing. Always finding new ways of looking at things but that also means it's hardly ever right from the start. There was no big science on trannys until just a few years ago. People seem to want toaccept the unknown and abnormal. That's just how this fucking retarded generation is, but then once we find out more, normies for the most part are gonna realized that this was just another bump in the road for science

Its just the question of technology really, if you have one that can turn Brock Lesnar into fertile Scarlett Johansson with 100% real pussy and personality than its not. Its the future … women will die out and superior sex will survive.


>Science is theories and speculation
>theories and speculation
These are antonyms. A theory is the highest precedence and must hold in all measurements. A law on the other hand can be broken.

If by trans girl you mean a guy in a dress who may or may not have chopped off their dick? Yeah, that’s pretty fucking gay.

Im going ot ignore this and call you a nazi faggot

Only if you suck xer penis

Not to sound like a liberal cuck here but does it matter? Are you happy now and could you be happy forever? If the answer is no then just leave (((it))) and never do it again.

Also think about children. Could you EVER imagine having children? Have you ever pondered it once? Then no. The answer is no. You'll regret not having children more than you'll regret some temporary bond that might have been

A scientific theory is a fact that can be proved scientifically, such as heliocentricity

It scales on a spectrum from yes to, if they look like that, fucking definitely.

I throat kekd

yes it's gay. (and retarded)

Ogre, Ogre, Ogre, Ogre!

I don't think so. You cross the "gay" threshold when you allow someone to evacuate into your anus.

>is it considered gay to date a man who identifies as a woman
>is it considered gay to date a man
Kys faggot

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which is of course nonsense
another brainlet confusing science with gender studies.
Being confused about your own gender is a mental illness.