Jow Forums i converted to Islam today

Jow Forums i converted to Islam today.
I was never really religious , my parents were christians ( catholics ) and we only went to church once in a year. So after i got my Abitur ( high school degree ) and i didnt know what to do.

I started studying 5 years ago and didnt took it serious enough. Its was ina STEM field but i wasnt happy. I got what everybody always preaches about life:
>Tons of pussy from white women
>Parties with beer and weed
but it wasnt right.

Most of the time i acted aggressive or passive and not even one relationship lasted longer than 6 months .
I couldnt stand these soulless people in university, the claim that everything can be explained with science , the feeling something was missing. I realized all my white friends were shallow people, who only cared for success . I couldnt stand the bitches i fucked because they were just sucking away money out of me and using me to gain recognition from others you know
>Hihi ladies guess who is in a relationship with user?
>Bitches screaming and talking about our sexual behaviour

I hit rock bottom when i was so drunk i started a fist fight with some stranger just for pleasure. I broke his nose and i was sentenced to community service for 150 hours.
I lost my student job , my parents said i was a dissapointment and even my shitty girlfriend at the time left me.

At this bottom i met the most marvelous women in my life, Fatima. She is my current gf and i'm going to marry her. She taught my everything about Islam and Mohammed (alayhi as-salam) and i got my circumcision few months ago.
Believing in on god Allah, who created everything made my life complete.

I hope you guys will someday realize the truth too

Pic related my gf

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Did you only become Muslim because your girlfriend is actually just a blow-up doll?

tldr fuck off achmed

Don't fall for the crazy violent jihad stuff.
Violence never produces a good life.
If someone starts talking Islam is violent jihad to you, you will know you're in with the wrong crowd.
You still need to establish a job/career, family, house, etc. Good luck and happy life to you both. Live it right.

The only truth here is that you are spineless. Typical modern German.

Radical Islam is true Islam.
t. respect islam

>blow-up doll

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*******extreme inhale*********


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ok Achmed i totally believe you now.

autistic desert bandit prophet pedophile

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Are you gonna become a child diddler also?

Why don't more Jow Forums posters convert to Islam? The only real difference I can see is the lack of alcohol and pork in Islam.

chopping off your dick for a woman, way to go bro.
If it isnt bait, know Jesus waits for the prodigal sons. Repent before its too late.


listening to a hot wind jew

>Pic related my gf
This is a bait, right? She's disgusting

>She taught my everything about Islam and Mohammed (alayhi as-salam)

Did she also teach you that Islam states that women are half as intelligent as men, and are not to be trusted?

If its not a joke congrats bro and welcome to the brotherhood. It's been almost 5 years for me i'm married and I have no degeneracy in my life.

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>consents to circumcision at adult age

boi u just ruined your dick lol

>pic related my gf
kek. your gf is a pig, hans

>I was never really religious
>I converted to islam

That's not a conversion then is it? You made the decision to join a terrorist organisation.

Nice you married ugly Gypsy, good job race mixing faggot.

How cucked are you?!

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Perfect example of superior german cuckoldry.

Yeah, but pork here is unironically the cheapest meat here. And most of our traditions involve those 2 things. If you convert to Islam you are traitor to your ancestors.

It makes me sad that I'm not surprised by that, what the fuck Germans?

>insufficient inner strength to leave degeneracy without submission to an imaginary father figure.
Faggotry confirmed.

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>reverse image search reveals OP:s pic is a Persian girl from some dating site or instagram
Get fucked with your larp Mehmet.

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I don’t believe a word you wrote.
There’s a shit Canadian Muslim who’s always lying and LARPing in OP’s trying to get coverts to his cult too.
You’re a liar. But worse you’re a wretch.

Ha! What did I just say.
They are utter fucking scum and Syria General should be shoahed like it should have been from the start.
I unironically prefer negros to Muslims.

>>Tons of pussy from white women

Interesting. Something tells me that you're not German. Why would a German phrase it like that instead of simply saying:

"Tons of pussy"...
The fact that you added "from white women".
seems almost redundant or suspicious.

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This is OP’s real love interest.
And btw Jews don’t shill this board 10% as often as the other Semites, Muslims.

