I dyed my hair blue the other day because I thought it would look good and showed it to my boyfriend. He started laughing his ass off and said “Holy shit, you look like a fucking circus clown! If you wanted attention that badly all you had to do was ask”. I started crying and he kept fighting back laughter when trying to console me. My feelings are still hurt and I’m wondering if I should just change it back to normal.
I dyed my hair blue the other day because I thought it would look good and showed it to my boyfriend...
You probably do look funny. You shouldn't let it get to you though. Either own being a weird looking person for a bit or dye it back, nbd.
You wanted honesty and you got it. How would you react if he dyed his hair blue?
He's kind of an asshole, huh?
top kek
what a based guy
>I made myself artificial
>this amuses my bf
>I'm sad now
When did you get the lobotomy?
Do what YOU want
Huh. Blue hair is weird but not clown-level weird. He sounds like an asshole.
Some things look better on girls than on dudes. I can't believe I had to point this out. Jow Forums suprises me sometimes
Do what thou willst shalt become the whole of the law
Nice Satanism there
I don't understand your words, but i will thank you
I thought love was the whole of the law?
t. Magick practitioner
I’m gunna shoot straight here. I used to be a guy like that. And his mannerisms seem extremely similar to that of a controlling partner. Having been in his shoes prior to the person I’ve become now it only screams supressed insecurity.. my advice, do what my girlfriend did and leave me high and dry and the shock will most likely cause him to have an introspective look at his actions. As for your hair, there still lies the possibility that it actually may not look that good on you, however, that’s up to you to decide for yourself because only you can make the decision about what you think looks good!
I used to be part of like the whole nu-metal mallgoth myspace-emo pop-punk scenes back in the day and almost always the girl I was dating had blue hair, or I had blue hair, or the both of us had blue hair.
Not just blue either, green, bleached white, jet black, pink, red, etc.
OP your boyfriend sounds like a shut-in retard who's lived a sheltered life on a farm or something
>haha whoa BLUE hair??????? How ridiculous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What's next, women wearing men's pants?!?! haha! I must tell father about this!
You sound like a shut-in retard who's lived a sheltered life.
I'm not the one who's getting overly excited by the color Blue like some sort of caveman or toddler
Give me a fucking break
Blue hair looks pretty bad; it's also associated (at least in my area) with bugmen/feminists (or just people from large cities in general).
"C'mon guys; why are you laughing at my ear tunnels, rainbow hair, twiggy body, thick rimmed glasses, cup of starbucks, apple products and clown shoes!? M-M-MUH STYLE".
Show us a picture, little blue.
Unless you’re smokin hot, dyed hair just makes you look like an ugly trying to hard dyke.
>hair dyed anything but a natural colour
Daddy issues for sure
I have never met someone with blue hair worth respecting.
theres a girl at my job that dyed her hair a dark blue recently. I thought it was weird at first because she has brown shoulder length hair and only got the very back tips dyed blue. I thought it was really cool and cute after the initial shock of how "different" it looked.
If you like it, who the fuck is your BF to tell you otherwise? Essentially, you wear makeup for yourself to look good. You pick clothes you like that make you feel good and confident. If you like your hair, then you should rock it.
What an asshole. Why would you be dating a piece of shit like that?
They probably feel the same way about you.
I agree, she should leave him, hes better off finding a self respecting woman and not some side show whore. Do that man a favor!
>calling someone a side show whore because their hair is a color you don't like
We have containment boards for a reason. Regardless of the fact that he didn't like the color the way he spoke to her was incredibly childish and unnecessary. When you're an adult you find ways to express your emotions to people without needlessly insulting them.
They are a side show freak whether or not I express my opinion. A woman with dyer hair is a fifth rate human.
Haha! But women with dyed hair are the ultimate pieces of shit. Its like a big stinky shit flag stating that they are to be avoided by men of stature and quality.
aww baby's first troll
how cute xD
Letrolz hahaha lol xDDD rawr
Unnatural hair colors are for rebelling teenagers that will amount to nothing because they spent their teens doing stupid shit instead of pumping their GPA while they have the chance and the drug addicted club bunnies they become. OP's soon-to-be-ex BF was right to laugh.
