Sorry for this wall of text: I've finally decided that I will take my life but before I do so I wondered what are some things that are worth doing/watching in my life time. Please don't try convince me otherwise, since I already took my decision. I might have lost what has beenbeen holding me back for so long and I'm just curious about thing I could miss out. It's been like this for about two years and lately has just gotten worse and worse. I liked so many things and some are still coming up but I just don't care anymore.
I've finally decided to take my life
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Go to a Jow Forums meet up. If possible an /out/ one.
- It’s a good Japanese song & music video. Also look at the recomendations beside it. It’s worth your time.
I've heard that living life is a nice thing to do before you die.
I recommend checking out the anime "Welcome to the NHK". Don't let the first episode's weird tone deter you from the show, it just starts a little strange.
Make sure you finish the whole show before you off yourself, it's really fantastic and has things to say and think about that are worth considering.
Sadly there's not too much of a Jow Forums community where I live.
Thank you.
I loved NHK, i've seen it a couple years ago and it was great.
Read Moby Dick
Since we are posting anime recommendations I suggest "Attack on Titan".
Watch Made in Abyss!!
Jesus so entry level.
Watch Non Non Biyori and you'll get healing OP
Yeah, it would be a good idea to read the classics.
Read the Count of Montecristo, it's one of my fav books.
Entry level is not bad.
Cowboy Bebop is as entry level as it gets but it's a must watch. Watch it if you haven't, OP.
Thank you guys, I really appreciate it.
Even though I've already seen most of what you've recommended.
We'll just keep trying, no matter.
This is a slow board, so we have time to think about things.
Have you ever gone hiking or maybe made a pilgrimage or whatever?
Here in Spain we have a thing called "El Camino de Santiago", essentially there's a cathedral on one of the country's borders and you just walk there from where you are, staying at inns on the way and stuff, maybe meeting fellow pilgrims and such on the road. It was real popular among both Spanish and French people (walking all the way from France and across those mountains separating both countries sounds like fun) during the XIX century, but it still sees activity nowadays.
I've always wanted to do it before I die.
You’re welcome. When you going to do it?
>what you could miss out on
Well, icecream, you know how many fucking flavors there are?
You could miss out on alot of things user, its a big world out there, I mean shit e3 is coming up if you're into gaming, for me I'm waiting on more overlord because my inner edgelord awakened, and got me back into anime so hard.
Way I see life, its like the endless 8 of haruhi suzumiya anime, it repeats, but with subtle differences, key is to find what can break the cycle and open a new path, sometimes, it could be a shit one, othertimes it can be amazing, I work in a shitty job and just by doing the same shitty things but leaping at the differences has changed my life dramatically, I actually have a local friend for fucking once in my life and excuse to see gaming/anime conventions, hell if I met you irl I'd ask if you'd like to join, I'd pay travel and expenses, its truly eye opening when you see those things for the first time in your life
I won't tell you not to take your life, instead I wish you peace, in life, or death, maybe we'll meet when life ends for us all, maybe you could walk past me tomorrow on your way out so to speak.
When the time comes OP, just say goodbye, I'd salute for you irl, but I'd salute for you either way.
having a family
Sleeping, eating and fucking. You could do great with those three.
You have to see Florence before you die. It's gorgeous. Seeing Santa Maria del Fiore in person, being right there in front of it, being able to touch it was overwhelming. It was seriously a rush of emotions.
You could try skydiving. Some say it's an amazing experience.
I've been thinking about sunday.
Perhaps even earlier.
>e3 is coming up
This is one of those things I was talking about, I just don't seem to care about it anymore.
I just want to disappear.
I nearly attempted in the past, twice, but I always pussied out.
Thanks user for being so damn kind, I hope you're life goes for the best.
It's beautiful, actually I'm from italy.
>Perhaps even earlier.
Sunday's pretty early. Don't be in a hurry to off yourself. Indulge a little.
