I'm looking for OmniChrist. Contact me please

I'm looking for OmniChrist. Contact me please.
[email protected]

He posted this document before the thread was deleted. This is a red alert. They're censoring all mention of pic related. Omni, there's some things I would like to ask you, as you've corroborated things I had previously only been suspicious of --- not merely surface level Q stuff, but my own conclusions I had not seen discussed.


It seems Jow Forums, and indeed the crypto war, is in a far more dire state than I had imagined --- which was already dire as is.

I'm starting to see it in everything, everywhere. I'm not prone to schizophrenia, merely pattern recognition.

Anons I know this is cryptic and vague, sorry, but if you're polite then I can address you without worrying you're a shill. The shills seem completely incapable of shielding their intent.

Shit I'm freaked out.

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I typed it out so you know I’m not a Jew shill. What’s up, user? I’m intrigued

I also have an encrypted email but I'm not posting it here. I need to verify you before I subject my private email to vulnerabilities.

why don’t you post some screenshots from that doc you linked?

god yahweh im no shill and i shill not download that file silly

Read the doc I linked. It came off as half serious half schizophrenic, but it seems to be true enough that I can't discount it.

Also sorry I'm so freaking tired, can't articulate very well right now. But Israel and China are clearly at war with us and they've infiltrated EVERYTHING.

Fuck man. Everyone's gonna call me an idiot. I don't care. I need to talk to OmniChrist so I can reposition myself.

How big is the Jew network? Are my ordinary average Jew friends who play DnD and post anime memes a threat? It's so ludicrous, so paranoid, but the threat of encrypted battle plans existing in all our media since the 40s or prior is something I can't dismiss. They've been talking about enslaving us right in front of our eyes.

Maybe it's just that the Jewish conspiracy feels so much more pervasive and connected than I was ready to accept, despite internalizing everything on Jow Forums over the years.

What subtle, twisted ways are Jow Forums posts molding us? Fuck fuck fuck. I'm not schizophrenic, just at a loss for words.

post a screenshot lad

How bout you type out Yahweh as well, Op. just so we’re all on the same page

The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region

It's 30 pages long, can't just open it? I downloaded it in PDF form. It sounds so ludicrous and almost narcissistic but he connects things so well. It's basically the culmination of a bunch of "wtf this is weird, anyone notice this?" threads here.

I'll post a few but I'm not doing a full dump, I'm just looking for +-+ right now. I'll do a full thread and discussion after I reach him.

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now I am not a shill yay

Sorry fren but unless you type out Yahweh I’m not clicking shit

yeah but you’re still an Israeli so there’s that, JIDF

if you can't tell that the document is either a troll or the ramblings of a schizo based upon the first sentences of the third and fourth paragraphs, you are incredibly gullible, OP.

>type yahweh type yahweh
autism speaks, it's time we listen

Fine I'll try.
Starting page 2/30 (1 is just cover image)

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Break it on down for me friendo. I'm both polite, and intrigued.

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2 (Really 3 but I'll be referring to the page numbers as n-1)

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What does Yahweh have to do with this? Because Jews are afraid to type it? You realize the ones at the top know Judaism is hogwash and are of the Babylonian mystery school/some new hybrid religion, right?


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Attached: Screenshot_20181212-114148.png (720x1280, 202K)

wow it’s literally insanity ramblings


To elaborate, "he" is supposedly kek or +-+ or OmniChrist. I don't know more than that. I only read to page 20+ish because I wanted to reach him before the thread I found it in was archived, but it was pruned. It was a thread about that Western Autonomous Region in China being censored.

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It seems like it, but by page 20 I'm just kinda fucked because I've seen everything he's talking about. Also I'm tired so excuse me if I'm being too lazy to elaborate intelligently.

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This is 6


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I need a damn pass but I'm not giving a dime to traitormoot.

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Post nose or GTFO


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I really don't want to think every jew is in on some grand conspiracy, but it seems a lot of your people are. Would rather not kill you but I'm not sure if you're capable of seeing us as fellow human beings.


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This seems to be my last screenshot, the others are lost in a sea of tens of thousands of images. Just click the link in the OP for the rest.

And look, even if OmniChrist is just some crazy narcissist, everything he pointed out are things I know to be true. I need to ask him about his work. For example, he said he was given support by the Vatican and crown. Aren't they vassals of the Rothschilds/globalists? Why sell out their own?

Then again Bush seems to be cooperating. Makes sense if they want to live.

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I see validity in his observations. What you said is speculation; I'm trying to reach him to see if he can prove credentials somehow. It's not out of the question for an intelligence officer to be autistic or have megalomania, as long as they're right for the job at hand.

I reserve judgment until further contact. Otherwise I'd pay attention to the things he's pointing out, because I've noticed half of them myself. Didn't realize there were more puzzle pieces. Also consider the idea that this is disinfo with bits of real info we hadn't considered. Learning his motivations will help determine which is which.

I'm not gonna argue with you about whether or not communist enemies with vast global resources speak in codes right in front of our eyes; because they obviously do.

China is now threatening to ram US battleships
in the south China Sea thanks to obama giving them the right to build islands. WW3

>To elaborate, "he" is supposedly kek or +-+ or OmniChrist.
Another possibility is he's an AI. That also occurred to me as it might explain the odd syntax. I'm well aware we have algorithms that are Turing complete and more.