Small deranged smurff... are you lost? Reddit is that way.
Two things:
1) Why didn't you consult with him before? Not that you must, but dying your hair blue seems like something a person wants to discuss with their partner first.
2) He was right to laugh, but he's a retard if he didn't try to calm you down and stop laughing after you became sad.
It's your body if you like something that is all that matters.
Just suck his dick and swallow his seed while saying having blue hair makes you crave the taste of his seed for some reason.
It will make it his fetish.
Do not go the Markiplier way if you’re living in real life. It only works in YouTube. Real world people will never understand. Only the Internet will.
Post a pic of your hair. We here at Jow Forums Jow Forums borad will comfort you.
But still, lulz.
Lol, he’s going to dump you now, what respectable man wants to be with a childish freak?
>I must tell father about this!
Gave me a good laugh. Thanks
Have you ever met someone with blue hair who wasn't a rebelling teenager? Serious question
Is he the most basic person in the world? Has he never seen a person with blue hair? I see it all the time. Why does that make them a "circus clown"? Does he do this often?
Maybe he is just shocked that she could be so stupid. Maybe it makes me question my own judgement and wonder if I should even be with someone with such little self respect.
I can hellp you, but first I need to see your boyfriend's dick.
Hes busy fucking some girl with natural hair color.
Most women I've seen with unnaturally colored hair looked worse with it
Shows them like the whores they wish they were.
Yes I have. My uncle was a hair dresser so I spent a lot of time in salons as a kid and I've met a lot of intelligent, decent women with all sorts of hairstyles. Some I liked and some I didn't but somewhere in my childhood my parents had the right mind to teach me not to judge people I didn't know. Seeing as how I grew up poor, nerdy, socially awkward and not so confident in myself so I really appreciated it when people took the time to get to know me and didn't just decide who I was based on my hobbies and clothes. I'd also rather associate with someone that has blue hair than someone that someone having a hair color you don't like is justification for making assumptions about someone you don't know. I'd rather meet the person and decide on my own, you know, like a reasonable adult. Nobody here is obligated to like anybody's hair color. You can think it looks hideous all you want. Regardless, there is no justification for being cruel and judgmental to a stranger just because they don't share your fashion sense. Its childish and unnecessary.
>not to judge people I didn't know
That's the most stupid lie people tell their kid.
Stop believing in it.
You may look bad with your blue hair, but that's no way to treat your gf. Dump him.
just dump him
Why don't you shave your head and tell him you found Jesus?
Do what I want, or I'll break up with you. Deal with it.
I treat my gfs like that all the time. Women get lff to abuse. She's fine to leave if she wants, door's right there. she'll never find another dude like that though. Alpha dudes are rare, and beta bitch boys don't satisfy women.
kek, every woman I have ever met that had dyed their hair retarded colors like that was either fat or a dyke. Do your boy friend a favor and find him a new gf, since it sounds like you still have daddy issues that need working out.
try a different fucked up color
HAHAHHAHHAHAHHA! YOU STUPID BITCH! What did you expect to happen?
Why is it so hard to understand that there is a massive difference between what men find attractive and what women see as beautiful? Dying your hair random colors just makes you seem like a giant liability.
Maybe you want to be single And didnt even know it?
why are you with that asshole? if you're in Sydney text me and we can get some drinks, i'd treat you way better than that
did you do it for him or for yourself? if you did it for him then you fucked up because you should be doing things to your body for yourself.
do you want to have blue hair? do you like blue hair? then keep it. if he thinks it's funny it's on him.
You look like a circus clown and you did it to get attention.
Or because you're a feminist and youre intictively putting on warning coloration to let people know your mentally Ill. Bit who knows, maybe you're not.
He didn't even say anything wrong, get over it. He found something you did funny and made a joke, and still tried to make you feel better when you started bawling.
You came out lucky, warning coloration is a thing and easily 99/100 girls with dyed hair are batshit insane.
>nose ring
Like fucking clockwork.
