Yo whaddup, this is probably the dumbest thread on Jow Forums ever. Anyway....
LEGO is running a joint promotion with a toy store in my country to promote Jurassic World 2; people who buy a Jurassic World/Park set stand a chance to win a Limited Edition T.Rex, of which there are 500 worldwide
The idea is that you fill in your receipt number online, and tell them, in 250 characters or less, why you should win one of those T.Rexes (they have a 100 to give away).
However, I'm a 25 year old bloke who only bought this set to enter the giveaway, win a T.Rex, and sell it for 1000+ Euros on bricklink (online LEGO brick market where hardcore collectors sell their kidneys to get their hands on promotional items like this).
The advice I seek is this; what should I write with those 250 characters to convince LEGO and the toy store to give me one of those T.Rexes? I've a mind to impersonate a little kid and tell them 'My favourite colour is yellow and this is the only yellow T.rex so I really really really want one', but I'm sure the collective intellect of Jow Forums can come up with something better!
> tl;dr convince a toy store in 250 characters or less why I should win a Lego set.
Yep, this IS the dumbest thread on Jow Forums ever... At least it's something different from the usual "how do I gf" threads, so props for that.
Ian Price
Given my years of wrestling alligators, I may be the only man in this contest who can handle that T-rex.
Oliver Kelly
That plastic dino is a pretty girl..... but I'd still flip it for loads o' money. 500 Pieces worldwide is insanely low for even a promotional item by LEGO's standards.
That gave me a hearty chuckle, damn
Mason Wright
Not the dumbest thread, at least you aren't trying to fuck children
William Taylor
Although it might be fucking over a kid who really wanted the T.Rex to play with....
Matthew Nelson
Spoiling children?
Fuck that, the little shit would just draw all over and neglect it.
> I need to prove to my biology teacher dinosaurs didn't have feathers and this should do the trick
Julian Cook
"I've fought like 10000 alligators so I'm the only one who can fight a t-Rex"
Might that work better?
John Green
I prefer the wrestling version.
Julian Wilson
I prefer the wrestling one as well.
Justin Hernandez
No this isn’t the dumbest, I assure you. There was a thread the past day about mushrooms growing on cum. I don’t think that more dumb than weird. Then there are stupid idiots with idiotic problems. You’ve got a plan. I wouldn’t call that dumb.
Lincoln Davis
That's not stupid. That could be a medical problem. Maybe user was so much of a virgin that his body saw developing another means of reproduction to ensure the preservation of his genes. And thus the anonshroom was born.
Luis Lewis
I promised my wifes son a lego t-rex plz send
Adam James
Benjamin Bennett
Dear LEGO, I've seen your promotion and I must admit that I'd love to add one of these specimens to my park. Due credit would be given, of course. Please contact me with your decision as soon as possible.
Regards, J. Hammond
Joshua Walker
Be honest and genuine , tell them you need the money and what you intend to do with it , i think that's the best thing to do
Michael Taylor
Tell them youre a 15 year old LEGO fan that is also incredibly talented and doing an early archeology degree, and the t rex is your biggest wish that can come true thanks to them
Wyatt Sullivan
I suppose it's good to let them know I have autism
> tfw I'd still be lying because I don't need the money
That's a bretty good idea too, hmmmm
Brayden Jackson
Oh, fuck off. It's not autism to reference the source material.
Ryan Martinez
I'm just afraid it will be lost in translation, if it's even picked up by the bored office worker who will be determining who wins
Hudson Butler
If you have the ability to make this thread I honestly, no offense, think they wouldn't see the difference
Have a go user, good chance parents will be writting shit up for their kids