No hobbies i find interesting anymore

>no hobbies i find interesting anymore

>probably wont find career fulfilling

>not pursuing relationships

>hedonism has reached diminishing returns

Im only 20 help

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>no hobbies i find interesting anymore

Yep, videogames gets pretty stale when you get older.

>probably wont find career fulfilling
Only if you do something that makes you a slave to somebody else and not what you want to do.

>not pursuing relationships

Cool. Good. Let the real loves of your life just happen.

>hedonism has reached diminishing returns

Yeah, beer and weed just is another thing when you get older.

>Im only 20 help

Reflect on your life. What have you learned that you like? Then find out what you want and go get it. That's the cool thing about being an adult. You can claim what you want.

Go outside user.Take a walk. It'll come to you.

Have you tried eating quinoa?

The fuck is with you and quinoa?

>Yep, videogames gets pretty stale when you get older.

Not just vidya , art got frustrating and i can't watch anything on TV anymore.

>Only if you do something that makes you a slave to somebody else and not what you want to do.

What job doesn't do this?

>Reflect on your life. What have you learned that you like? Then find out what you want and go get it. That's the cool thing about being an adult. You can claim what you want.

Nothing really, i guess i should start picking shit out of a hat to do?

Generally stupid problems are solved with eating. I'm just making a suggestion on a hearty side dish to be consumed. Hopefully calming idiotic op's and getting them to learn how to solve life's simplest problems themselves. By eating. A healthy side dish.

How is my problem a stupid problem? I can't help i feel disinterested in life in whole

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>Not just vidya , art got frustrating and i can't watch anything on TV anymore.

Yeah, I used to draw a ton when I was younger. Not anymore sadly. Still got it though, which is handy.

>What job doesn't do this?

You'll have to start doing jobs to get some money if you don't have any, but starting your own business is a very real and achievable thing to look into. Way Way more money involved then being a wagie.

>Nothing really, i guess i should start picking shit out of a hat to do?

No. This is an understandable and natural thing. You just have to find what you want to do. Browse other countries on the web. Look at dream homes. Appreciate art and come up with your own creative ideas. Develop sympathy for a cause. Look at expensive shit you really want to get one day. Plan an adventure. Stuff like that.

You'r free. You'll only grow as far as you are ambitious so your main enemy is not dreaming big enough.

Because you're most likely waiting for life to take interest in you. It won't. You have to make shit happen homie.

New Testament, outdoor activity, lots of water and exercise, job. Now.

it's pretty based if you're the one that keeps posting it in all these threads.

You'll have to start doing jobs to get some money if you don't have any, but starting your own business is a very real and achievable thing to look into. Way Way more money involved then being a wagie.

I wouldn't want to do that, plus no business ideas.

>You'r free. You'll only grow as far as you are ambitious so your main enemy is not dreaming big enough.

How do i get ambitions? i already do stuff and none of it really motivates me.
But i dont know what to do. I lack a personality and motivations. Help
1. what outdoor activities, i am can't think of anything i would find appealing. Also im an atheist so religion wouldn't help me there.

YOU'RE pretty based. Faggot. Go outside

>How do i get ambitions?

By wanting something bad enough that you're willing to commit an action.

Write 3 pages on what you want and that's a start.

>I lack the personality and motivation. Look bro. Sit the hell down, eat a bowl of quinoa and look up some damn hiking trails on your phone.
Your personality don't mean shit. Go do something, and you may end up liking it.

Hey fuck you too man.

>By wanting something bad enough that you're willing to commit an action.
>Write 3 pages on what you want and that's a start.

Problem with that is i dont really have anything that drives me. The only thing remotely close to that is fiscial goals, but i mostly do that out of being good with money, i dont take alot of joy in it.
So i do need to pick shit from a hat? Cause i literally have no idea on how to find something i may enjoy.

>from a hat

Pretty much. I was literally in the same situation as you. Super easy fix. You just need to do something with your body. Wake up, make your bed, take care of hygiene, and go do something. Buy a fishing pole. Go get lost in the woods for a few hours.
Just do something that gets you out of your room for awhile

Shutting yourself in will eventually lead to worse problems.

There's no problem with that. Do your homework and write your three pages.

Another problem i have is i kinda have a warped perception on hobbies. I find them useless now.

I know they're supposed to be for entertainment, but i have this thing in my mind where unless im getting something out of it directly benefiting me in an efficent, tangible way. I dont wanna do it.

Like i dont wanna fish cause i could easily get a fish from the supermarket, for example.

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Heres what i want:
6+ months of expsenses
60-70k a year net salary (so probably like 80-90k gross)
Pay off mortgage super early
Invest tons to retire early.

>1. what outdoor activities, i am can't think of anything i would find appealing.
just walking for an hour or two is fine. 10-30min. is also enough.
>Also im an atheist so religion wouldn't help me there.

Some pretty low hanging fruit there.

>60-70k a year net salary (so probably like 80-90k gross)

If that's your professional goal then work toward that.

How is my religion important?