>99/100 girls with dyed hair are batshit insane.
that's a pretty interesting perspective from a guy who doesn't actually know any women.
stop kidding yourself, he would look like a clown if his hair was blue. just cause you have a vagene doesnt change anything. le so random girls with dyed hair are thots anyways.
In my line of work, you would be literally unemployable if you had blue hair. It's too synonymous with being a burnout faggot, sorry.
>everyone who doesn't qualify to do my line of work is a burnout faggot
kek. ok.
Not what I said at all, don't put words in my mouth. Our reality is that people develop preconceptions about you before you can prove or disprove them. No firm partner is going to take a chance on hiring someone with blue hair. not only is it unprofessional, it also suggests a lack of responsibility and foresight. At the same time, it would be terrible for attracting new clients. People with a shitton of money do no want some quirky rebel managing it. Now you can either deal with these truths, or you can continue to complain about natural human behavior.
Things such as dyed hair, tattoos and piercings essentially disqualify you from high status jobs, except for a few anomalies like computer science.
>girls with dyed hair are batshit insane
Disregard this terrible advice.
If your man doesnt like it, it means you did something stupid and you need to fix this immediately. Do you want to die alone?
>Our reality is that people develop preconceptions about you before you can prove or disprove them
That's cool. It still doesn't make those preconceptions correct. The truth is we don't know them. All we have is our anecdotal experiences and the things we have been taught to believe about certain people.
>No firm partner is going to take a chance on hiring someone with blue hair. not only is it unprofessional, it also suggests a lack of responsibility and foresight
It only suggests a lack of responsibility and foresight if you actually want to work in a firm. If they don't want to work in a firm then I don't understand why the fact that someone with blue hair not being able to work there is relevant at all.
>Things such as dyed hair, tattoos and piercings essentially disqualify you from high status jobs
Some people don't want high status jobs. Anybody with two eyes and a functioning frontal lobe can understand that their piercings and tattoos would disqualify them from that. I'm just struggling to understand why someone is a burnout faggot for not being qualified to work a job that they don't want. Do you honestly get a plethora of tattooed, blue haired people applying at your firm? My initial guess would be no.
Ted Bundy used to be a big fan of long sleeve flannel shirts. If we're using an isolated example to make sweeping generalizations about a massive group of people then lets get a picture of that closet, user. If I see any flannel I'm calling the police.
>Why someone is a burnout faggot...
All I'm saying is that these people are perceived as burnout faggots. It's entirely possible that someone with dyed hair could be the best corporate attorney, doctor, politician, whatever, that the world has ever seen, but this does not conflict with my claim that there is a stigma around it. It just seems dumb to me to want to intentionally expose yourself to this stigma, because it also exists in many other aspects of society. And from my personal experience, the only people I've met with heavily dyed hair are usually unstable, unmotivated, histrionic, or a combination of such factors.
>All I'm saying is that these people are perceived as burnout faggots
I'm still struggling to understand why this point is relevant. You can perceive anybody as anything but the fact remains that you know nothing about them.
>It just seems dumb to me to want to intentionally expose yourself to this stigma
Because some people don't give a shit what a bunch of suits and ties working in a field they're not interested in think about them? Some people prioritize their own perception of themselves over other people's perception of them. Your line of work is heavily dependent on other people's perception of you. I get that, and I understand why you would avoid an eccentric look but for people whose livelihood doesn't depend on a room full of suits liking and trusting them then I don't understand why choosing a different path is lesser than yours. I'm employed in the arts, if you will, and I know an incredible amount of hard working, talented, incredibly motivated people who have simply decided to choose a different lifestyle; one that is not at all influenced or predicated by their physical appearance. Sure, people stigmatize them but the stigma isn't true. Its weird because I've never heard a tattooed or modified person disparage someone with no tattoos and natural hair color for their decision, only the other way around. I don't know what is so insanely difficult about the concept that deciding to live your life under the influence of perception doesn't make you inherently better than someone who chooses not to.
>And from my personal experience, the only people I've met with heavily dyed hair are usually unstable, unmotivated, histrionic, or a combination of such factors.
My personal experience with people that work at firms and financial institutions is that they are extremely predatory, narcissistic, one-dimensional, boring, or a combination of such factors. I guess we both have our own stigmas to deal with, huh?
