I'm a woman of 26, and I've always felt ugly...

I'm a woman of 26, and I've always felt ugly. I've never been in a relationship with a man whose appearance I enjoy sexually, because I'm too shy with handsome men and they don't approach me.

This year, I had sex a few times with a man who actually excited me sexually (this was a first for me) and now that I've awakened sexually so to speak, I'd like to find a relationship with a man I actually find attractive, but it's so hard.

How do I go about lowering my standards? I have been told I'm pretty, but I must not be, since I don't get men I find attractive.

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State your height and weight first, we need to know that first

163cm and 64kg.

>inb4 "too fat"

The men you find attractive are going to be skewed towards the top of male attractiveness-that is, these are the highest-valued males. You, meanwhile, are probably 4-6/10, and you're a whore on top of it. A common theme on this shit board is whenever a man asks "where do I find good women", people deflect and say "but do you deserve her, improve yourself, etc." Well, now the shoe's on the other foot. What do you, an average-looking slut with a shallow personality and a ticking biological clock, offer high-value men?
>how do I go about lowering my standards
You don't, just die alone and spare some poor beta the agony of being in a failed marriage with a vapid whore that pretends to love him for the sake of appearances and stability. You could get some cats.

Let me just preempt the most likely lines of attack.
>incel 80/20 meme
No, this was a survey taken straight from dating sites. Female psychology is geared more towards relationships and emotional attachments, and when viewing males purely physically without extra qualities, they will place less "attractiveness" on certain traits.
>but you're a low-value shit yourself, Hitler
Ok, so what? This isn't my thread.
>you should die alone too
I intend to, because I refuse to lower my standards and I know full well the rarity of people of any kind who would put up with me, much less those who share my beliefs and live up to my expectations.

Just go for people you like, learn about them, if it's clear ask 'em out and if they're not don't. It's not that tough
I wish you people would behave like the adults you pretend to be

>How do I go about lowering my standards?
Don't worry, they'll start dropping like a rock soon.

Once you hit 30 have no kids. That's all you will want and fuck any guy willing to rawdog you.

You should weight like 10kg less. That said I know a chick who's been swinging back and forth between being chubby and boardering plain fat who I've seen with nothing but attractive men. Thing is she's outgoing and fun while you sit there like a shy little girl and wait for some guy to take you by the hand

why dont you use tinder or other dating apps?

You are too fat. A person can have a pretty face and be slightly fat at the same time.

In Amerifat please.

5'3 and 141lbs

I like fat girls. I bet you're probably fun in bed now that you've learned to enjoy it. The only real answer to your question of how to find someone is just keep trying. "Lowering your standards" is a meme. As you gain life experience your tastes will more than likely expand to include more and different types of men. This isn't lowering your standards.

> I am a slightly chunky woman who wants a Chad like all other women. How do I start liking men I think are inferior to me?

You don't. You are on the path to a lonely roastie.

To elaborate, you will 'settle' for a man you think is beneath you. You will think you are better than him and act like it. This means you will mistreat him and only a beta will stay this will make you hate him more and you will cheat and leave him.

In short, you will be a lonely roastie lusting after Chad cock until you end up alone. Chad will get plenty of hotter trim than you and with less of an ego so he won't stay.

If you aren't happy with 5/10 man who is well established and level headed who treats you great to the point you feel beyond lucky to have him, you will die alone.

Why did you end it with the guy you liked?

Take it from me, you don''t want to try to rush things, in regards to sexual/romantic partners.

There is no rush, take your time, find someone you really want, who will be good to you - you don't want to wind up with someone abusive, and ignore the red flags.

Ok, 5'3 and 140whatever isn't fat. It's in the normal range for that height.

Getting slammed by incel rage lol...
You can easily find "sexually appearing men".
Shits not hard.
Go on tinder or some shit.
Go to the gym, and flirt with the guys there.
Its not fucking rocket science.

hell go to a bar, party, club.
Flirt with a guy there you find sexual appealing..
its not hard lol

This minus the slut shaming. You are just realizing that you are dating out of your league as girls tend to do. Not that it is a bad thing.

Pic related is what user is talking about

Attached: 0BD795BA-6E35-4CC6-8F55-0402104ABBB9.png (503x644, 23K)

>minus the slut shaming
user, that's the entire point. Whores should be denigrated.

why are women so fucking dumb

Because they don't have to rely on any kind of skills to survive.

