Im sick of being fucking poor and wage slaving. I need an out ... a hustle with no cap or fixed income...

Im sick of being fucking poor and wage slaving. I need an out ... a hustle with no cap or fixed income. Im ready to commit and sacrifice. Ideas?

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Look into college or trades, you have to make sacrifices no matter what you route you take in life.

I have a winning method to get rich quick and become your own boss. All you gotta do is buy my $150 informational package. Also, I'll be holding a seminar to tell you exactly how I got rich so quickly. Be sure to reserve your seats now. They are $400 for the entire weekend seminar but think of it as an investment in your future.

College will put me in debt and then ill be wage slaving to pay it off. (Not to be negative) and a trade sounds cool but im looking for something with no fixed income. Im want to achieve economic self sufficiency.

Doesn't matter what you do, you are a wage slave for life. Media glamorizes "making it" using the 1% of human beings who strike it unbelievably lucky and basically have zero effort amazing lives full of sex and money. Unless you are some amazing actor, entertainer or musician you're just going to be working an average ass job the rest of your life. What's the difference whether you're a mcdonald's cook for minimum wage or a chief of engineering at a local plant making $150K a year?

Correct, there is only one option available to us.

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Do CEOs work a average ass job? Venture capitalists, investors or people who inherited wealth? Seems like a narrow perspective.

You're right. Problem is a trade costs money too and a lot of folks take loans out for that.

Your best bet is to start some sort of business. If you do go the trade route, work for a few years doing that, build a great reputation, then start your own company.

>start a landscaping business with a lawn mower, weed whacker, and blower
>mow enough lawns to invest in better equipment and build regular business
>hire an employee who mows the lawns for you. Now you can more two lawns on separate sides of town at once
>stash money away, essentially pay yourself nothing. Put all your money in a DBA savings account
>hire another employee, now you can mow three lawns at once. Keep doing this until you have a fourth employee
>schedule your employees to mow lawns while you secure business and handle all of the expansion and marketing stuff
>keep doing this until you can expand to other counties, cities, states, etc.

It takes A LOT of work, but I believe whole heartedly with a strong enough work ethic it can be done. I'm just using landscaping because it is summer and I see a lot of people doing this. But you can transpose this business approach to anything.

People like this are never going to make it.

Neither of you understand what I'm saying. I make $80,000 a year, there is no difference in my life compared to when I made minimum wage 6 years ago. Unless you consider having "nicer shit" to be a noteworthy aspect. When the bell tolls, are you going to look back at all the crap you bought? No. You're going to realize you chased vanity like a rabbit chases a carrot. Time and how you spend it, that's the true value of life. You've only "made it" when you can go to bed each and every morning feeling like you did everything your heart desired. Money is meaningless. You need it to live, that's it. Thus, you will be a wage slave forever. You will never, ever be a rich asian kid fucking a new white blonde model every 3 months in the front seat of your F-Type.

Excellent adv user.

Read a lot of books that successful people have read.

>how to win friends and influence people
>think and grow rich
>rich dad poor dad

Analyze and consume anything to do with wealthy people. Figure out what their similarities are. What do they have in common? What behaviors can you emulate?

Try journaling. Write down short term and long term goals. Write down what you want to accomplish. How you are going to accomplish it. Think of success as a game. You are starting at A and you need to get to B. Every day, what steps have you taken to get closer to that endpoint?

Why can't you be?

You don't need to be rich to have casual sex. Your view is materialistic. I'm chasing wealth because I want a better life for myself and my family. Money is freedom and security. Those kids who inherit wealth usually end up squandering their money and making bad financial decisions unless they're old money, in which case, they probably wouldn't be living that lifestyle.

A lot of people on Jow Forums have such a bleak world view. That is your down fall.

>Why can't you be?
Are you asking me why you can't be born something you aren't?
>You don't need to be rich to have casual sex
I didn't say anything of the sort. But are you capable of walking into a club where all the hottest girls recognize you and want to pleasure your balls to the best of their ability? No? Pretty sure you have to the song and dance every normal guy has to do in order to get laid.
>Your view is materialistic
Are you fucking retarded? My entire point is time > money, you're the one arguing stupid naive shit like "hurr durr money is freedom and security and a better life!"
>those kids squander their money
In your dreams. The 1% can lose a couple million and start over with a different italian goddess girlfriend in a different major city at the top of the food chain.
>bleak world view
Says the guy who couldn't be more chained to currency and media.

Buy a burner phone and sell drugs. It's the only way

Too cheap dude. I wouldn't blindly trust anyone promising wealth for less than 10 times those figures. L2 prestige pricing.

You sound so immature though. Even for the uber wealthy, that is a marginal group of people who live that life.

It is like you watched Laguna Beach once and seem to think that every rich kid lives a life like that.

And so what if you weren't born into that. Barely anyone is. So does that mean we shouldn't do anything? Sounds kind of pathetic.

start making more money

also, check if you're actually poor.

