Somebody please make a response to this video.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I saw TV say that president man is very bad and I have to say that TV is right

regards, this video

lmao, america is fucked

yeah we are becoming more and more like you every day

>hes a bad guy because he wants to kick out these guys ''shows undocumented spic family''

this is america guys, a lot of them believe this is a good thing, letting people undocumented in. They already are a problem and steal your jobs, rape and murder.

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Refugees rape 10-year-old Finnish girl

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>becoming more and more like Mexico every day, but with faggot legislation

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What is the context? I dont feel like watching cuck porn.

>When you are so far gone on your own supply of liberal propaganda that he makes a full video of strawman arguments

Lol he said let's face it liberals don't stand a chance


doesn't need a response it is already aging poorly

Are dicks the only thing nigger have to offer? Kind of pathetic if you ask me.

Also, I'm not clicking on that link.

I'm white & I have a big dick. Niggers don't know shit about whites, let alone themselves.

The man shits centrism. Kudos to him.
Everyone is fucked in politics nowadays.

Also that video was awful, it's weird hes still doing this kind of thing it wasn't even that funny back in 2003 when newgrounds was still a thing

That wasn't centrism, but he did at least admit liberals wouldn't win that war lol

Conservatives: "I didn't like this video! Damn libruls!"
Anyone else: "Why not?"
Conservatives: "Bcuz libruls!"

I bet your name is juan and you think you're super smart

man, people here are so dumb I don't even know what is ironic anymore

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I love how this guy says shit like 'we in America', and talks as if he isn't obviously from some shit hole part of the world.

Copy and pasted a comment from video moron




Even a retarded monkey with scabies can see why this video is offensive. Your lot started the trend of banning shit you don't like - so eat it bitch.

jew's opinion on the value of obama vs trump

i feel dumber for having watched this

digits confirm. You are dumber for watching it.

It’s true that blacks have bigger dicks.
Its not a big deal and the fact that this is the only stereotype you guys fight against says something.

The fact that this is the one stereotype you cling to really does say something about you. And it's not good desu, it's not good at all. Read a fucking book, talk a walk in the woods - look at the Moon once in a while. FFS.



It's not even true though, only the studies with self-reported dick size say this. When it's actually measured, the gap disappears. It's almost like niggers would lie about "muh dick".

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t. nigger cope


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>The World Health Organization estimated that between 61.4 and 77.4 per cent of women and girls in Liberia were raped during the war.

>Blahyi has said he led his troops naked except for shoes and a gun. He believed that his nakedness was a source of protection from bullets.[8] Blahyi now claims he would regularly sacrifice a victim before battle, saying, "Usually it was a small child, someone whose fresh blood would satisfy the devil.

Africa 2018:

>Lemur extinction: Vast majority of species under threat
>The animals face a variety of threats, primarily the destruction of their tropical forest habitat, from so-called slash-and-burn agriculture, illegal logging, charcoal production and mining.

>Brazilian parrots portrayed in Rio are feared extinct

>Tanzania albino murders: 'More than 200 witchdoctors' arrested
>Albinos in Tanzania murdered or raped as AIDS "cure"

Attached: nigger cannibalism.webm (640x358, 1.91M)

>Marriage in The Gambia
>Most marriages are not registered with the government and many instances of forced marriage are not reported.
>Until recently, The Gambia did not have an official legal minimum age of marriage. However, in July 2016

Muslims rape women after they forced them into marriage:
>sexual intercourse with one's spouse without the spouse's consent.

Muslims cut vulva from women:
>Female genital mutilation (FGM), also known as female genital cutting and female circumcision
>removal of the clitoral hood and clitoral glans; removal of the inner labia; and removal of the inner and outer labia and closure of the vulva. In this last procedure, known as infibulation, a small hole is left for the passage of urine and menstrual fluid

>5,616 Indians Turned Slaves Every Day Over 2 Years
>As many as 18.3 million Indians live in conditions listed as “modern slavery”
>On an average, 51 out of every 100 people are vulnerable to modern slavery–bonded labour, forced begging, forced marriage, domestic services and commercial sex work–in India, according to the Global Slavery Index 2016

>In sub-Saharan Africa, 40% of women are married as children.
>Child marriage is widespread in West and Central Africa, where 42% of women are married as children, and in East and Southern Africa, where child marriage afects 37% of girls.
>high child marriage prevalence, such as Niger (76%)

