What is the appropriate punishment for pedophilia?

Skippy lurks edition

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Nothing, punishing someone for a sexual orientation is Muslim tier

That being said, Child molesters/Child abusers should get instant death penalty, no other option

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Exonerate them and let the angry mob tear them to shreds. It's cheaper for the taxpayer.

Amputation of genitalia without anesthesia.

liberals logic
>pedophilia is a sexual orientation, and should be accepted
>engaging in it is evil, and should be punished with death

but not this:
>homosexuality is a sexual orientation, and should be accepted
>engaging in it is evil, and should be punished with death

Pedophilia is a sexual perversion, much the same as a rape fetish. It is not the product of a healthy mind.

Mandatory daycare supervising so they can learn the error of their ways in the face of temptation

I listen to what the state says

Death by boiling water

A relationship between an adult man and a young girl should be allowed under certain circumstances. One of them, if you're not a vile man like jews.

That being said, abusers should be shot by a firing squad. Simple as. Feelings of indignation should be kept in check, lest your soul will lapse. Allegedly, dying moments of a tormented body are characterized by ecstasy of some sort. They're also very intimate.

Unironically this is a good idea

It's proven that giving these men a place to talk about this works 6x better than jail and public harassment. Give them support groups where they can discuss these urges in a controlled setting with other pedos. It's proven that it works.

>bets that dago wop Chicago scum will see this
Hi John. What does it feel like? Tell us, we need to know. WHAT DOES IT FEEL LIKE JOHN?

liberal hypocrasy is fascinating

If they have any living victims, let the victims decide. Anything except forgiveness.

I like your idea, toothpaste. We should get all these pedos to a support group to talk about their feelings. Then someone flips a switch, and they can all dry on their electric chairs.

Somehow I think you missed Aqua fresh's point…


Homosexual sex is not by definition rape though

The rope. Strung up in the street. Any family members that seek retribution and kill their child's abuser should be granted clemency.

Proven in what cases, nederlander? In burger land pedophiles are almost always retentive; they do their time and get released only to be sent back not long after for fiddling minors again. Same thing with serial killers. If you are willing to traumatize the most vulnerable members of society, or anyone really, just for the sake of getting your rocks off, you hold no value for the life of your fellow man and do not deserve to draw from the same oxygen as the rest of us.
Do these support groups of yours really do a good job at keeping pedophiles from diddling kids?

>trips speak truth

bullet to the brain, keep it clean, quick, and simple. The goal is to remove the plague, not indulge in sadism.

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Death by fireants.
It takes 3 days

Homosexuals: You don't decide what you're attracted to

but if you're attracted to someone under 18 suddenly you're a suck fuck who deserves to be killed.


Where did I mention Homosexual acts at all?

Please, show me

Obviously separate them from society in some kind of nonce facility, but all this business with torture and execution doesn't help. Until we've got the stomach to properly study where this urge comes from we'll never be able to come up with a way of somehow stopping it.

Will harming and killing them help us develop a way of fixing the problem? More paedos will be born with these urges after you've indulged in flaying/buying offenders etc, so the problem of child abuse still exists.

It's a rough subject to study but surely there's something within people's genes or brain development which we can try and eradicate? That avenue would hopefully have a real result of reducing the problem. Chasing these sickos around to bash their heads in is more of the same and won't do anything other than make you an animal too. Yeah they're utterly revolting, so let's get serious about actually doing something to make a substantial difference as a society.

Skippy is gonna atone for his sins

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Unlimited loli and breadsticks.

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Castration , and imprisonment that can be lifted if they attend sessions with a psychiatrist who will determine that they 1. Have no desire to harm or abuse children anymore
2. Feel remorse for what they have done
If they meet the conditions they can go free after they have served a minimum sentenced determined by a judge , otherwise they remain in jail for life. If they reoffend they get the death penalty

life in prison

You think you're hot shit don'tcha?

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Let Hillary decide.

They both deserve to be killed desu

based and extremely boilpilled

Tell the public openly, all of the details.
Sit back and do nothing.
Watch the 6pm news.

Public lynching, nothing less. Rotting in a cell for the rest of your life is far too good for a pedo