>be me, raised in a rural town
>turn 18yr old, still virgin
>get into uni
>hot guy in my class, jock archetype talks to me
>he makes me laugh, he walks me home
>becomes my boyfriend after a while
>never had a boyfriend before
>I told him i'am a still a virgin, he says he will wait for me to be ready :)
>wait 5 months, i'am ready
>didn't knew he was fucking around with another girls
>he took my virginity and broke up with me the week after
>I just was a game and another of the 100+ girls the took to bed
>i'am the whore now, slut, thot, roastie
>feel like dying inside
Be me, raised in a rural town
Other urls found in this thread:
Is she breathes..
Go cry on two x on Reddit fucking cunt go home
Why didn't you wait until marriage?
Lel, roastie BTFO by chad
This should probably be on r9k or sth
2/10 apply yourself
not all heroes wear capes
Stop being so misogynistic and go back to pol please!
This is Jow Forums retard
There's a 0% chance OP is actually a girl.
he wanted to get married, I was dumb and I trusted all his lies about family and shit
I moved to a rural town for a job 10 months ago with 2k people and the nearest "town" with a Walmart is 50 minutes away and the nearest actual city is 1.45hours away. This place sucks dick. All those country songs are made by "country boys" who grew up in the city because this isn't fun. I cant even date because all the women are either married, in high school or 50+.
What I'm getting at are give me some tips to catch a senior in HS.
Tits or gtfo
She's a thot
Probably got an STD like a dumbass lmao
nobody cares about your virginity when you're an adult, dont sweat it, go have sex and have fun desu
Show boobs bby...
I did something similar but I don't think she was a virgin
Waited 5 months for the worst sex in my life. She was horribly inexperienced wouldn't even return oral. Dumped her the next week
0/10 my dude.
Which Star Wars is this from and where's the black guy?
I made a post as a femanon once years ago on /b/ as my first official Jow Forums post, and an user posted this in the thread
it was true but i pretended it wasn't for the notes
>waiting 5 months and lying to a girl for pussy
Kill yourself. You could literally be fucking girls in less than a week of meeting them if you were less of a spineless faggot.
Yeah I fucked some virgin Indian girl a couple years ago, was terrible. I think people who are into the whole "waiting for sex" thing just aren't into sex enough to be good at it.
When did you lads realize womeme's suffering doesn't exist?
Haha dumb whore. Wanna go out some time?
Could be worse, he could have given you HPV and then you could have gotten cervical cancer and had to get it removed so you'd never be able to have kids.
>I should have kept her contact info...
>moving TO a rural town as a you. G single male
your fault idiot. people who love small towns love them because they grew up there and are connected to the other people
Oh stop with the bullshit.
You may or may not be a virgin and you may be larping but I grew up in a rural area and moved to a university just like you did. Many girls were just as slutty with the chubby farm boys back home as they were in university. In fact, it may be worse because as soon as they open the doors of the institution their pussies are like "spotted: man of different race, must fill pussy with different colored cock".
If you're not larping, sorry, that's a hard first pill to take in the dating world. Take it on the chin like we all did with our first. You'll still be torn by your evolutionary instincts to want to fuck more chads that have their pick of 100 different women.
Also, what does this have to do with Jow Forums?
>She fell for the college education meme
>She fell for abandoning spiritual strength for big black cock
deserved it.. :/
>hot guy
>jock archetype
What the hell did you expect? stupid girl.
why do you put a high value on your virginity?
Interracial fetishists pls go
Fpbp. OP knew exactly what she was doing. Now that Chad has left her, she's trying to rewrite her memories to make herself the victim
>dumb girl does dumb whore things
>wonders why we think she’s a whore
It’s almost like the stereotypes about women being stupid are also true
Poor woman, shes a victim. Lets go and donate more to anita so she can open a discord. Why? Because we're super cool and understanding unlike these evil Jow Forums persons. Checkm88
>Be an adult in a relationship
>Don't have sex with partner for half a year
>Be surprised when they cheat
>having sex after a weeks
>wating until you have an stable relationship
Op should have had the basic intelligence to avoid get pump and dumped, or even better, waited until marriage
Fucking this. Relationships based not on Jow Forums virgin standards but on standards of people who can attract others aren't going to last long without sex.
No one really cares when peopl have sex, just sick of females having a victim mentality
Whores are great, I don't know why you're so mad at them. It's cheating whores that are bad.
They’re calling you dumb whore because you got tricked by something that’s completely....cliche. Plus for what reason did you need to have sex? You can’t just say it’s becusde he wanted to....it was to sate your own carnal desires. Which isn’t wrong imo but you know some people on here are uptight. Don’t let it get to you sugar desu
I wonder that, if this story is mostly true, if OP didn't see the warning signs earlier and decided she was "ready" in a deluded effort to keep him.
