It's not censorship

we're just CURATING for quality.

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>leafposting this hard

try again, faggot.

I hate capitalism
But I love Facebook and Google

>>leafposting this hard

>try again, faggot.
It's satire.

I feel like this could be mirrored for our friends on 4channel

Then they're publishers and can be sued accordingly


>Then they're publishers and can be sued accordingly
That's not how laws work, honey

>loves capitalism
>company does something liberal
>Jow Forums starts coming up with commie-tier plans of Government intervention
>"not real capitalism"

It is actually sweety

>being this delusional
Good luck sueing google, user. Im sure you won't be widely mocked.

>private companies can do what they want

The problem is that the private companies are aiding & abetting people who violate people's freedom- taxes mainly.

>you can sue them
Sure, you could also tell the SWAT team that taxes are unconstitutional

>muh guns
>muh dick

big companies are sued all the time honeybun

by other big companies, sugar

>big companies are sued all the time
I'll watch the news for you suing google, and making them follow the law.

No what's going to happen is their verified users are going to make slander trend and get fucked in the ass.

What a cancerous thread

This is why people rather keep their eyes closed, faggots

Constitutions don't grant rights.

Rights are freedoms (like free speech) whose violation (like censorship) will result in violence.

Constitutions simply declare the
rights that citizens have always been willing to defend with

"Let your neighbors know what kind of ammo (hollow-points) you use, so that they know what kind of neighbors (polite, respectful) to be."

Stop complaining, put on a yellow vest and protest exactly this.

>don't confront me with societal problems
>I prefer inconsequential topics

>throw everything away to protest the slightest infractions
Found the lolbertarian.

>Blue Checkmarks are going to slander someone
>who will then provide cause to sue Twitter
Keep dreaming, sweetheart

Also, it's libel.

Except that literally is how laws work.
They're just selectively enforced because they're all working together

They're not laws if they're not enforced.

It's not about confronting, just read how you guys are arguing

So derogatory, and toxic AF, you're never gonna have an intelligent discussion like this.

>toxic arguments
Back to Tumblr

Hi schlomo. Go suck your mommy's dick you gigantic fag, then post it on jewbook

Just stop using fagbook goys. Real easy.

It isn't privacy invasion and predictive war against dissidents, it is just we know what is best for you.

>its what the [[advertisers want]]
i think its hilarious how all these sjw corporations are selling out for chinese money, and the chinese do not tolerate fags, muslims, or trannies. Its going to be great watching the left eat itself as they fight for chinese monopoly money while at the exact same time, the chinese are trying to buy up american/canadian/australian land and merchandise and hide it away so when their country collapses from civil unrest, they will be able to live like kings in the west.

Not toxic arguments, idiot.

You have no arguments, you're just screeching at each other like the average North-American.

It's quite amusing for someone with a brain to be honest, but detrimental to our cause.

Jewish controlled discourse is vital to their power

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