Swedes may have met their match. I go to the inner city to shop and I see 13yo ethnic blondes with septum piercings and chokers.
Septum piercings and chokers literally mean hardcore sex like throatfucking.
This is the new norm
Swedes may have met their match. I go to the inner city to shop and I see 13yo ethnic blondes with septum piercings and chokers.
Septum piercings and chokers literally mean hardcore sex like throatfucking.
This is the new norm
>X means Y
>she dresses like X means she really wants Y
are you a fucking ape?
>Septum piercings and chokers literally mean hardcore sex like throatfucking
[citation needed]
Is this similar to how "hot dog" means "little boy"? and "pizza" means "little girl"?
get a load of this guy.
He is baltic so yes he is a USSR rape ape
I'm colorblind so it's all toothpaste to me
hehe hahaha right
those girls are totally virgins gotcha
>Achmed Ben Afflecki putting the thots in their place
People o use this have high chances of being total degenerates.
She doesn't even have a septum piercing. Any proof of 13yo grills with septum piercings?
>tfw my cousin wears chokers
Are you a fucking slut?
Need more pics
You know kids go through fads yea
We had some emo kids my school last year they were over it..
The benefactors are refugees
>somehow surprised Danes are whores
we have been the nr. 1 whores / sluts of Europe for nearly 1000 years. This is nothing new.
social engineering is a hell of a drug
>not virgin means hardcore sex like throatfucking guys!
actual virgin detected. your hallucination is noted. neck yourself
It is over.
You have no idea what ethnic blonde German teens are doing
How much do they charge for half and half?
Another D&C faggot. Danes are the only based nordics. Nationalistic af, dont take islamic bullshit
Faggot cuck
post her feet
lmfao have you ever been there?
Danes >>>>>> other nords
Mickey her
Raep her
But remember to film her so you could blackmail her for that sweet throating
and neither do you.
spare us with your black pill posting, you degenerate defeatist.
> Latvian
Stop D&C you faggot
every western girl is degenerate, why should you cousin be an exception?
shit is fucked, there is no pure girl left, hence why end times are surely near and koran says hell is mostly filled with women
>13yo ethnic blondes with septum piercings and chokers
>>Septum piercings and chokers literally mean hardcore sex like throatfucking.
no it doesn't you fucking loser
What do the curly fries represent?
Jesus you're so gullible
what generation are you from?
t. of ethnic German descent
Wow a based German post? What has the world come to...
"Yes european man. Give up and let islam take over" gtfo Paki even arabs hate u
it does you fucking retard
CHOKER as in choke
daddy's cum slut wants to be choked by a cock
The piercing does more than the choker
Brb, going to Denmark!
Even virgins want their guy to throatfuck them though.
In the current year it's just an accessory and not even an accessory that shows how unique you are, it's barely any different from a necklace these days. If you want to find complete cock gobbling whores, look for the ones wearing a cross.
La creatura...
islam taking over would be for the best. white sharia would be awesome
christianity has clearly failed
Stop the defitist divide and conquer bullshit nordic women aren't "done". HOWEVER, we all know who the best women are...
>look for the ones wearing a cross.
christian cross
She's not a dullard unlike most girls so I thought she'd be better than that. I'll just tell myself that she's too autistic to know the meaning of it but even then it makes her look like a whore which is still bad.
>Septum piercings and chokers literally mean hardcore sex like throatfucking.
That's simply not true but there is perhaps something to be said about marketing chokers to underage girls or any girls in general for casual wear in the street.
I always assumed it was just a kind of necklace.
I think we should re-consider the rights people with borderline and histrionic personality types should be allowed to have for their own safety. I am becoming convinced that basically all the horror stories of female behaviour from crazy feminism to dangerous promiscuity have these particular mental disorders to blame for the reputation they are heaping upon women as a collective and the negative attitudes they create.
>Is this similar to how "hot dog" means "little boy"? and "pizza" means "little girl"?
I find it really strange that the Globalists seem to be particularly pissed off about Jow Forumss efforts to crack down on the evil practice of child molestation and human trafficking, things that are known to operate with a system of front business and codes which has been confirmed by the FBI themselves.
I also think it is rather suspicious that globalists seem to be so fond of unchecked/illegal mass immigration.
Why, if I didn't know any better I would assume that this gas lighting is an indication of fear that internet culture is making it increasingly impossible for sick degenerate child molesting paedophiles to get away with their sick and twist shit and that the inevitability of them getting exposed and absolutely fucking destroyed scares the absolute shit out of them.
> Europe, athiest
> Christianity has failed
> Eastern europe very christian, very traditional, kills isis
Found the immigrant.
t. anti islam immigrant
>ethnic blondes
What does this mean in Europe? Dont think it means the same thing here.