There so many ways the story could’ve twisted and turned. Isn’t that amazing? Life is great. Not OPs though because her life and vagina is ruined (same thing) now she’ll be emotionally scarred and physically tainted. No man will ever want her again haha
Also, you're getting some fucking terrible advice from people here who are taking out their sexual frustration on you. Not that I really give a shit (you are probably larping), but in the off chance that you aren't take the advice here (go sleep around, etc) with a grain of salt. The misc is bad enough but at least you have a better idea of if you're talking to a legit chad for chad's advice - here you're just talking to a wall of text whose origin could be r9k. Would you take advice from them?
The longer this goes on the more I think this is a larping thread.
Got what you deserved
Wait...I think I finally see now. Idk how I was so blind before I actually thought OP was a girl.
Jow Forums is on the left
If this is real you had it coming.
Congrats OP, you're an Instagram meme! Also, what does Jow Forums & the whole of the Chan think about accounts like that?
rural 18 y.o. female on Jow Forums?
Higher quality bait pls
i know this is not true but, if it is... lol what you excpeted? that i guy that fucks everyweek will wait 5 months on celibate just for your pussy? lmao
Also he only stood around to took your virginity
anyway relax, those feelings will go away
What about the guys you didn't pay attention to?
Catch 22 no winner guys is waiting 5 months for a good time. your fault.
>t. college roastie
>tfw you want to protect all the nice girls you've met from this but they are all stupid fucking idiots so you become what you hate
fuck off larper
I hate women
how can I delete this thread please no
>Could have had a nice man
>Gave herself to chad because OP is a dumb thot unable to resist base impulses
I don't feel sorry for you, you made your bed
Dude if this is real cool the fuck down and do it right fucking now. I know literally nothing has happened to you in life since you're freaking out like every other user on this board does about relationships. You will be fine. This is literally nothing. Go find some real problems. Literally none of that post is identifying information either. For fucks sake. I would LITERALLY KILL indiscriminately to have problems as small as yours. Just for a fucking day. I fucking envy you. Cheer up.
If you are larping, anne Hiro immediately. Jesus Christ.
Pretty much.
Now lets wait 4 more years when you'll have chad #3 baby and will be forever alone OP. Good for you.
Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
>mfw thinking of you hurting
38yo obese man living on disability, I bet you anything
>i'am the whore now, slut, thot, roastie
that's what happens when you spread your legs, ho
at least you didn't press rape charges like some of the other worthless cunts do
Fake OP but still huge chad move there. There’s no way you didn’t know that would happen after dating that long thot
how can a virgin who expected a long term relationship, who got tricked into giving up her virginity be a whore?
i dont understand
Probably has a poop stick
Wrong board girla
Because she didn't wait till marriage before giving up her virginity. No one tricked her.
I have the opposite problem. I've taken 6 girls virginities and they break up with me a few months later
Why the fuck do people keep coming to Jow Forums thinking it's Jow Forums
You're just as fucking stupid as OP
You decided that you were ready and that you wanted to have consensual sex. So you had consensual sex. Yeah, he broke up with you. Did you think he was going to marry you? You went off to college and got fucked and fucked a guy. Go get another damn BF, what's the issue?
Chad 1 - Roastie 0
Know your place.
Ahahahahaha same man
All I can do is laugh the pain away now
Wow. lulz. Nice way to ask for that.
>I'm mixing up the standards of normal people with the standards of virgins on Jow Forums
hmm really fires my neurons
Eh, place less importance on virginity.
We care about how you currently act, not what you’ve been through.
I love living in the country.
I love living in a big city.
Fuck small towns.
No its not retard, kys
>woman makes a booboo
>denies all responsibility and blames the man
just file a false rape charge already
Fucking kill yourself your only achievement in life was to disappoint everyone you ever knew, fuck you
Doesnt really answer the question does it
>why didnt you wait
>he wanted to get married
Why didnt you wait to get marries first
Im sorry for what happened to you. Hugs. Both my relationships what i had i also waited 5-6 months before sleeping with them. I lost my virginity at 21. I can understand how you feel and id also feel destroyed, hurt and betrayed. Think of it this way - you did something with someone you love. Did you do it becouse it felt right at that moment? I hope you do. Yes first love doesnt last but you have happy memoriea right? He made you laugh, he made you happy, it was good times between you both. Unfortunately he was not sincere about his feelings towards you. You can either feel bad about yourself and never date men out of fear of hurt and betrayal or you can take it as leason. Learn how to see res flags, how to understand people and yourself better. Suround yourself with people who care and love you. It was a lesson. Learn from it. You will get hurt in life a lot. Its up to you to learn and get stronger and smarter. Hope youre doing alright. Youre not alone.
>why do you put a high value on your virginity?
If all you have to offfer was your virginity, i have some bad news...
How will dumb roasties ever recover
I didn't expect you people to know about this guy.
user's bait thread is too dumb.