Attached: Africa nigger.webm (640x360, 541K)

at least I dont have aids

Pajet is full of parasites:
>To support the Government of India to, by 2020, successfully implement an evidence-based, nationally-mandated deworming programme that reaches at least 75% of children.
>a total of 250 districts have been identified to be endemic for filariasis with a population of about 600 million at risk.
>Filariasis is a parasitic disease caused by an infection with roundworms of the Filarioidea type.

shit in food:
>Tests on Delhi eateries show high level of faecal matter in street food

shit in the air:
>In Delhi, Alleged Cases Of Poop Falling From Planes. National Green Tribunal Investigates
>Rooftops are reportedly spattered with waste

Working in sewers without protection:
>Over 1 million people in India’s “untouchable” caste are still tasked with cleaning sewers, drains, and latrines — with no protective gear.

Stealing organs from people in hospital:
>surgeons operated on hundreds of Indians against their will

Greedy Pajet amputates children to beg for money:
>Around 60,000 children go missing in India each year, however, there are probably way more that are not accounted for
>The reason they choose to amputate the children's legs is because disabled children brought in more money since people felt bad for them.

Attached: Africa nigger monkey cannibalism.webm (640x480, 1.26M)

>vid from a year ago
who ever cares? don't even give them views/attention

>We are heading to war and lets face it liberals don't stand a chance

That was actually correct.

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>starts spreading jewish propaganda that we are all the same

Looks like his prediction about North Korea was already wrong. Next up: another ice age will prove him wrong again.

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He's ranting about how Trump is gonna start a war with Korea. Can someone comment that Trump brought about peace and the Koreans credit him with the whole thing?

Also, hilariously he mentions how well France is doing.

God these people are retarded.

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Imagine having to break it to some dumb slut that you’re a black AND have a small dick

Idigenous people from hot countries dicks hang low when flacid to help radiate dead. Same reason for big lips. Indigenous people from cold countries dicks are more retractible to conserve heat when flaccid. Fully errect lengths dont differ much

heat not dead

lol small bald circumcised white penis, hahahaha, rekt white faggots

>A classic internet video from like 15 years ago turns out to be done by a flaming npc.

It's all so tiresome.

Wow, I really thought I had it all figured out, but this guy is light years ahead.

Makes sense bruv, but I'm Celtoid scum and my nob hangs quite low, so I'm not sure it's a universal.

Bbc is a Jewish lie

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This is so fucking retarded I don't know if I want to make a response video.

Now thats some disturbing shit I didnt really needed to see! Yikes! That man sure loves big butts!

enlightening. not only orange man bad, but also orange man small penis. these are some critiques worth reflecting on

Based. Blessed be Messias Bolsonaro!

Everything the left creates is just not funny

fucking NPCs jesus christ

Gay guy here. Not all niggers have big dicks. Trust me on this. I've had some pretty big white cock, and even a small white cock tastes and feels better than a nigger cock.

What, what do you mean by "blacks"? Race isn't real.

niggers dont have that to offer it's a meme the statistics show that the avg sizes are within 0.25 inches

it's kind of cringy how his american accent slips through in this one.

>male genital mutilation on both

Ok, I'll trust you. Brits knows more about black dicks than anyone else.


é penta caralho

Yeah, bless him...

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How many studied was it?
I just doubt that the stereotype came out of nowhere. All stereotypes rooted in some truth. I dont believe that all black men have 9inch mandingos but they probably have larger dicks on average. The fact that the stereotype is so old and long lasting says something. Even the arabs, during the arab slave trade hundreds of years before Euros even contacted Africans would say the same shit about blacks having big dicks and huge libidos and a desire to rape. It has some truth to it.

>believed this for a long time
>get super nervous about it even
>at a small get together
>my friend asks me for "help" with his girl
>she hasnt been into it recently and ask for be to 'back him up'
>afraid it would be some gay shit but think fuck it because i was desperate and at least his gril will be there
> turns out to be typical cuck situation but reversed (friend is black)
>refuse to look at him because afraid of small pp and humiliation
>about halfway I look back because he make a weird fucking noise
>my guy is jerking it with two, TWO fingers, head back full extasy
>his girl finishes me and starts to blow him
>she uses 2 fingers too

begon with your jewery

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>get super nervous about it even
Why would you get nervous about it wtf?
Nice story btw very creative

get a load of this white guy, laughing at his own small white dick

Porn is some of the biggest MK jewltra projects, the elephant in the room of our social discourse.


Any white man who is a cuck should be beheaded

What a powerful video. I feel like i have suffered brain damage watching this spiel.

