>Text message Tax
How will Californians ever recover? Armed revolt when?
>Text message Tax
How will Californians ever recover? Armed revolt when?
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Brain dead californians wont even notice
>But they add that under the regulators’ proposal the charge could be applied retroactively for five years
How is that even fucking legal?
Their free Obama phones broke already?
It's legal if commie government says it is. Ask any commie from history if it was legal to kill or starve off their populations. It just is.
>get an iphone
>use imessage
>tax avoided
android cucks seething
California is so fucked and on its way to being a dystopia in generation or so
If it's not legal then they'll pass a law to make it legal.
The system works!
Holy fucking shit
>implying commie's wont come up with a way to tax all kinds of messages
The good thing is this really only effects normies and NPCs. The rest of us communicate face to face or not at all so fuck um but, i just thought it was funny and telling.
I think they will also analyze your message so they can arrest you for hate speech
This. Commiefornians are so cucked they actually support the people who make these laws. Commiefornians won't revolt because they gave in their weapons because they're brainlet cucks. They probably unironically want this.
Wouldn't surprise me. Didn't Commiefornia try to ban "misgendering" trannies or some shit?
The absolute madman! How can we tolerate these illegal opinions?
Jokes on them I don't have any friends to text.
but really someone should be scalped for this
>>Text message Tax
I can't believe Commiefornia is stealing from its actual citizens to give illegals (who should be deported) free phones. Imagine being so cucked by mass immigration that you put illegals over your own people.
every illegal spic I see has a new iphone anyways
As a incel mgtow sexless hugless dateless pedo neet, I unironically will support this tax. It will hurt normies and women more than it hurts me.
>surcharge on text messaging would help fund programs that make phone service accessible to the poor
Mo gibs. More taxes that go directly to niggers and illegals.
I think every spic should be deported, but how do you know they're illegals?
The illegals are.their people. Commiefornia is nothing but beaters and kikes
God I hope they pass this shit. Maryland had a governor that taxed rainfall. You all know Maryland is the most liberal state. Well, after the rain tax, Maryland has been voting in Republican governors.
True, but it just blows my mind that you'd prioritize an illegal over a legal citizen. I give up trying to understand Leftists.
Good point. I mean, how the FUCK do you justify TAXING FUCKING RAIN? No one chooses to have rain. At least the text tax, stupid as it is, is a tax on something that's in your power to choose whether or no to do. If Leftists don't ban it they tax it.
The Black Israelites are hilarious - so many good videos of them and white cucks believing their bullshit.
It already is one except for the handful of billionaires that live in the state.