>Go to college Get a loan, goy. >Buy a car Get a loan, goy. >Buy a house Get a loan, goy. >Go to work It's to pay off your debt, goy. >Exist I own you through debt, goy.
Why is the US economy debt based? What did we do wrong to get here? Should this country just anhero into the history books? Pic related.
You only say that because in your country you'd never be given a loan to get a house because of how expensive they are. Since I live in one of the few countries where owning a home is somewhat feasible, I'll take the security of having somewhere to call mine paid off by old age, and not having to deal with landlords for the rest of my life over renting any time.
Oliver Bennett
Its called The American Dream you uncultured peice of swine shit.
Angel Howard
dunno man, I have modest student debt that I'm paying off
the jews must realize that I'm well on the way to freedom because the (((department of revenue))) sent me a thotaudit-style tax notice
Michael Nguyen
So you'd rather take the opposite side which is loans are so fucking expensive that you don't take them and thus never own anything in your life? At least you can choose
Justin Roberts
>having debt outside of a credit card that you pay off monthly
I am in need of some good bantz muh niggaz, how's everyone's day, whatcha doin'?
Angel Evans
Shut the fuck up, nigger.
Lincoln Wright
Chase Thompson
>What did we do wrong to get here? You didnt listen to tommy jeff.
Eli Bailey
I hope this is bait. One of the reasons I moved to Japan from Australia was more affordable housing.
Elijah White
>Go to college >Get a loan, goy. The worst part of this is that there are loan repayment and forgiveness program for people who took out student loans, but nothing at all for people paid for all or most of it out of pocket. The system is set up to reward indebtedness. I guess they figure they need to normalize it as early as possible to ensure maximum debt-seeking behavior.
Samuel Gonzalez
yes, good goy
the only debt I've incurred is student loans for med school, and that's because they've made it cost the price of a decent home in order to attend. Made it through undergrad with a vehicle I bought with cash in high school. Just have a job and don't be retarded with your money and you won't have to incur debt.
Charles Perry
Getting a loan on anything except maybe a house or business idea is one of the most retarded things you could ever do in your life. I don't get how you can manage to do it anons.