*flies on the Lolita Express*

*flies on the Lolita Express*

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Other urls found in this thread:


Trump is a zionist shill put into power by kikes to make sure Nationalism dies down. That’s why he hasn’t gotten shit done.

This. He's a pressure valve to ensure white Americans are kept under control

It won’t work in the long run, only boomers are gullible enough to fall for that shit. When die down, there will be tons of pissed off younger whites left.

>ITT: shills talking to each other

>Anybody who insults my daddy is a shill
Imagine thinking like this in real life.

hi JIDF! remember to work hard to shill for Trump. Trump = good for Israel!

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The most hilarious thing to happen to the mighty USA its like when Rome ended up with Caligula as emperor.

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Curly-haired nigger

nice try cletus

>all this proof in the opening post

classic tactics

/ptg/ are literally JIDF.
On the surface, it looks like they're just idiots, buying into the 4D chess meme and shilling for Trump for free.

But look at how they respond to any criticism of him. How they swarm and bury any inconvenient information. Not just in their thread, but all across the board too.
>1) Swarm
>2) Attack the messenger, not the message - usually by latching onto the country flag
>3) Drop in extra bait, to drag the argument away from Trump himself
>4) Accuse everyone else of being a shill. Any criticism of Trump = shill
>5) If a thread becomes too inconvenient for them they leave en mass, create a new one, and try to slide the inconvenient one off the board with a flurry of slide threads
It's exactly how JIDF operate on the rest of the internet.
This leads me to believe they aren't just idiot kiddies who don't realize they're supporting a snake. They're organized and paid.

look at them right now, trying to derail a thread critical of Trump

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Your menora is showing.

you are all kikes
enjoy being raped by infinite niggers when you sign onto the global compact for migration in 2021

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Happy Hannakah, OP.

I also noticed they like to say shill rat a lot.

I'd blame the media for creating an environment where they went "oh shit, we accidentally helped him get elected by giving him airtime, better heap shit on his personal life and reframe even his best decisions as a civilisational threat."

The GOP early on showed signs of rebellion but it looked like he was so teflon that their balls were in his hands. They got their tax cut, don't expect RINOs to help with much else.

I still believe in Le Don. Already he's figured the GOP are cunts and is trying to strongarm Democrats to at least rescue part of his agenda. Am I a silly bastard? I'm just an Aussie watching from afar.

Nothing wrong with lolis

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>If a thread becomes too inconvenient for them they leave en mass, create a new one, and try to slide the inconvenient one off the board with a flurry of slide threads

Definitely this. I observed this behavior many many times. If I were to guess I'd bet they're organizing on the JIDF equivalent to IRQ or Twitch or whatever the kids are using these days..

*wins another term

Until you hypocritical faggots go after ypur own, Ill stand by this man who triggers your fragile ass

>they haven’t taken the funny pill

The absolute STATE of sweaties and honeys

I really hope he can do it. He's essentially a force of cosmic correction. Or seems to be from around the rest of the world. Realistically, Hillary as Pres would have been moving toward economic union with the south American countries (in her own words) - you wouldn't have built a wall, you'd have built a railroad :/

>he doesn't like young puss puss provided by your hand rubbing friends

Only Rosie O'Donnel

I can believe this. As well as any other Nat Soc larper. I'd love to see some actual movements taking place.

How do you cope every day with your abject failure of a life where you post damaging lies to make your trillionaire bosses even richer?

You should just kill yourselves and go quietly so humanity can move on from your failed genetic faggotry.

Dude he ran for president because he wants to see change in the country he loves most. He's also a business man, he runs things a little different than the traditional NPC politician. You guys ARE shills and you're fucking gay

fuck off, kike. get back into the oven.

>It's exactly how JIDF operate on the rest of the internet.
JIDF will do anything to protect pedophiles and their puppets.

I’m a jew, you really got me shill

wahhh my echo chamber immersion

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Thats some funny dillusions you got there


>Cancelled the Iran deal.
>Gives billions of dollars worth of arms to Saudi immediately - 'great deal!'
>Assembles a cabinet of bankers, generals and chickenhawks who precum to the thought of war with Iran.
>'Gives' Israel Jerusalem.
>'Declares' all jewish settlements to be Israeli land.
>Withholds PA funding.
>Increases Israel funding by 10% (3b to 3.3b) - now even higher, 4b?
>Fights tooth and nail for Israel at the UN, chimping out with "WE'RE TAKIN NAMES, GOYIM!" when the world doesn't bow to the jews.
>Withdraws from the UNHRC because they were mean to Israel.
>marries his daughter to the wealthy Kushner family (i.e. joins the Trump and Kushner families together)
>lets a jewish supremacist Chabbad Lubavitch cult not only into his family but his White House
>Has a jewish princess daughter who counsels him on foreign policy.
>Best friends with Netanyahu
>Netanyahu regularly sleeps in Drumpf's son-in-law's childhood bed on his visits to the US
>flew on the Lolita Express multiple times?
>Escalates in Syria, actively attacking the Syrian military and killing hundreds of Russians
>Getting ready to stage a third false flag gas attack in two years and get ready for the big invasion of Syria
>more sanctions on Iran
>more sanctions on Russia
>pulled out of missile treaties with Russia
>fired McMaster and replaced him with Bolton because McMaster dared to criticize Israel
>under Drump's presidency South Carolina makes it illegal to criticise Israel
>under Drump's presidency a New York judge (with rumoured ties to Trump) declares that Iran did 9/11
>and the creme de la creme...the Trump Dept of Education makes it illegal to criticize Israel at public universities as it constitutes 'antisemitism'....hehehehehe

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Show your flag.

Damn they ran already... Facinating.