Am I not making myself clear, or do you have reading comprehension difficulties?

My point is the pursuit if vanity is pointless and yields nothing but material goods. So worrying about whether or not you can escape "wage slavery" is pointless, because you will never escape it. Don't bother. Stop fearing it. Money is meaningless, and you will never attain the amount of money you need to live the extravagant Bruno Mars lifestyle you read about on instagram. Stop thinking about wage slavery and start thinking about whether you should build that model airplane, ask out that girl, go back to college, or go on that 30 day boating trip you've been dreaming about.

If you are still naive after this post don't bother replying, I can't help you.

a wage slave is someone who will not be physically okay unless they work x amount of hours, especially at a job they don't like. it is very easy to overcome, in fact most people do.

if you're wondering how they overcome it, usually
-living with someone who makes enough money to support them
-splitting a low rent
-retirement funds
-a job they enjoy
-making enough money to have a big savings/investments early on

>it is very easy to overcome, in fact most people do.

How? Elaborate.

We're all proles, user, or "wage slaves" if you like. You have to sell your labor for money. Unlike the bourgeois who own the capital that you work for their benefit for a wage the fraction of the value you generate.
Reminder that marxist class distinctions are the only real ones.

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only one of the people I know is a wage slave, and it's because he has child support and spent every dollar he made struggling to live in a rich area (for his kid to use the school system)

I know plenty of poor people but none of them fit the definition of wage slaves. I have a female friend who is almost a wage slave, but her boyfriend also has a job she is eligible for welfare due to having a kid.

some examples here

absolutely correct, but it's almost off-topic, as is OP's profile picture.

he's just talking about having a decent enough income (or someone else's income) to not work at mcdonald's or some cubicle hell.

Yeah I just hate the idea that we can escape exploitation or somehow achieve a notion of self-sufficiency under capitalism. Threads like these are where that ideology starts to rear its head.

Wrong. A wage slave is someone who needs to work to sustain their idea of an ideal life. If you make 100K a year but you can't see yourself without that big house, the two cars in the garage, you are a wage slave.

Why can't we? Just because you're too lazy, doesn't mean everyone is.

You're either being deprived of the whole value of your work (wage slavery) or depriving others (being bourgeois).
The closest you get would be some sort of self-employment wherein you're the only worker. Maybe an author or an artist of some stripe. But of course, you still exist within this mode of production. Every time you go to the grocery store you participate.

Nobody can totally escape exploitation, including the bourgeois, but we can mitigate it and live meaningful lives anyway. Personally, I take what I can in terms of money (if you feel me) and then redistribute much of that between people, including companies, I feel are deserving of it.

Being mainly antisocial towards the bourgeois is the only answer, but a violent overthrow is primitive and will largely end up serving a more sociopathic monster than what existed before. Democracy is a natural human way, and whether or not that makes preferable is yet to be determined.

A side note, one of the things I've noticed when it comes to the bourgeois is that many of them had working-class fathers who made it into the upper class. Is the fact they turned into idiots who don't care about their fellow man a coincidence, or is it their fathers' faults?

Also, I forgot to say that if you feel a need to have what the bourgeois has, then you are half way towards being one.

just proverbially speaking

>Is the fact they turned into idiots who don't care about their fellow man a coincidence, or is it their fathers' faults?
Not a coincidence, they're just acting in their material interests. A handful of bourgeoisie are class traitors, such as Engels himself, but the majority are obviously going to want to ensure that they can continue to own capital. We can moralize, but it's not extremely helpful I think.

>anyone who owns capital is naturally my opponent
this is where marxism is a poisonous ideology that focuses on a fantasy world

They literally are, in that profits and wages are diametrically opposed. Labor gains are not granted by friendship between the bourgeois and their employees, it's fought for, such as in the labor movements of the 20th century.
It's not a fantasy world, you're living in it. Read Wage Labor and Capital and tell me where Marx distorts reality.

there is a battle between the haves and the have-nots, but the idea that anyone who owns significantly more than you is naturally your enemy is a matter of interpretation

we're not going to, by being violent, reach a totally genderless state of homogeny where everyone lives futuristically or in some jeffersonian utopia. sorry.

He's your enemy in material terms. Of course I'm not saying you have to hate every factory owner or do personal violence to them.
I don't know what the fuck gender has to do with anything and utopianism is explicitly criticized by Marx himself. A socialist future looks a hell of a lot more like the Mondragon corporation than whatever Peterson-esque scaremongering you're used to.

>What's the difference whether you're a mcdonald's cook for minimum wage or a chief of engineering at a local plant making $150K a year?
>picture of Stalin with glowing meme eyes
>chill out bro im reasonable. wb Mondragon corporation?

is this all the same poster?

No I'm only two of those posts.

Quality of living, probably...?

stop over at biz lad will help you out. the poorfag pajeets here are no good

if youre really willing to risk it, growing and selling weed is quite profitable, of course you risk prison rape