I'm a progressive and I can tell you that you are RETARDED as fuck. NO ONE has fucking said to let them in. We said they should not take their fucking children because 1. they will lose track of the children (which they fucking did, where's all the pedogate idiots calling out the lost children) and 2. It will cost taxpayer money for this bullshit. But no, Trump had to flex his muscles to make up for having a small dick and mobilize a great number of fully armed and trained soldiers to repel unarmed men, women, and children - again costing the taxpayers millions. The system we had in place was fine, detaining people at A PORT OF ENTRY was not fucking necessary.
Now either 1. stop larping as a Dutch and get a fucking job you inbred hick, or 2. Stop fucking giving stupid fucking opinions on shit you know nothing about, fucking faggot

Because even monsters can be made to fear.

not larp, but you're not a progressive if you actually give a fuck about wasting taxpayers money, because that is exactly what prog-niggers want to do.....waste tax payers money on a bunch of free shit you dumb niggers didn't earn.

It ain't any agenda it's just dumb liberal faggotry and subconscious racist sugguestions. The intent is to shame trump for anything which could demasculinize him, but then they effectively "Monkeyize" obama to play the joke.

Whole video is dumb.
>Derpaderpa we same but not people i dun like we get together because similarities but if you tell me we've got similar compositions to a cow i call you dumb

I wouldn't give this shit the time of day.

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aww angry pussy ass white bois got aminosity about their dicks not being able to make white women squirt within 10 seconds like BIG BLACK COCK does. African rhino cocks have been evolving by cooking in the hot sun while dangling low in the grass in the plains of africa for thousands of years. whitebois dicks shriveled up in the cold and resemble dog dicks, pink with blue veins

how the fuck does someone write this and not end up completely repulsed?
I know it's a copypasta, but I can't imagine what mindset someone must of had to write that

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>I'm a progressive
progressives should all be slaughtered, no exceptions.

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Does being white with a big dick make me a god? What do black dudes think about big white dicks? When they see one, does it crush their soul?
The one thing they can point to in superiority and half of them have little ones lmao wtf.

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Why are liberals so obsessed with Trump's penis and his sexual ability? Stormy Daniels, etc.

Is it repressed daddy issues? Why do reduce things to perversion and sex?

>NO ONE has fucking said to let them in.
Who do you think you’re kidding?

>no one is saying let them in
Fucking kys you opaque nigger.

you realize child sex trafficers kidnap children to cross the border with them and that's why they got seperated, right?

kys, you worthless faggot piece of shit

that still sounds like brazil

You are low IQ

1. Yes, MANY say to let them all in because, "no one is illegal" and "borders are imaginary".
2. How do you know the kids are theirs? Women and children in the same holding facility? K, what if it's a man with kids? Kids in with grown men?
3. Do you know how much illegals cost us each year you ignorant faggot? ~$120-150 Billion with a B. The Wall is forever and only ~1/5-1/4 of what we pay EVERY YEAR.
4. You can't traverse across a safe country to ask "asylum" because you like another country better, per International Law.
5. They could've applied for asylum at the US Embassy in their home countries but didn't, per again, International Law.
6. "unarmed" - pic related

You're nothing but an ignorant emotionally manipulated retard

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Not one original joke in the entire video

lel basically the entire vid

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Go to 3:39 he throws a bbc on the screen next to a white micro penis. Using comedy to broach politics is fine but this man covered about 40 different issues in a 4 minute video and there is no way that the average person could actually make out all these messages and instead takes them in subconsciously. Literal black nationalist man goes to war against cops in Texas it’s trumps fault, 19 year old autistic kid with a dead father and parapalefic mother drives through crowd after getting separated and having his car attacked, look at this toxic movement. Let’s guess who’s name the media remembers. You don’t like me and that is assumed but for me to come out and say I don’t like you and then I’m a bad guy. I could shit on every arguement in this video but that would take hours haha that was gonna be my response to that comment

progressives arent worth trying to convince with logic, they never arrived at their conclusions with logic. Its overbearing, consuming sympathy and their sense of moral supremacy that justifies their thoughts and actions. Not reasoning. Combine that with collectivism and youve got a tribe of retards that will actively block out anything that doesent justify the actions of their tribe. Only worth talking to in order to humiliate publically which they do to themselves on the daily anyway, but it keeps their bank of recruits exclusive to the mentally ill who can participate in such mental gymnastics.

Tibetan Sky burial.

Just finished uploading please give it a watch and let me know what you think

Isn't this faggot from california