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>Reminder to all, that Lebanon is a Christian nation

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We're being replaced with mudslimes, the fuckers have 6 kids, whereas our people only have 1 or 2.
The majority of the christian population, including myself are fleeing to the west.
Just nuke us already, we only represent 30% of the population.

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>She taught my everything about Islam and Mohammed
Good, because I have question, and no Muslim has been able to give me an answer yet. Diacritics are absolutely vital in understanding Arabic, but the oldest Islamic manuscripts were written without them. As you can see in pic related, a lack of diacritics creates a huge amount of different interpretations. As a result, there are at least 26 known Arabic Qurans with theological differences. My question is this: How do you know what is and isn't the truth within Islam?

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>we only represent 30% of the population.
What's life like when you're the minority ? are they nice to you guys ?

So because you are a total failure in life, you decided to shake off all resposibility and let your life dictate by an ancient religion. CONGRATS

You adipted to Islam for her?
She is pretty ugly and fat

>What's life like when you're the minority ? are they nice to you guys ?
They have to be, we signed an agreement after the civil war that:
>President will only be a Maronite Christian
>Prime minister will only be a Sunni muslim
>The head of the parliament will only be a Shite muslim
It's only a matter of time until they tear it apart though, since they have the majority of the demographics.

>was never really religious
>joins death cult
you are whats wrong, you literally have submitted to some pedo from the desert, congrats youre a waste and now an enemy of western civilization. you are whats wrong with the world.
death to islam and death to you

No ruski bro, ignore the shill.
See this

>It's only a matter of time until they tear it apart though, since they have the majority of the demographics.

How did it all began ? Were they originally refugees from Iraq? I mean, before you guys were the minority

God is great

Now go play in france

Don't be so black pilled. Your 40% Christian, the Muslims are like 54-55% and they are divided between Shia and Sunny whom hate each other. From what I've gathered based on your countries data (t. political science and economics major) there is no major differences in fertility rates in Lebanon between the major religions. Lebanon was +50% Christian before the civil war and the decline in Christian pop is not due to low birth rates but due to Christians moving abroad to find work as their more likely to be educated or sought after skills in labour. If all expat Lebs would return then the countries demographics would immediately shift to being +60% Christian, which is something the Muslim factions in the government try to prevent. Want to sweat the whole Lebanese parliament? Just bring up the discussion surrounding the status of Lebanese descendants and their ability to claim Lebanese citizenship.

>Typical modern German.

Jow Forums i converted to Christianity today.
I was never really religious , my parents were Atheists (hat-tippers) and we only went to church once im my lifetime (for grandpas funeral). So after i got my Bac ( high school degree ) and i didnt know what to do.

I started studying 5 years ago and didnt took it serious enough. Its was ina STEM field but i wasnt happy. I got what everybody always preaches about life:
>Tons of pussy from white women
>Parties with beer and weed
but it wasnt right.

Most of the time i acted aggressive or passive and not even one relationship lasted longer than 6 months .
I couldnt stand these soulless people in university, the claim that everything can be explained with science , the feeling something was missing. I realized all my white friends were shallow people, who only cared for success . I couldnt stand the bitches i fucked because they were just sucking away money out of me and using me to gain recognition from others you know
>Hihi ladies guess who is in a relationship with user?
>Bitches screaming and talking about our sexual behaviour

I hit rock bottom when i was so drunk i started a fist fight with some stranger just for pleasure. I broke his nose and i was sentenced to community service for 150 hours.
I lost my student job , my parents said i was a dissapointment and even my shitty girlfriend at the time left me.

At this bottom i met the most marvelous women in my life, Jeanne. She is my current gf and i'm going to marry her. She taught my everything about Christianity and Christ (Allelujah) and i got my baptism few months ago.
Believing in on Dieux, who created everything made my life complete.

I hope you guys will someday realize the truth too

Pic related my gf

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>1 post by this ID

Islam is the final redpill.

KYS. Sage

Fellow convert here welcome to a life of 0 degeneracy and an organised way of living.