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That's the problem today with a lot of people our age. What you get out of a hobby is simply the entertainment itself.
Pick something that challenges you.
Honestly bro, not even kidding, grab a fucking bowl of quinoa, and set the goal that you want to have a sliver of an idea of what you want to do with your time, by the time the bowl is empty.
I had my epiphany while eating it. I shit you not

Your lack of religion is a signal of little understanding of the world besides the physical.

Jow Forums likes to fedora meme the non-christians

What kind of challenge, and why should i challenge myself. I can't seem to find any challenges worthwhile.

As before, should i pick shit out of a hat? And is so, where can i get a list of things to draw out of the hat.?

I am an atheist because i personally cannot see any strong evidence of that of a god. Only anecdotes and fallacy.

What else is there beyond the physical realm?

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I'm not going to debate metaphysics with you.

You're in a Christian Society, not a Muslim one, a Jewish one, a Buddhist one,a Hindu one, or god forbid an atheist one. Just know you won the lottery and if you don't want to appreciate your heritage then that's your business.

Isn't logic just ,like , the order of the physical world? Like if we notice thing a and thing a is related to b in way c, we just observing physical phenomena?
I will say this can open a whole can of worms here.

I will say that im not bound by some loose heritage my ancestors had. I dont see strong evidence of something i dont believe in it, that simple. I dont believe in Bigfoot or Santa because of the same reason i don't believe in God.

It's not a loose heritage. You're speaking English so your not being bombed all the time. Atheism is a luxury of the current victor.

If you were born in Saudi Arabia then I guarantee you that you wouldn't be singing the same tune. You're Atheism is a luxury in a bigger world.

So what, i need to believe in something i dont ?
All your doing is trying to guilt trip me into religion.

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Believe what you want. Religion is hard rooted in HIstory and Politics so it's practical knowledge. I'm just sharing an objective truth.

People that scoff at religion really just really annoy me. It's the main reason people go to war and acting like it's insanity adds absolutely nothing to the table.

Don’t we owe it to OP to explain trascendental idealism to him tho? Or at least the fallacy of induction? The poor guy probably doesnt even know what positivism is, much less that he is one

I never shoo'd off religion or claimed it didn't have affects on society.(this is an interesting topic, but im not gonna have a discussion on it here further)

What i am saying is to me, someone who does not believe in God, how can i derive value from a book who requires you believe in God?

I could attend religious services and lie about my faith for community / social reasons. But 1. That disingenuous and 2. I could also also find the same thing elsewhere without being morally dubious.

> how can i derive value from a book who requires you believe in God?

You've obviously never read the thing. It states many times that it's normal to not believe in God. It requires a half step not full zealotry.

So explain how i can get value, also i would appreicate if you could show me where it says this.

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Luke 24:38
“Why are you troubled, and why do doubts arise in your hearts?

Mark 9:24
“I believe; help my unbelief!”

Hebrew 11:1
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.

Mathew 28:17
And when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted.

A lot of the bible is centered on the question of faith. It's answer is that a little goes a long way.

The value of the thing is that if you learn from its wisdom then you'll have a better life. That's what it was made for.

>no hobbies i find interesting anymore

We've all gone off old hobbies, find new ones. Try anything from making videos to motorcycling.

>probably wont find career fulfilling

This is most people, except you have the luxury of calling it a career, most are in dead end jobs.

>not pursuing relationships

Good, avoid that pit of dispair. You're only 20, relationships don't mean shit.

>hedonism has reached diminishing returns

Stop wasting money on useless crap, put it towards your larger goals (e.g. new vehicle, property, etc). Hedonic consumerism only goes so far.

>I know they're supposed to be for entertainment, but i have this thing in my mind where unless im getting something out of it directly benefiting me in an efficent, tangible way. I dont wanna do it.
Well you're posting on one of the worst boards on Jow Forums right now so I'm gonna say you're full of shit

The ethics might and ground , and I could accept those . Doesn't really help the God issue. And since that's important , I doubt could become Christian.

Also there's issue that bible has issues with women , homosexuals , and other things ( I know Islam and probably jewdiasm has this issue as well , before you mention this .)

Have you tried stoicism instead? Really puts things into perspective and makes life much more enjoyable.

All I'll end it with is that have you ever asked yourself the basic question that started the whole thing.

Where did life come from?

Science has no answer. They just piece together bits and say we'll understand eventually. Well that's obviously not good enough. So God is nothing like Santa Claus to me. Logically it's the only option the whole world has agreed to being the only answer to that question.

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My response to that is a lack of evidence is not evidence there of. Also this will come of as reddit - tier normie shit , but God being a receding pocket of ignorance helps describe this pretty well .

Elaborate . how do you know im full of shit ?

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It answers the question though. The only answer that does.

That's a hard fact.

Not something one can just ignore. Some people like being aware of the world they live in. Others just want to live in their own.

I could also say the universe was created soley by me , and it has as much grounding as any religion. Just because you propose a solution doesn't mean that solution is correct .

"A wizard did it." Is always a poor answer.

