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Brit/pol/ - 1000 year tory reich edition
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First for Mary Tudor
What's happening lads? I slept in.
At least show whose view it is.
It's all popping off lad
And so it continues
based and redpilled
>muh people’s vote
Fuck off already
I fucking love watching the house of commons.
>the random jeers and banter
>picking up maces and going to the pub
>holding government in contempt
Thought provoking
“Mr. Gove, I want it stopped”
But that's not leaving the EU, does this idiotic woman not realise that?
Obviously the outcome 2bh
Philip Hammond looks like Theresa May, don't you think?
Spreadsheet Phil is worse than May
Does the Labour Party actually have a stance on Brexit?
If we get May's deal I'm never voting again. If we get a second referendum I'm voting leave again and then never voting again. Absolute fucking waste of time, there's fuck all point in voting.
Let's hope we get a couple of years of Bojo, just for the laughs, before a McDonnell PM rides in to utterly finish this country off for good.
No confidence m8
Remaining in the customs union indefinitely keeps the country completely tied to the EU, so there wouldn't be any point.
it's a vote of confidence you pleb
I hope to fuck the party splits.
I want Brexit! I want muh sovereignty!
Yeah fucking things properly fucking fucked m8
The EU just said there is no other deal available so this is completely wrong!!!!!
It is May's deal or no deal brexit
I remember when reading your question off a piece of paper in the chamber was considered borderline unparliamentary. Now half of these idiots we elect just mumble their shitty questions, not even looking up from the sheet.
Ironic, it's Jeremy Commie that looks and sounds exactly like John Hurt.
Say it with me lads KNIFE CONTROL, fuck the people defending themselves
Cunts every single one of them.
May, Chequers and Remain will win tonight, lads
Long live the European Union
I agree, what's the bloody point?
the only thing left is to vote for small independent parties if any.
What's your island like? thinking of visiting
This vote will do nothing.
Brexit will happen hard or soft.
So bored of the lack of police funding myth. They problem is lack of competency, not funding.
Gee, I wonder what else has increased along with knife crime the last five years.
No deal best deal.
Hear hear!
Or at the very least deface your ballot.
Sorry m8, not enough police to counter knife crime because they're hunting down twitter users
Or there's WTO, which hasn't been ruled out. Even that spotty, glory hole mouth Dominic Grieve didn't rule that out with his bollocks amendment bullshit.
first for fuck this im going back to bed
you know nothing about British politics my shitskinned m8
If its a vote of confidence, then it means they already have little or no confidence? right?
adoption of American 'urban' culture
Even better, they are hunting down a man who has another opinion, and who smiles in London
>when you leave in the north east so your constituency will be LAYBAH FOREVAH
it's midday, user
The Tory faithful hold him dear,
Hero of the the mighty brexiteer,
Even beloved by the remain-er,
Although they are quite queer,
He is Gove; Conservative save-i-ear!
He fought tooth and nail but won,
'gainst the marxist teacher union,
He was cheif whip for fun,
Then said "hold on Cameron,",
"I must reform our prison!"
The Tory faithful hold him dear,
Hero of the the mighty brexiteer,
Even beloved by the remain-er,
Although they are quite queer,
He is Gove; Conservative save-i-ear!
He knew the EU were taking the piss,
Over UK waters and our right to fish,
So to the Delores gang he said "boo-hiss!"
Then restored Sovereignty to the British,
Then he saved us from prime minister Boris!
The Tory faithful hold him dear,
Hero of the the mighty brexiteer,
Even beloved by the remain-er,
Although they are quite queer,
He is Gove; Conservative save-i-ear!
His sacrifice was noble,
And how far did he fall,
Although still was queens counc-all,
But now he's secretary environment-all,
He'll stop the Frenchies boats when they trawl!
The Tory faithful hold him dear,
Hero of the the mighty brexiteer,
Even beloved by the remain-er,
Although they are quite queer,
He is Gove; Conservative save-i-ear!
Now as one we all feel,
There is one man to get that deal,
Of it he won't make a meal,
To the EU we won't be a state vass-eel,
GOVE FOR PM: now things get real!
The Tory faithful hold him dear,
Hero of the the mighty brexiteer,
Even beloved by the remain-er,
Although they are quite queer,
He is Gove; Conservative save-i-ear!
We can work out who sent this. Those two ketters are g’s.
Who has two g’s in their name?
It's embarrassing to us, but I can see how it'd be entertaining as fuck for people from other countries.
Lack of ping pong tables
I'm going to found the 'East Anglia Secession Party' when I return to those fair isles.
He's fucking shouting ORDAH while may is speaking isn't he lmfao
A big part of it is that the criminal justice system has decided not to lock up repeat violent offenders. If the defendant even gets in front of a judge, the pompous old faggot just lets him off the hook.
Based O'Neil.
Also, fuck women politicians.
I don't like it, they need to shut the fuck up and listen and then debate correctly. Fucking jeering and acting like fools. I'm all for roasting but shut the hell up when someone is speaking.
>Actually asking the PM for assurances we wont starve the Irish again
It's total lack of priorities in policing. They'll ignore investigating burglaries and anti-social behaviour, i.e the crimes most people care about and are affected by, in order to pursue high profile shit. Doesn't help that as soon as their is a car crash or something they waste 3 cars worth of officers to just stand around at the scene doing nothing.
East Anglo is Germany
its entertaining as fuck if you view every politician as an inept retard
which they are
why is it embarrassing?
better than watching the boring US congress.
>No promises ;)
Based May
So if May is guaranteed to win, what's the point?
Why the fuck would they support May anyway?
Its not embarrassing, its fun you boring old fart
Much prefer our debates than the watered down version they have in other countries
How could a no confidence vote end with no brexit? surely it makes it more likely if we get a pro brexit PM?
Who says she is guaranteed to win?
>Labour complaining about the pound
oh i am laffin.
Oh shit.
We literally threatened to starve them again.
Because otherwise we'll get fucking Leadsom or someone even worse
>bookies 80% in favour of May winning
HMMMM where have I heard this before??
Why? Don’t they have potatoes there now?
norsefire were right
Recreational banana eating
>Why the fuck would they support May anyway?
There's nobody to replace her. Most of the Tory party don't want a hard brexiter PM in power either.
WHO /secretlyhopingformogtowinsomehow/ HERE?????
Thatcher won her no confidence vote but resigned anyway because she didn't feel she had an overwhelming enough win. May, however, is deluded; so I'm sure if she won it by one vote she'd take it to mean she had ultimate control.
It's comfy mate
Fuck Brexit and fuck white people.
>the bants lolol
grow the fuck up
Voting for small regionalist parties is a meme anyway, may as well spoil your ballot. It's all a bit disheartening really.
It's basically a bit late in the Parliamentary term.
If May loses, it will take time to elect a new leader.
If they don't have one in place by the end of January, then the opposition can attempt to form a government.
What else is there?
Do you wanna suffer with Labor and die in the EU?
Laughing too much, can't answer right now.
>Oh no no no not again