Except it's not just suits and ties who hold this stigma. You're trying to push this notion that the only people who care about this are "boring" people with sticks up their asses, except that's simply not true. You're marking yourself for the whole world to see, and a lot of people still think hair dyed bright colors is dumb. It's entirely possible that a wide array of people might treat you differently for this, in a bad way. Perhaps I shouldn't be so harsh with the burnout faggot descriptor, but the average American is probably going to think you're some sort of layabout. The arts aren't very well respected in this country either, and of course such an extremely progressive field isn't going to care about creative choices rooted in individualism. But I think you are naive if you think outward perception is not extremely important in many social interactions. I'm African American, so I'm certainly not going to add to list of reasons for people to think less of me.
>Except it's not just suits and ties who hold this stigma
Still irrelevant. The people who stigmatize me don't pay my bills. Some people, myself included, don't care what some average stranger thinks about me. Its perfectly fine that you live your life caring I just don't understand how that makes you better than someone who doesn't.
>a lot of people still think hair dyed bright colors is dumb
A lot of people think a lot of things. Why am I obligated to care?
>You're trying to push this notion that the only people who care about this are "boring" people with sticks up their asses, except that's simply not true.
I implied no such thing. My only point was that just because you care what other people stigmatize you as doesn't mean that people who don't care are lesser than you.
>The arts aren't very well respected in this country either, and of course such an extremely progressive field isn't going to care about creative choices rooted in individualism
Again, I don't give a shit what is and isn't respected. I didn't get into the arts for the respect. I did it because its what I wanted to do.
>I'm African American, so I'm certainly not going to add to list of reasons for people to think less of me.
I don't have blue hair but my appearance certainly would fit in an office environment. I made my choice and am at peace with it because I have no urge to live a life where I have to alter the way I look to please other people. It just isn't who I am. Additionally, I'm black as well and I completely respect your decision. Why are you incapable of respecting mine?
Please point to where I explicitly said that I am better than you. I have said no such thing, although I see how you might think that I did since I started by talking about high status jobs. But I have never said that your job is correlated to your worth, or anything of the sort. I am simply arguing that people make decisions based on their perception of their environment. This is an extreme example, but imagine you live in a small, conservative, rural town. Having dyed hair, a ton of tattoos, piercings, whatever, could directly influence the treatment you receive from others. Good luck trying to convince the local bank to give you a loan for your house. Good luck winning a he said, she said sort of argument with law enforcement against a "normal" person. Good luck trying to convince someone to jump your car when it breaks down in a neighborhood your not familiar with (have literally had the cops called on me for this). None of this is right, but you can't tell me that such things aren't relevant to most people.
Just because you might be oblivious to such unfair standards, does not mean they don't exist. All I have done is pointed out these standards, I'm not trying to push some sort of conclusion.
>Please point to where I explicitly said that I am better than you. I have said no such thing, although I see how you might think that I did since I started by talking about high status jobs
You generalized people with brightly colored hair as burnout faggots. You did admit the unfairness of that generalization in a later post but, regardless, it doesn't take an English major to see the implied superiority in your generalization of people who can't hack it in your particular field of work as failures.
>I am simply arguing that people make decisions based on their perception of their environment.
And I am simply arguing that some people don't.
>Just because you might be oblivious to such unfair standards, does not mean they don't exist.
As a conclusion to this discussion, I'll highlight what I think you're most misunderstanding about my position. Nowhere did I suggest that I am under any delusion about my appearance or the existence of standards. You've pointed out that these standards exist and I have pointed out that some people, rather than be oblivious of them, accept them. They accept them because to them the price of living life as their truest selves, whether you understand it or not, is worth your "average" (whatever that means) person unfairly generalizing you. I have struggled with a few of the things you've wished me luck in navigating and a few of those things haven't been an issue for me. Regardless, its a price I happily pay to look at myself in the mirror and like what I see. I've always lived life solely by my terms and my appearance is no different. I understood the risk. I think you need to take a step back and try to contemplate positions outside of your perspectives. I'm not kidding myself about how people may treat me or perceive me. I'm not "oblivious". I just have a different set of priorities.