[spoiler]At first I thought tomorrow but yeah
well honestly speaking yearly events like that can get tedious, the first time e3 was on that i caught it I was amazed but these days its "oh yay sequel/remake/remaster of game xyz", some people still get a buzz out of it
>pussied out
that's a sign user, I once attempted self harm, normally my pain tolerance was high as fuck but that day body went NOPE when the blade touch me, you're not totally numb yet, that means you can still enjoy stuff
try this, get whatever cash you have, go out to places, places you'd never think you'd go to ever, a posh restaurant, order something fucking nice, go a bar, order something expensive but ENJOY IT don't just drink yourself to death, go for a walk around someone that you may have liked at some point and or a place with a damn nice view, maybe go for a long train/pane ride somewhere
If you're actually committed, then find a way to enjoy yourself for a bit, least that way when you do go you'll feel somewhat satisfied, don't worry about what others think of you because the world is cruel to anyone who doesn't comform go out in your pj's if you must, might just be the last time you even try to find joy
And if you somehow change your mind after that, ok you're broke, so was I after losing my job and going nuts with otaku stuff trying to be a neet, that motivated me for a job and I hit the jackpot somehow (not high paying infact minimum wage but with the way I live its amazing).
Just whatever you do user, do the act sober, face death head on, if anything it'd be a final act with dignity that way
Enjoy your moments user, and damn I wish I was in italy so much cool shit there but we all say that about each other's countries.
And thank you OP, just trying to pass the kindness life has given me onto someone who needs it
The grass is always greener, eh?
I'm having a hard time giving a damn about E3 as well, I don't even want to watch it. I suppose it's just hard to too the 2010 E3.
Visit costa rica (holding sloth is cool) and the great barrier reef in australia
Thanks for your kind words, but as I already said it has happened in the past and now it's happening again.
These thoughts are not going away and now I feel like what has been holding me back for all this time is finally gone, whether it's for thea best or for the worst.
I'm aware that life's unfair with everyone and that many other people have it way worse than me but I just can't take it much longer.
Thanks for caring tho.
Yeah dude. Well unless you have a severe combination of physical/mental disability you should try to live a full life. But if you won't listen to reason I would reccomend some sick animes like baccano, fate: zero, and psycho pass. I really liked those and they helped me enjoy life when I was depressed in highschool.
You can also just read some really good books and stuff too. Theres really infinite series for you out there. And if you feel like it, its fun to create more. If you're low on energy to create then you probably need to eat more/drink caffeine.
Are there some books you really like?
Not that guy but as I said earlier Moby Dick. James Joyce also wrote some cool stuff. Also start with the Greeks and read Homer if you want (I recommend the Robert Fitzgerald translations). Stuff like Lolita is also fun. Find something you enjoy y'know? Either way OP, either make enough money for hookers or drugs or anime waifu.
>for hookers or drugs
Hookers I can kinda accept, but not drugs. It's not worth to live chasing the next high.
I'll check that stuff out.
Heroin and crack, while horrible and a terrible addiction, do make you feel better than anything and if you're gonna kill yourself why not at least try it? If not that then try stuff like DMT, LCD, or Datura. It might even kill you who knows. All in all, try find a good therapist. I've had fucking shit therapists but good ones do exist.
Dude maybe e3 is just broing to you now. Maybe its a sign you need to change. In fact depression and sadness is a sign that things need to change. You havent tried everything yet and I think your post is a sign you recognize this. Maybe you need to come up with non-vidya type hobbies my dude. You should at least try stuff like skydiving or sex before you go.
There is a difference between offing yourself with some dignity and dying on a street from gangrene.
Lol but if op changes their mind then their life is fcked. Better dead than an addict.
Please forgive me if I may sound too pathetic but my will to do anything except sleep and look at my ceiling is gone.
Right now I'm trying to occupy my mind by thinking of other things.
I've just started watching Serial Experiments Lain, I've been meaning to watch it for a while.