>durr I'm ugly and fat
>I can get dick but no handsome dick
>how do I get handsome dick when ugly?

gee bitch it would be great if there existed a board fill with people that constantly ask literally the same question as you but with the genders flipped.

Oh wait, there is?

hey this is pretty accurate

Easy. Post a pic & we’ll judge whether you’re ugly or not.


Oh wow, looks like Jow Forums dropped by.

Yeah, it's OP

Know all about the one guy that hits all the buttons and the sexual awakening is overwhelming and when you lose that it feels worse than before. However, I used it to motivate myself knowing I can have a man like this again, perhaps better. I toned up more, changed my style slightly and refused when guys that weren't to his level asked me out. Don't settle OP you don't have to. Little is worse in life than having sex with a guy that disgust you.

>agony of being in a failed marriage
a fulfilling marriage is an oxymoron. it's just slavery for men to make money which inevitably ends up in the hands of the woman as a "thanks" for sitting around "being pretty" and doing work which any respectable man can do himself.
apart from having kids, but if you think having kids is an achievement your life must be really fucking empty.

Which continent are you on, OP? If you are still here?


>" Controlling for demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, the death rate for people who were unmarried was significantly higher than it was for those who were married and living with their spouses. Although the effect was significant for all categories of unmarried, it was strongest for those who had never married. The never married effect was seen for both sexes, and was significantly stronger for men than for women."

>happy slaves
good for them.
now, about half of marriages will end in divorce. what about their happiness, when they are enslaved by proxy? because thats where you end up with modern women, enslaved and estranged.
best to just be by yourself and not play with the loaded gun.

>about half of marriages will end in divorce
This includes modern sexual degeneracy, lad. If you wait until marriage, your chances of divorce go down below 20%. Factor in high intelligence, a lengthy dating/courtship period, and small age gaps, and you reduce it even more.

We've talked before, you are so fiercely independent that you are right to say marriage is a very bad deal for you. But that isn't the case for most, when handled correctly.

Determine some minimum starndards for what might sexually excite you. This in my mind should be the base line you try to work up from. Lowering standards can make sense depending on how reasonable they were to begin with, but it doesn't need to be a race to the bottom.

This is a typical male strategy, but I can't imagine it not working for women: meet a lot of people, men and women. Just being physically present around more people will increase your odds of being seen(a necessary condition for being noticed)

Consider joining a club/group for something you enjoy that has a decent ratio of men to women. This may not correlate with sexual attraction, but it may mean you are more compatible and therefore noticeable.

Have a friend help you pick out some new outfits. Tell them your general goal(attract mate) and they can be infinitely helpful. Also consider some makeup tutorials, nothing over the top, just to highlight the best features.

Consider joining a gym, if you think weight may be an issue. It's not necessary to lose weight, but making the effort to work out will put you in proximity of men who are also working out(if that is sexy to you?). You might also become more fit as a byproduct.
Can't promise anything, but I think this is sound advice.
Good luck.

unacceptably fat
i'm 173 cm and 62 kg but i also have decent muscle

post an example of the kind of guy you recently found attractive
>inb4 literal male model

>Little is worse in life than having sex with a guy that disgust you.
>mfw roasties actually believe this

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You’re overweight... if you want top tier men you need a smoking body. For your height you should be no more than 120lbs.

You’re weight/food addiction is the aingle thing keeping the good men away from you.

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OP vanished immediately. The picture and the post scream bait. "because I'm too shy". "I must be ugly because I don't get men I find attractive".

In my experience women either want to fuck you, or they don't. It is like some dice roll shit when you first meet them. If they do want to fuck you, then they awkwardly throw themselves at you. If they don't then they act like a bored and disinterested teenage bitch around you.

So "because I'm too shy" means unable to throw yourself at somebody you like?

It means shes a beta bitch, she doesnt have the confidence that alpha males require in a side bitch.

>it's another "raging incel hijacks thread and makes it all about himself" episode
You know who else does shit like this constantly? Trannies. Congrats tripfag, you and trannies act one and the same.

>It is like some dice roll shit when you first meet them
They actually quickly compute the value of your genetics based on HEIGHT, FACE, FRAME and your success rate depends entirely on how you stack up then and there. Pic related is 100% success rate

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Basement-dwelling virgin manchild from Jow Forums giving advice on women: the post.

You know who else wore pants? Hitler.
You're just like me and Uncle Adi. Shitlord.

Joke's on you, I'm not wearing pants now.

You are fat. And I'm saying that as a woman.