Praise Allah

قبضة مؤخرتي

>Islam is the final redpill
>Islam is the final pill
So it's like cyanide for your ability to rationalise?

OP I converted to Paganism today. I went to the forest and while listening to Bruzum I realized I was sick of listening to pedos shill their sand nigger and kike religions. When the race war comes I hope to see your head on a pike. Sage

There is nothing wrong with white Islam.

Would you rather live in a 100% white 100% mulsim ethnostate or a 90% brown, 10% white "free" Weimar democracy? Or wvwn a constitutional republic that was 90% subsaharan?

You know the answer Jow Forums.

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>How did it all began ? Were they originally refugees from Iraq? I mean, before you guys were the minority
They were here before us. They lived on the coasts, we lived in the mountains. Until the french came in, in the 1920s and kicked the Turks out. They then established christian schools all over Lebanon, made French an official language...etc. Those were our best days. After the french fucked off, the muslims started outbreeding us. With every war we went through, christians fled to western countries since they were educated, whereas the uneducated (mostly muslim) had no choice but to stay.

Hey baguette bro, how can I get a qt 3.14 white waifu like pic related?

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>Aggressive, incapable of self-governance
>Engages in drunkenness and promiscuity, then moralises about it

Yeah, you're doing well with the whole Islam thing. I would do a 23 and Me if I were you, there's probably some Kebab meat in there already.

I usually just set little reminders for myself or reward finishing a task with some leisure time. But I'm glad converting to that meme religion makes you feel like you've sorted yourself out, user.

Is that because you're approximating a traditionalist white society (which is also theoretically possible without Islam) or because you know Whites are smart enough to practice it with self-criticism and self-correction?

Enjoy going to hell.


I just took this off the interwebs Lebabro, I also want a qt3.14

You are correct insofar as she is definitely a 3.14 out of a possible ten. Unless snail trails are your thing, Frenchie.

The latter, an Africanized society will always be hell (shit genes) a islamized white society can always be improved.

I think you're underestimating the gene like behaviour of certain ideas. You might as well give White people mad cow disease.

>converted to Islam today.
Nope. You're a pagan jew. That is what Islam is after all. Sellout for pussy= fucking pathetic loser.

I know she isn't your type but not all women sniff petrol.

t. Abboloving bogan

>I was a fuckup and basically my entire life was a mistake
>surely this will fix everything

The one invariant in all of your fuckups is YOU. Joining a religion, any religion, not just Islam, is not going to fix YOU. It's not going to make you smart enough to pursue STEM. It's not going to make you stop doing dumb shit like fighting strangers. It's just going to be something else you dabble in that you think is a solution, but the problem is you. You need to fix yourself, and simply joining another flavor of cult isn't going to do that.

low quality bait

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Is this better, OZ bro?

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Geh sterben. Und deine Fatma findet man 1000x bei der Google Bildersuche.

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Lebs scope out the best blondes quicker than they rev their compensatory vehicles, so yes, I would rather fuck the cartoon sheila than touch that hare-lipped nerdlinger whom almost certainly has hairy tits.

Wow... Germans are really the master race after all

Her titties look nice, are they?

I feel sorry for you if your story is real OP.

>not converting her over.

OP ya blow it.

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It gets better. It's self-replicating stupidity that establishes a kind of antireality miasma that then becomes self-enforcing and ubiquitous. Wait until he bores the tits off of the few white friends he has left about how having a beer is a crime against God, but women shouldn't have been on the bus after 8pm if they didn't want to be brutally raped by inbred Hajis that working people subsidise.

The only muslims I respect is the Jihadists. The moderate are just liberal cucks.

Liberal muslims are like successful traps. They can integrate fairly well with Western degeneracy but if you go to know them you'd realise that underneath the survive-the-surface programming they're a hot mess of conflicting hypocrisies and medieval opinions.

Jihadists are the autogynophiles - genetically mad, intent on reversing reality itself until it dislodges the sand from their vagina.

Islam is one of the "great world" religions so there isn't much to be done in avoiding it but it's not compatible with Western societies and most of its current ethnic practitioners should be removed.

OP got taqqiyah'd.
You should kill yourself and your gay thread.

niggerslime disgust white nigger