Nah you're right, women wear collars, and pierce their faces with metal rings meant for cattle, for reasons totally unrelated to sex.
How old is your cousin and have you hatefucked her face yet? If not, why not?
Only whores for old Arab men, young Danes will never know what their female peers feel like.
>I always assumed it was just a kind of necklace.
>I think we should re-consider the rights people with borderline and histrionic personality types should be allowed to have for their own safety. I am becoming convinced that basically all the horror stories of female behaviour from crazy feminism to dangerous promiscuity have these particular mental disorders to blame for the reputation they are heaping upon women as a collective and the negative attitudes they create.
Almost like 90% of women are borderline
to be fair, that's most likely because it fits tightly around the neck, not because it's a signal that they want to be choked by cock
Sadly true, at least 30% of young ethnic white men are single
It's ok, buddy. just let the thread fizzle out and try to not further disgrace yourself.
Most Jow Forumsacks are biased because their virgins.
I don't know what is going on here but it is turning me on.
this all of it.
>I always assumed it was just a kind of necklace.
most of the anons here probably have a mother who wore chokers in their teens during the 90's
Wow visit Spain and enjoy seeing 15yoF26yoM couples smoking weed in parks
>13yo ethnic blondes with septum piercings and chokers.
nice, i should go to denmark
post em
Fuck the shit out of that little whore.
>Septum piercings and chokers literally mean hardcore sex like throatfucking.
Haahahah wtf how can you be so anxious
Well obviously, those are the only ones that people unironically wear.
How many of them were with non whites?
>Is this similar to how "hot dog" means "little boy"? and "pizza" means "little girl"?
Your yarmulke is showing.
Some ones been watching way to much GGG porn. Hint ... Thats not real life..
not many but not that uncommon
You're right, tattoos piercings and such have gained mass traction among the youth. Gen z will be the most degenerate yet
What sort of non whites we talking about here? Niggers?
teutonics deserve to raped by baltics desu
Your hallucination about my stances on globalism and mass migration are noted.
>the inevitability of them getting exposed and absolutely fucking destroyed scares the absolute shit out of them
yes buddy, there is a large satanic pedophile conspiracy ongoing in Washington DC, involving virtually all of the people in power, discovered by you and some cheeto-finger guys on a mongolian horse-radish gardening forum, while being totally undetected by the russian and chinese intelligence agencies who could basically reduce America to a crumbling mess with this knowledge.
in other news, pigs can fly when nobody's looking and soap is a vitamin.
Arabs like Palestinians and euros who are hardly white like albanians etc
>When I ignore it, it doesn't happen
your defensive hallucination is noted.
>when I just make up shit it means it happens
>has Riga as capitol city
>other peoples women are whores
I could buy your sister and a lobster for one of my shoes, stay pleb
People have been doing this shit as teenagers since the 90s, welcome to the real world you spastic fuck. Just because your commie wasteland still lives in the past.
idiot tag et gæt igen
har du været i en storby fornylig
you have so much investment in this shitty bait thread schlomo. its cute how you dismiss it as hallicunations and paranoia but you wont change what people know
Pineapples and corn, pizza and hotdogs.
they wear it because its the current fad
they are still roasties though
Brave new world! Yay!
What r u smokin there baltnigger
all part of your delusion, sadly.
you literally have to hallucinate that I am a paid Israeli agent to protect your delusion (in which, ironically, YOU have invested in).
ever considered that I'm just a random guy who's bored? Like 99.9% of the posters here?
no, ofc you didn't. your delusion won't allow it.
>delusion, hallucination, paranoids, schizo blah blah
lol didn't read
I'm part Dane but think that Med women are superior in looks
>Septum piercings and chokers literally mean hardcore sex like throatfucking.
how retarded can one person possibru be.
>it's just fashion!
good goy
danish wamen are indeed fucking whores, you're doing it wrong if you as a danish pastry and beer fairy don't get it on with an english speaking foreign waman.
Although still think I should've gotten together with my non-blood related cousin before she became a roastie fucking every zogbot headed to the middle-east to step on an IED within 50 fucking kilometers of her mother's house, back when she was actually a sweet girly and very much pure of heart ='
Same old world, you mean.
I'm 30. When I was in middle school there was a brief fad where girls wore chokers. This was around the year 2000. All these girls were virgins back then. No kids had any kind of facial piercings throughout my years in middle school and high school. I graduated high school in 2006. By the time I graduated most girls in my high school were virgins, there really weren't any sluts. A good chunk of girls, not even half, maybe about a quarter, had sex with one boyfriend and only a few more had sex with more guys than one.
Girls with facial piercings and/or tattoos or body piercings are sluts, though, every time.