How does an 18yo meet new people outside of clubbing, most of my school friends spend all their time on video games and occasionally we go out and do meaningless shit. I’m in my last year of high school and I’ve known these people all my life, they don’t have other friends, we’re just ourselves (private school long story)
I don’t even wanna meet people with common interests, I’m that desperate, willing to join anything new if it guarantees humans from my age group.
Requesting social assistance
>I’m that desperate, willing to join anything new if it guarantees humans from my age group.
Then it won't work. You need to have fun to be fun and make friends. Pick something you like and do that.
Sorry to tell you, but you were born in the one of the least social generations in recent history. I'm only 22 and all I know about teenagers is Fortnite and Instagram, I'm not sure they leave their houses anymore other than going shopping.
I tried not to say that but God you are right...
Don't be lazy assholes. Even anime fans go out to cons and share socially. Don't blame others for your lack of trying.
Unlike a significant percentage of guys on this site, I’m quite adaptable regardless of the event. So if you could spit out some examples, I’d be very greatful. (Sorry for double posting I’m on mobile and it’s easier)
That’s a fkin convention where you literally gather up with people who you share common interest with. Not the best example you can give. I could also go to gaming cafes but that is that really optimal?
>Unlike a significant percentage of guys on this site, I’m quite adaptable regardless of the event.
That's not the problem. The problem is that you'd be going there with an agenda and with no investment on the activity itself. You'd be a phony, and people will be able to tell.
Show some degree of self-worth and pick something. Make a choice that you like and prove you are a person, not a spineless jellyfish.
>That’s a fkin convention where you literally gather up with people who you share common interest with.
So you mean that young people do go out?
>to a once a year event
Not really a weekday thing my dude
What? Cons happen at least once a month, more if you go to the really shitty ones, too.
And you can go out with people after you've made friends, your problem is that you don't have any.
Not OP but I think he's asking for weekly activities that don't involve tickets for things like concerts and cons that people his age can do together
That’s why I’m not going to Animecon: I don’t like anime, the people that I know and watch anime are complete outcasts. I wouldn’t quite fit in if that wasn’t obvious. As the other user said, fortnite, shopping and Instagram are 99% of this age group +/- drugs for some.
If y’all so critical just spit some advice and shame on me for not trying it.
I know, but I'm pointing out that even otakus whose main hobby is anime do hang out together. Also, if he has such a defined idea of what he wants, why is he asking us?
>That’s why I’m not going to Animecon: I don’t like anime
Tell us what you like, then. Pick something that resonates with you.
> you don’t have any
I do and they play Fortnite and stay inside all day or do shit like cocaine (though I’d consider the druggy ones acquaintances). I have friend whom I go visit with abandoned buildings and spooky shit if that’s a weird hobby.
We go visiting once every 2 months cause a shit load of planning is needed and it’s exhausting plus a bit dangerous.
Well, when you said drugs I thought pot. Your social circle sounds like absolute crap. Get a better hobby.
Watch RSD social circle things. You need to change your mindset
> International politics(not national ones I hate my country(Romania)) thanks Jow Forums
> Gym, thanks Jow Forums
> vidya unfortunately
> I once picked up a fighting sport in hopes ill meet new guys by everybody was 30 or 40 and I was literally considered a twink because I wasn’t balding yet and wasn’t fat so I quit(plus it didn’t teach any actual fighting skills, beware (((Krav Maga))) gyms)
> I’d visit new cities every weekend if I had a couple of buddies willing to
You mean fags could also recommend hobbies(not anime pls) or tell me what you do during your free time.
I’m getting really desperate since I’ve know my friends since kindergarten and couldn’t really get exposure to other people because I was socially autistic up until 2017 or smth.
>You mean fags could also recommend hobbies(not anime pls) or tell me what you do during your free time.
Why should we tell you what to do? As with anime, it won't work. You need to pick something yourself.
Use what you like as a starting point. Try new gyms or something.
find GF on dating apps
This looks awesome thanks user
I've met some great people through Judo and that's a real sport and fighting art. You went to a bad spot, krav maga is horseshit, don't write off the pursuit entirely though.
God this sounds disgusting, but I’m desperate... The pool on Tinder here is kinda small but it’s worth a shot, thanks user I guess...
How was the beginning, I’ve been thinking about kickboxing since I don’t really like those white suits(Kimonos?). I’m also scared about the newbie and age factor since that killed my will for Krav Maga.