>tl;dr "people" with dyed hair are still mostly degenerates and are perceived as such
Does this also apply to paedophiles? Not asking out of self-interest at all, just to demonstrate it's fucking retarded.
I never said that such people can't "hack it" in my field of work. Yes my first comment was crude, but I was trying to show how the gatekeepers of my profession do not even give these people a chance. They are written off before they even enter the door, regardless of how competent they are, because the gatekeepers (and the people they serve) are generally old conservative white men who associate such cosmetic decisions as immature.
I meant to add this in my last post, but if you don't care about these things, then that is entirely your prerogative, and I don't think we're as opposed as you believe. I'm not trying to convince you to change your ways, or assert that one life is better than the other. As you've said, our priorities are entirely divergent. From my perspective, such things are dumb because it would only serve as a hindrance to me, similar to how living a life where you tailor your appearance to please others must seem dumb to you. This doesn't mean that I don't understand how such things may appear different when you change the angle from which you view them from.
>I was trying to show how the gatekeepers of my profession do not even give these people a chance. They are written off before they even enter the door, regardless of how competent they are, because the gatekeepers (and the people they serve) are generally old conservative white men who associate such cosmetic decisions as immature.
Again,how is that relevant to a group of people who aren't interested in getting through the gates of your profession? Like I said, my first guess is that tattooed, blue-haired people aren't applying at your firm in droves so how is any of this relevant to the conversation?
>From my perspective, such things are dumb because it would only serve as a hindrance to me, similar to how living a life where you tailor your appearance to please others must seem dumb to you.
See, that is what I was getting at. It doesn't seem dumb to me because we're completely different people with completely different priorities. As I stated previously I don't see any fault in your decision making. I don't think you making personal decisions in the context of your personal goals is dumb. That is the difference between us. I accept the validity of your lifestyle but you don't accept the validity of mine. I genuinely believe that I called you out on some pretty hefty cognitive dissonance now you're back peddling because you're realizing you're contradicting yourself. You didn't say "From my perspective those choices would be dumb in the context of my personal life." You said, and I quote,
>It just seems dumb to me to want to intentionally expose yourself to this stigma
So how would that be dumb to someone who doesn't consider outside perspectives to be a factor in their decision making? Don't pretend like you were just talking about your own personal decisions because you weren't.
>that one blue-haired soiboi faggot in absolute meltdown mode ITT trying to justify being a burnout druggie faggot
Lmao, go play some more Nintendo, fucking pussy-ass bitch.
>that one basement dwelling autist who is so deeply insecure that they only way they can power through their severe sleep apnea and rest at night is to compensate for their painful averageness by convincing themselves that they're better than anyone who reminds them of just how unhappy and uncomfortable in their own skin they are.
>sleep apnea
This is a new one.
Props for getting creative, usually it would just be some version of "bitter incel".
>he's still going
Would love to crack your faggot chin, fucking bender.
Isnt the blue hair a sign of bi polar?
>arguing with a faggot who thinks blue hair is normal
I’m in China do you wanna fuk
of course
you're really stupid for doing that. your boyfriend is in the right here, you made yourself look like a fucking clown and he was honest with you.
Sounds like hes better than you. Are you some trashy whore?
Tell him that next time if he doesn't like something he shouldn't be an autist about that
In this case blue hair looks as retarded on guys as it does on girls
So, OPette. Do you feel like a washed up whore yet? Ready to come back to reality and unfuck your disgusting hair?
No man will want you with dyed hair.
>Essentially, you wear makeup for yourself to look good
Why do you make yourself look good? What defines good?
Other people's reactions. You wear makeup to be sexually attractive to the opposite sex. If OP's bf doesn't like her blue hair, she's got a problem. What she thinks the opposite sex should like (her definition of attractiveness) isn't what her boyfriend thinks.
The easy answer is to just change your hair back to something he likes, assuming you actually like him. Otherwise, what's the point in having hair colored for failed attraction?
When you're a true adult, you don't censor your opinions to protect people's fee-fees.