
Does this shit work outside of Fallout?

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No, who believe anarcho-anything can work is either braindead or underage.

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A mode of resource exchange between people without coercion is not that ridiculous.

Think Linux, but for the economy.

Anyone who believes that the world isn't currently driven by 85% free enterprise and 15% state parasitism is not paying any attention.

2/3 of people are like wood absorb in the material
2/3 of that is mental absorb in thought
2/3 of that are spiritual absorbed in the metaphysical
those remaining are in balance

Let me ask you
Are most people even capable of ruling themselves, let alone in the 21st century

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Fallout has governments (albeit small) and plenty of coercion i dont see how that universe is ancap

Anarcho-Capitalism is literally just an avenue toward fascism. Liberal government institutions are designed to create some degree of democracy in the system. Remove those government institutions, and they will be replaced by private companies. Without any checks and balances, soon monopolies form, and the people who run those monopolistic companies become dictators; as they accrue power and wealth, no one can compete with them, in part because they buy out any other talent.

Anarcho-Capitalism would inevitably lead to some kind of totalitarian post-fascism. But then, that's why the libertarian movement is so useful to the alt right - it's the most innocuous recruitment tool they have.

It works if your goal is a collapsed lawless society, which is unironically what many ancaps want.

Does not work in fallout.

Can it work? Absolutely. Need an example? Bitcoin.

Bitcoin is more of a direct democracy

AnCaps unironically hate Fascism though. They're dumb enough to think that ancap would be self sustaining as a utopia of mom and pop private military forces in perfect competition against one another.

Those who are incapable can die off, natural order an' sheit. Why'd i give a fuck about them when i have my private nukes nigga
The early fallout universe was a tribal ancap society. Well it did lead to corporations like Mr. House wanting to aquire power and establishing authoritarian regime, but we can organize a militia to suppress them. Always can just nuke them

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The thing about linux is that it's a group of OS's that are 100% free and most of the time use next to no paid for software, except for maybe games on steam, not exactly the same as a nation is it?

>Implying that caesars legion, or the NCR are anywhere close to small

If you think that fascism is the end of an ancap state you're genuinely dumb, fascism is inherently against capitalism, because it is a jewish system that is against the truth of fascism.

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Now try imagining an actual functional economy where the only currencies were all that volatile

that's a nice idea on paper but you need to compromise with reality to make it work

>When all of your life savings turn into the equivalent of pennies overnight because your ancap states cryptocurrency crashes this video is a glimpse into how anarchy can be managed. Good tune to boot.

True AnCap has never been tried. Prove me wrong. (Protip, you can't)

>The early fallout universe was a tribal ancap society
Lol the NCR existed in the early fallouts idiot

>Outside of Fallout
>Have never watched Mad Max

>Implying that caesars legion, or the NCR are anywhere close to small
They arnt as big as the pre war federal government was my point

Not until the second game

And is Fallout 2 an early fallout game ? as opposed to 3, NV and 4. Go be pedantic somewhere else


>thinking people will be in any way virtuous when there is no law


no, its a fictional religion for feels and fedoras.

This too.

It;s a shame that very little people on Jow Forums know anything about economics

Mah nigga

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True that, user

They're bigger than most countries today though.


Yes it would work. All the retards itt saying that ancaps want a lawless world. wut? Anarchy is a lack of rulers not a lack of rules. People would still have rules and jurisdictions. It would be a wonderful, more libertine world.

Didn't ask if it was tried or not. Anyway the wild west was pretty close to ancap
I didn't say the whole post war US was ancap, i meant NV

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It works if you have a magical world where you re-spawn after death as well an invisible large admin in the sky that constantly prevents abuse and ensures the game is balanced.

For those who rule with their corporate military, sure it would. Everyone else would be a serf and common living conditions would be just enough to keep you productive. The military might fair better and they would have to be a higher social class and see themselves as better than the masses. Alternatively, just constant conflict and vigilante justice not unlike Mexico.

linux would be more akin to enforced lolbertism.