My girl looks like this. Same build, same face...

My girl looks like this. Same build, same face, glasses the whole thing (even Asian) but is under 5 foot tall and very unsure of herself saying how much she hates her body and thinks she fat as hell because all her female relatives are stick thin with no figure.

What can I do to convince her she is fine?

Attached: 4858157335_2498d0338a_z.jpg (480x640, 112K)

She is fat though. If she's fat and fine with it, there's no problem with it, otherwise she's going to have to suck it up and lose some weight.

Only one thing you can do.

Fuck her good everyday.

Either woman or low test, don't know.

Are you suggesting that she isn't fat? Because that's fat.

>thinks that is fat

Christ. The Internet is dumb.

I like the cut off your gib fine sir.

No, I don't think that is fat.

Only a faggot, woman, or low test male would consider that fat.

She isn't thin by any stretch, but her build is fine, her proportions are good, and she is filled out in the right ways.

Where do you live?

Here's the thing, if you want a woman with bigger tits, a nice ass, nice thighs, and such you are going to have to get her a little thicker than porn would have you believe unless they are full of silicone or something.

Also, most men with normal or high test levels do not like skinny women. I know, I used to be like that myself until I got on testosterone. It destroyed a lot of what I thought was sexy in regards to women.

Muh dick

Don't. Her bad self esteem is good for your relationship. It sounds fucked up but believe me. Don't agree with her but don't try to hard to fix it either.

Nothing. Usually people wear manage and fix that kind of insecurity alone.

This. If she gets thin she will start looking for someone better and dump you.

>basedboy messed up his hormones even worse than they were naturally and doesn't like attractive women anymore
In a few months you'll be saying most men with high test like dick.

Attached: pepe(3).jpg (540x534, 67K)

Damn right user

What I no longer find attractive

-Small framed 18-23 year olds
-Shaved pussy
-Overly dominate women (i.e. Amazon position)
-Flat chest
-Feet and other fetish shit

What I now find attractive

-Full figure
-30+ years of age

It's like I went from cosmetic ideals and stuff to 'who has the higher chance of bearing my seed'.

I honestly don't know why I thought the other shit was attractive.

She is fat. Get over it.

Sauce? Fuck your bitch real good. Make her clean her pussies ever morning then eat her out.

Shit taste, user.

show her that pic and tell her its hot?

but imo that body type is gross and even if my bf found it hot I would still lose weight and find someone with better taste

why are even letting her speak instead of stuffing her mouth with your cock all the time? baka

Yeah this, hard to complain if one's mouth is full.

Am I a chubby chaser? That's the body of my dreams.

You can't "fix" people user. Coming from a guy that had self esteem issues for years, it's something she has to fix for herself.

If you still wanna help, try to compliment her quirks and other shit like that. Some girls like that, but idk.

Attached: 1466913344572.png (600x436, 184K)

>woman talking about what men find hot

You have no idea how brainwashed you are into thinking how a woman should look.

>but imo that body type is gross

If your girl is less than 5"4 she does NOT look like her. Stop defending your compressed philipina gf

She is less than 5 feet and does indeed look just like that except she has super tiny hands and feet.

Same exact build.