
Help me guys with some subjects to talk about on tinder

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talk about sex?

That what tinder is for afterall. The girls there just want sex

> Match girl
>Grab em by the pussy with dirty talk
> Jerk off to sexy messsages

It's not the place to talk about your favorite Wes Anderson Movie for christ sakes.

How foes one start dirty talk btw? Not op

"What are you wearing?"

Then it's play ball.

You have opened me an infinite realm of possibilities. Thank you.

Your dick is welcome.

Tinder must be different where you all live. At least 80 of women have serious profiles like this is Okcupid or something and most specifically say no hookups, fuckboys, sexual messages, ect.. Like they are actually looking for love or "the one" on Tinder.


Yeah, thats why i need some ideas

Most of those girls you'll never match with anyway cause they're probably to picky and if you do try it still. It's literally the only use for Tinder. You and I both know that those girls aren't going to find the one on Tinder so might as well educate them.

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How do I get good at sexy talk? How do I get someone off through just words?

Same way you get good at anything. Practice. Yeah, you're going to suck at first.

Ask her questions. She'll ask you questions.
A good question would be something like:
What would you do to my dick?

Feel free to get poetic and use a lot of adjectives. Have fun with it. It is fun after all.

>you're going to suck
I bet.

What if the girl in question gets embarrassed or is too shy to say anything?

Oh my sweet little naive user...

They are masturbating too silly : ). You're already in

What are the non hook up dating apps, tinder in the UK is purely for getting laid. I'd like a relationship

Or they're not into it but don't want to piss on your parade.

Is OkCupid in the UK?

That goes back to this anons questionWhere the answer is to test the waters to she if she is down or not. Say "What are you wearing?"

It's a hint. If she's down she'll take it.

It's like fishing. when you know you have one caught. You know.

Apears so. Ill give it a go, any tips?

I only ever had success with it a few years ago. I had two relationships out of it. One of those was with a very sweet, attractive cute girl. The other was a hot camgirl. It's still not the best method for a long relationship. The one with the camgirl was just for sex, but I liked the sweet one alot. Her friends made fun of her for getting a boyfriend off a dating site so..

Either way I'd recommend long thoughtful messages. Pretend you're Tom Hanks in Sleepless in Seattle. That's the kind of Romance girls expect on actual dating sites. So yes, you'll have to get your mojo working. Also, I'd recommend using video chat to get to know her too since you too already are connecting by computer.

fuck, really? i'm doing it all wrong

This Thread

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>implying any of these virgins actually pull cute girls.
dude, if youre hot and charmin you can say basically anything to girls and still get them, if you are just one it takes effort and if youre neither then you have to find the chick at the bar who is settling because her bed has been empty for months.
confidence, charm, ability to take rejection. getting in their pants is actually as simple as "what are you wearing" and enough of a writing ability to not seem like a creepy autist.

That was supposedly the main point for when it got created, but I mostly have experience to the contrary. That's how I found my soon-to-be ex GF of almost two years, and the topic of sex only came up once she actually came over.

how am i supposed to help you when i dont even match with anyone. cant fix ugly man

>enough of a writing ability to not seem like a creepy autist
this describes my problems

ive got a question how long until i should try and make it sexual?

>she responds positively
ask question about something in her bio
>responds/ asks me some thing
reply keeping it light , say something funny i got up to recently
>she comments on it/ gives similar story

now is this a good spot to get sexual? normally id ask to meet up "to get to know each other" like some other bloke on here suggested, this has only worked from about 1/4 fyi

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What kind of girls are you matching with holy shit I wish my matches actually talked. 90% of the time it's like I'm talking to a brick wall.

I've been fairly successful getting girls number and dates on tinder I can offer you some advice. Definitely don't open up with any sexual innuendo or go right to sex talk, message them asking about a picture they have or bring up something in their bio and take the conversation from there. Some women will match but won't message back, you can't take it personally. Other things that work that I use are asking them to describe themselves using only emojis, it's a great icebreaker and its fun and engaging for them and it makes you seem unique and creative.