>Science has no answer

Because science is better than that. There's a scientific method to follow. It's not about making up fairy tales to help you sleep at night. And yes scientists do actually have ideas about where life came from. They can't declare it a scientific fact because no one has a time machine to go back and observe. But it is possible to one day reproduce the event that created life. We're already on the way to creating completely artifical dna from scratch so it is possible to create new life from base components.

You have an image of God in your head, this image is limited and incorrect. It is what is keeping you from finding any sort of faith in a religion.
It’s just like Santa Claus, please bear with me. Santa isn’t a man who goes around to everyone’s house giving them Christmas presents. Santa is more than that, he is this wave of consumerism , joy, love, happiness for children, peace, and fellowship that comes every year. In this way “he” exists. God is the same, he’s does not need to be some old looking man, constantly sitting on a cloud watching everything, passing out judgement, listening to prayers, blessing people, etc. He is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent; therefore he is all you need him to be. He can still be that old man, I think to a lot of fundamentalists he is. But to you he can be a benevolent patron wishing you luck.
Try LSD, or even just some genuine meditation.

It obviously couldn't be created by you though. Religion says what could. So, no your claim that is has just as much grounding is just trying to rustle my jimmies.

>Just because you propose a solution doesn't mean that solution is correct .

When you have a monopoly on the answer to the most important question the world operates based on that answer. Thus History.

You're welcome to your nihilistic opinions OP, but you come across as a nihlist. The most insufferable cunts of all.

>Hurr Crazy fairytales
>Science is right
>Well not now because it's not
>But one day you'll see your the stupid one not me

Try harder faggot. Still no answer.

I get what you mean by the figurative spirit of God , I have felt it myself reading texts. But that doesn't change my point. If you asked me if Santa was real I would tell you no. Even though I love fictional Santa .

Also with this logic you propose , what keeps me from creating my own pantheon of Gods and mythos and claiming its " real " in the same way you do. Would my 15 minute relgion hold the same validity of your ancient one ?

>It obviously couldn't be created by you though

Why is this ? If all I need is faith to accept religious doctrine, why cant I just hold faith in myself as an all powerful entity

>Religion says what could

What do you mean by this ?

The nature of God is discussed in religion. Understanding God is an intense meditation.

You are not this force. You are a human-being

>If all I need is faith to accept religious doctrine, why cant I just hold faith in myself as an all powerful entity

you're welcome to do that and end up in the psych ward. You're the one pulling a bunch of crap out of your ass..

I think we have a definitional problem . From what your saying , you don't think God is a literal entity but instead a sort of social phenomena that leads people in the right direction . If that's true , that just means this "God" is just how we humans feel towards ethics and eachother. And thus isn't real .

No, It created the Universe.

Fun Fact: The Big Bang Theory was developed by a Catholic priest.

The nature of God can never be fully understood by a Human, but philosophers have come up with tricks to figure out it's nature.

Look op, no one here knows you so your excuse of i have no ambition or any drive cannot be solved further than "then get some ambition/drive about something". Theres really not much others can offer you in this department. Just stop doing the stuff that makes you feel miserable (hedonist shit) and get out of your comfort zone you fucking panzy.

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1. Either your contradicting yourself bere or this is a different person

2. You set up this entity as something that , by its nature , is beyond mortals and thus cannot be given the same scrutiny given to other things . It hedges on blind faith as a given , and the rest is deliberated on from there.

And hey that's fine , if it works for you.But personally I can't believe in something I'm not allowed to poke , prod , and critique until reasonable certainty.

Id rather say " I don't know " to the origins of life than say " this wizard did it ".

3. >a Christian made a shitty sitcom

Not helping your case :^)

It's a different person.

It's metaphysics at this point dude. Yes, It's above mortals.It hedges not on blind faith. That's extremely bigoted and insulting. I already told you that it is the only answer to the big questions.There are very logical reasons to believe in a God.

But hey dude. You're probably some NEET super genius who although you can't write a 3 page paper saying what you fucking want out of life you insult the sacred institutions of the world of which you bring nothing of value to the conversation then just being a fucking nihlist that says NO continually until you can poke God with a stick and go well gee I guess there it is like it's some fucking lizard.

Send me a link to to some literature that supports your idea . I may of found something to do , ironically .

Also nice ad hominem, not neet and not super genius , at best above average. Nothing to exceptional ( never claimed to be . )

What idea is that?

I guessed I assumed there was a specific argument in metaphysics that you were giving . Sorry if I assumed this .

I suppose if in geinuwily curious ill just just need to read up generally on the topic of meta physics ?

You'll like it. At the very least you'll get to understand what's "outside the physical realm".. It's what makes people tick. What drives them to do what they do.

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you made me chuckle, and its been awhile since i've chuckled.
Maybe you're onto something man

I never thought of meaning as a literal realm (if thats what you mean).

The religious "Hallelujah!" option isn't appealing to me, it still seems to still have that "blind faith" notion about it. Although this may not represent your actual thoughts.

I guess if you wanted me to pick one of this chart that represented me, it would be the ubermensch.

Solid Choice

Read some Byron if you like that guy.

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>OP wanted advice
>Thread spiraled into worthless religious talk

Thanks Jow Forums, you guys suck.