I'm 179cm and 57kg and already feel like I'm on a verge of getting fat and I'm trying to go lower to

170cm* if I were 179 then 59 kg would be good

It is like, men have all these theories on women and women are like no way we aren't like that at all, but they just whine about the opinions expressed by men, they never tell men what they are like or offer a counter argument of their own. It is just deflected into exaggerated offence at the idea that somebody could even try to form a theory, or judge, or hold an opinion. The idea that somebody is being hurtful or offensive and should feel bad for trying to form a theory is clearly detached from reality and it just comes across like a ... dare I say womanly tactic?

If you are a man you aren't allowed to win, even when you aren't trying to win or make something into a fight because women are stubborn as shit, but no men are actually the stubborn ones here. At what point do you realise you are just flipping everything around to deflect perceived conflict while offering no countering position?

Nice trips. Do you have a bf?

It's almost like women insist that they are people and therefore individuals, which means they can't tell you what women are like.

>>>inb4 "too fat"
> BMI of 24.1

Medically, you might not be overweight yet, but looks-wise, it certainly wouldn't hurt to slim down to like 56 kg (BMI of ~21) or even ~53 kg (BMI of 20). That's still in the BMI range of normal weight and would look so much better.

I get the idea that we shouldn't define anything by gender because it is offensive. We can't have male culture or maleness just like we can't have female culture or femininity. Or we can have female culture and femininity because they are a marginalised group and so are allowed to gain cultural capital and power from identity?

To me it seems really human to try to sort groups. It is part of our social nature and was very valuable when we started to live in small communities. I think people get so angry and frustrated because it is very fashionable at the moment to completely reject this tendency and label is inappropriate. Personally I believe it suits the agenda and philosophy of globalisation and unrestricted access to markets for capitalism.

People are always going to try and sort people into groups and define what kind of dynamics and culture these groups have. It can be done in a nice way which celebrates differences and values cultural capital beyond typical dehumanising economic terms. To try and eradicate this is like some kind of unreasonable utopia.

Then again this seems to be another quite womanly attribute. Rather than face the world as it is and come up with practical solutions we should instead argue about why it shouldn't be like this and push to enact laws to make things more comfortable.

Like the big one. Rape. Men shouldn't rape women. Women are not to blame for rape. The risk of rape is unfortunately real however and as such we could complain about men forever? Or we could be practical and deal with it? I'm genuinely surprised that by now women haven't become a warrior culture raising their daughters to mutilate the bodies of those who dare to rape them.

>Or we could be practical and deal with it? I'm genuinely surprised that by now women haven't become a warrior culture raising their daughters to mutilate the bodies of those who dare to rape them.
Because we all know how easy it is for a 5'2" sub-100 pound woman to overpower and beat the shit out of a 6 foot pavement ape high on crack with his dick out and gun pointed at you.

>I had sex a few times with a man who actually excited me sexually
>And now I am gonna find someone for LTR
what a whore you are!!!!!

Why would a good guy(LTR material) want a roasties, who easilly sleeps with men 'just for fun', 'eyarlier this year', 'nothing serious'?

How do you even look at the mirror?

Are you from the full family? What was the age you lost virginity?

how old r u?

you have no idea how a successful marriage works

So instead of pushing for laws which make rape that was easier to defend against easier to convict, or demonising feminists who try to separate 'bad sex rape' with 'violent rape', or alienating a lot of people in general by trying to deny that a small number of violent criminals exist and should be dealt with as violent criminals and that instead we should be enacting laws which represent a utopian vision of what women would like it to be like, why not deal with the problem?

Nobody likes violent sex offenders. Push for laws that make rape with violence or a weapon punishable by life in jail. The situations where consent was fuzzy because alcohol was involved with two teenagers can wait maybe?

Or even better deal with it within your communities without resorting to further government and actions which strip you of your cultural capital. Go out in a group and beat the shit out of somebody who does this. Shun him and his family, drive them from your communities. Be proactive?

Don't just wait for the male response and then whine about how it isn't good enough because it doesn't include utopia and as such all men must be on the side of the violent criminal.

>life in jail.
The absolute state of modern cucks. Death penalty or bust.

Look everyone, it's an angry virgin giving advice on sex.

Careful what you wish for. You might not get life in jail once your time comes.

Angry virgins is about most of Jow Forums as a whole, why are you surprised and why are you pointing this out as if it's a unique occurrence on Jow Forums, of all boards?

For what crime? I'm no rapist.
And if I ever did something with a severe ascribed penalty, I'd rather die for it than live in a box for 60 years.

