Here we go again

here we go again

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I want pewds to tear the reporters apart and make them suffer. Journalists all deserve the rope



>antisemitism by proxy

Literally hitler


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Keep pushing the charismatic guy with 75 million followers, what could possibily go wrong?

Too bad he's not Austrian.

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Shills will say he's not based

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Seriously, how the fuck does anyone take BuzzFags serious anymore? They’re the definition of fake news.

Every fucking time.

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This lol. They are inadvertently pushing antisemetism harder than if they had just kept quiet

>le happy merchant
>an "anti-jew"


Don't worry, Goyim. We got everything under control. Don't think too much. It's bad for you. Bad, bad goyim.

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That's why antisemitism exists.

>Mfw the kikes finally get exterminated by a bunch of pre-teens that do Fortnite dances after each kill

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lol. looks like cs_office..
buzzfeed has no idea what kind of culture cs was/is.

before Jow Forums there was cs and sprays.

Should there be a PewDiePie general every day now

guys, joe bernstein is one of the guys who worked hardest to get MDE and sam shitcanned. up to his old tricks i see

ww1 sword...nice try faggot

reveal true flag or kys

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Fucking faggot valve shoah'd custom sprays and it still hurts. oi veeeeeeeey this is cultural suppression

last time i checked he had 50 mill, was only a year and a half back, damn

Its sad how much I agree with this.

Honest, professional Journalists are important people who keep governments & corporations honest and tell the public the truth.

But today we just have """"""""""journalists"""""""""" who do none of that, they just vomit their agenda across every keyboard they touch and spread it online.

You know, when they see opportunity to make clicks, they do it.
Thank god, creator is sane in mind and calls bullshit out in public for everyone to see.
He should do it more often with more forward push to shut them up.
When media starts nit pick any details, you know they are waiting for a bigger hit, it's just a beginning.
Hold strong felix

Sucks that you can't filter memeflags and namefags.

the happy merchant literally is THE jew

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That's pretty dope to be honest.

Why block out the name? It's the Jew kike fuck Bernstein, the same guy who got MDE's show canceled.

>[pilpul intensifies]

yeah, the flag is absolutely crucial.
the fact you wrongly implied that a nazi sword would be there isnt.
kys kut

Is he gonna cuck to them again ? , SAD!
He literally said in the latest vid he avoids Nazi jokes because of jurnos
This is not the way , you shouldn't cuck to jurnos

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People don't hate kikes because they exist. They hate them because they are kikes.

>what is 4chinsx
newfags get the gas as well

Love the image you jew

Oopsie doopsie part 3?

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There was a major western push to stop some Indian music vid company from taking his #1 spot. Apparently every Indian that makes a youtube account automatically subs to that company. So basically whites united to stop the poos.

Everyone here wants your people to die. No larp

It's clearly a kriegsmarine sword you lying piece of shit.

It makes the kike journos look even more hysterical and insane and voids the justification of a ban off of jewtube. It's a good move.

A daring synthesis

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Now I'm extra curious about this "E;R" person. Too many fucking (((coincidences))).

I never said or implied anything faggot. All I did was show that he has a German Kriegsmarine sword.

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Zoomers say lol unironically?

Should have used roxxy roxanne anus ceral

Roxy Raye

except it is a "säbel der kaiserlichen marine".
>b-but i never said or implied anything

What is (((their))) angle here?

What's wrong with disliking Judaism?

Thanks for the correction

Damn, Taco Belle really let herself go.

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Good taste


Faggot Cuck cops

>images straight from Moshe's "How To Blend in on Jow Forums" folder

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words have consequences

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I'd pay to watch him fill up her taco with his lava sauce. He does need to be safe and watch out for her sour cream.

What if they are Hispanic white?

Of course Pewdiepie is fucking with the kikes intentionally, they are not paranoid in this specific case.
But he's successfully using the fact that they are hyper neurotic and paranoid and exposing this and their tribalism to the public.
Bonus points, everyone is reminded by this shit whom you are absolutely NOT allowed to criticise.
In this case no one's even criticising jews, some random stranger is merely mentioning them in a funny way.
Even this is illegal according to the tribe that must never be named.

>But today we just have """"""""""journalists""""""""""
Most journalists were always dishonest hacks.

Is that legit? If so, send it to pewdie

also archive would be good

I noticed that when he first uploaded the video, but never said anything because I knew they would go after him for it.

Low T writers for low T readers

Pewdiepie is literally hitler so they're not wrong

Do you have an archive link?

Put on your shoes/jacket and get out to the bus stop you weirdo

QUICK!!! someone post the verifiedhate Bernstein posts. that nigga hate ehite peoppeo

How exactly will they go after him? He has fuck you money and is not dependent on anyone.
75million followers are already cool with the stuff he's doing, if they kick him off the platform he'll go somewhere else and then he'll start speaking without any kind of filter for fear that they might ban him.

>everyone involved is a nigger

Nvm I got you

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Attention whores are hilarious, desu

Ask Gavin how that’s working out. Or milo or roosh v or Alex Jones. There is no platform where you can criticize the Jews

nope but I think I have another

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>WE WUZ Semitic people

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And this guy is still on Twitter? No ban?

Bitchute, GAB, Russian video platforms.
There are plenty of places you could go if you can make your followers move with you.
Pewds is far more famous and loved than all of these guys (no offence to them, but it's true)
Aside from that Pewds doesn't need to have a profit motive in what he's doing, he could fucking do it for free.

And Pewds doesn't have to pay peoples paychecks for his business.
He has this one guy doing video editing, he could easily just go back to doing it all by himself cost free.
Alex Jones and Gavin had tons of people employed, they need an income to keep this running.

how? niggers are drinking and smoking and making monkey howls during ungodly hours of the night, so you call the cops, cops turn out to be niggers, they make the problem worse, you never get any sleep. how is that based

He's on the front lines again. I'm proud of /ourboy/

Pewds is the kind of degenerate that the ethnostate should aspire to.

I’d like to see pewds start his own. And even Alex Jones was banned from those obscure platforms. But we need alternatives that can still be profitable to content creators. None of those are

Actually moving over to Russian video platforms would be good for acceleration.
You can do almost anything there as long as you don't criticise the Russian gov and it would force the West to cut off Russia from the Internet.
Probably a part of the West wouldn't even follow that move like Germany due to the extensive business ties.

>getting mad because a person is black
LMAO @ ur lyf

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Isnt this defamatory and slander?

Based cops refusing to be the tool of the elites

he's a buzzfeed "journo" and is partially responsible for killing Sam Hyde's career

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Sure, but I'm telling you Pewdiepie doesn't need it, he is unique in that sense.
Greatest following on the Internet and zero costs for keeping his business running.
He can do whatever the fuck he wants and they know it, that's why they wont kick him off Youtube unless he goes retard 14/88.

See here Twitter doesn’t give a shart if it’s coming from Jewish people.

Blacky does not know what the Kaiserliche Marine was? How embarrassing.

I know. wtf I LOVE pewds now

A few months ago I couldn't have foreseen thinking PewDiePie is based and Jim a cringy faggot.

Sure he can stop working for life I bet, but why would he want to take a huge hit to his revenue. I don’t think he’d be willing to do that, I know I wouldn’t. But I agree it would be nice if we had a suitable alternative to these kike controlled platforms

The archive link is in this picture. I'll see if I have a single version

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>take control of OUR society
>our society

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Someone tweet this at pewds so he knows this is the guy attacking him

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Progressives dominate the upper rungs of our society and willfully impose their preferences and values on everyone else. And they need to be dethroned.

Or gassed.

u da man

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