On a side note: I know Judo is an art and all but isn’t it too “weak” in an actual fight vs someone who did boxing or wrestling?
i try this and my friend do this too, perfectly work in russia:
Find girl in date app. Try some girls(i try 3)
Pick what you like, i pick very social girl she have many friends around the city, hang out with her, meet with her friends
make instagram profile
I have a home gym, my gym buddy has a home gym :^). If you ever lifted seriously you know a home gym is the best option
you probably right about judo in that way.
i go to fight sambo in russia, one time judo group hang out in our class, we do small competition, we
totally destroy them - i never see them after
i`m not even date her, we just cool friends
How do you expect to make friends if you don't leave your home?
I don't think there's any reason to think that. There are MMA fighters out there with judo backgrounds, like Karo parysian. Judo guys tend to stick with Judo because there's a career track of sorts unlike with wrestling.
Sambo is literally just judo with a different ruleset.
If you ever lifted weights you would approve of my decision, I can talk with gym rats for hours on end, it’s just that a home gym is much better than a commercial one.
Then tell me a hobby you can do out of your house, dipship. I don't care about your training regime. Do you want to go out? Pick something to do outside of your house.
Watch your mouth racist
Sorry, the Russians came up with it and they won't change.
> tell me a hobby you can do out of your house
Could you please do that for me honey? That’s one of the main things I’m looking for.
No, I can't, because it will go like the anime suggestion above. You need to pick it yourself.
>Sorry to tell you, but you were born in the one of the least social generations in recent history.
Fuckinv lol, blind leading the blind
Despite me browsing this site, I still have a very unfavourable opinion on those who watch anime because I’ve seen stuff like hero academia or whatever that a dude my age watches and it just felt fked up. Not you guys tho, I love everyone here no matter wether you like 2D or not
You didn't offend me because you don't like anime. It's just a good example of how we can't tell you what to do, because we are not you and we don't know what you like. YOu need to experience and choose for yourself, like you did with anime.
He is somewhat right though, not justifying me in any way, but he is still definitely somewhat right.
You talk a lot of shit for some tasteless fag asking us to spooned you the best bandwagon to jump on
He is not, he is bitching about sour grapes like you are.
For fucks sake, I haven’t seen anybody under 40 that has a slight interest in international politics or modern history for example. It’s probably worse for fellas younger than me since they have gotten used to the smartphone much earlier...
What a compelling argument
I bet you are the brightest star out there pal, mind shining some light of yours on me too?
>I haven’t seen anybody under 40 that has a slight interest in international politics or modern history for example
Those aren't hobbies you dip
Ok how do I reach these sweet tasty grapes then friend?
It's easy to see why you have no friends when you're such a conceited cunt who can't even take what he dishes out
Then try new things and see what you like. Try to pick hobbies with other people, don't just pick out a new genre of book and huddle back home.
I’m not even looking for friends, I’m looking for acquaintances, it’s that my friends just stay inside on vidya and I wanna stop doing that because I know it’s harmful both long and short term
By leaving your home and putting on a nice attitude. I've been telling you that for an hour now.
Where do you expect me to go when leaving my home. My situation was much worse last year for example like I couldn’t even ask a girl for a pen because I was shy. IM TRYING MY BEST ALRIGHT
>Where do you expect me to go when leaving my home.
PICK SOME HOBBY. It's like you don't even read what we write.
The only hobby’s any of you mentioned we’re fighting sports and I’m already looking into that. Other than that you simply kept telling me that I should get a hobby. DISH OUT SOME EXAMPLES FFS
If you are so demanding without putting any effort, then I can see why people don't want to hang out with you.
Do volunteer work. There's an example.
Now I will wait until you explain why it won't work for you, and then you are just proving my point once again. But you will keep bitching because you are a lazy teenager. And I will leave after that.
That’s something I will actually have to do later on so it’s probably the first good example you say. It’s either cleaning, planting trees or taking care of autistic children, but after all it ain’t supposed to be fun, I’ll have to find a friend to help me out with this but it’s definitely something I’m gonna do.
Until now I have volunteering and fighting classes. See, you can help out too if you want to do that. Still nothing new, at least I got motivation somewhat.
>Still nothing new, at least I got motivation somewhat.
Sorry we can't be original on top of solving your problem for you.
Now go and do it, stop wasting time here.