I'm sure in his eyes a successful marriage is one where the man is completely accepting of his fate and finds pleasure and satisfaction in his role as a good provider and inspirational role model.

Thing is, most young guys are absolutely terrified of this because it is pretty terrifying to have to do that when you are at a time when you have the least access to resources. It also plays into a lot of fears about the loss of potency, the loss of potential, the death of dreams and dealing with ageing.

When you get older and you realise that the world is what it is and contains everything that you are going to get to make you happy, that it'll happen with or without you and that ageing is inevitable and that there is no higher grand purpose coming, that if you've not done it in your 20's then you are unlikely to do it in your 30's and that dwelling on things outside of your control is going to make you unhappy then you realise that it could be worse.

I'm envious of good family men. I'm too neurotic at the moment, but I can see how it isn't all bad.

Basically it is .. here, stop acting like we aren't all doomed to live out our short lives on a doomed planet in one small particular area and get on with finding pleasure in smaller and smaller things alongside ever increasing limits imposed by age.

Testosterone is a fucking hell of a drug. It makes you feel like you are destined to conquer the universe.

Trying to sort people into categories may be human, but it doesn't mean it's accurate or ethical. I also think that you mix together things that don't really overlap. Of course there are biological differences between men and women and consequences stemming from them: rape would be one of them. While men can be raped as well, the nature of sex itself (benis in bagina) and the difference in streghts make it way more likely for women to be raped than vice versa. That's something entirely different than wild fantasies men conjure about women concerning their supposed collective character. I see that some may argue that certain behaviors are dictated by biology (such as female submissiveness to avoid violence they aren't equipped to handle), but most men in my experience go too far and insist that biology is the only determining factor which is both intellectually lazy, self-serving and untrue.

As for the warrior culture, it's not as simple as you probably imagine, especially when you consider how harshly were women punished for deviating from gender norms just until recently.

look everyone, used up roastie damage control

Angry virgins are not the majority or Jow Forums or Jow Forums. Not even Jow Forums. They are just very vocal.

Elliot 3.0

I'm no pushover. If I do something, it'll be big, not targeting some randoms.

That's what Elliot thought as well. You're going to majorly fail your day of retribution.

You understand nothing of my thinking.

You hardly do any thinking.



Hm. And what evidence do you have for that, other than your dislike of my positions?

at least show us which type of men are handsome to you. it seems like your standarts are unrealistic high, since handsome men approach almost all type of females when you are out in clubs and partys
oh and you can also approach a man too, ya know

Have you ever had an original thought? Your life revolves around spamming the same pasta over and over again. Graphs that you didn't even create.

Wouldn't slapping proof to back up your points be the opposite of stupid?

Fuck off you twink faggot. You’re making hitler look bad.

What proof? His meme graphs are easily debunked but he backpedals and pretends nobody proved him wrong.

Reminder that Hitler had premarital sex.

>his graphs are easily debunked

Yeah, that's the thing, they aren't. Not unless you use criteria that pretty much makes almost all such data useless.

>why dont you use tinder or other dating apps?

Tinder isn't the best place to meet a potential partner. Its mostly used for sex.

Doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Plenty of couples meet there.

>Because they don't have to rely on any kind of skills to survive.

Hah, that is actually true. A girl around 30 I know is a slim girl with a shitty attitude. But when she dyed her hair blonde, bought her bolted on tits, and botox for her lips. Now she's going from "boyfriend" to the next "boyfriend". She doesn't work anymore. Just give them pussy as "payment". Imagine being a women living this easy life.

You can do the same shit as a man, get fit and go into porn industry or fuck older women that would pay you. I wish I would have a life as a man, so much simpler and more enjoyable

>If they do want to fuck you, then they awkwardly throw themselves at you. If they don't then they act like a bored and disinterested teenage bitch around you.

Truer words couldnt be spoken, i dont even try to get girls at this point, even if it leaves me in some long dry seasons, it'd rather just wait for the next girl who'll act pretty autistically around me to save me the trouble of chasing and having to deal with a little princess for months

A women just have to eat less. A man have to workout to get the manly body. See the difference? Get into the porn industry... Uh. No, unless you're really attractive and got a huge rock hard dick. Where do you find these women?

U dont realize how hard is too do what u said, and how high on a scale of looks/body/(and dick in porn's case) u gotta be

Literally any 4+/10 woman can find a guy below her to subsidize her entire life, doesnt even have to be old like u've pointed for mans case

Not really. Male pornstars make next to nothing in terms of cash.

And, unlike women, an attractive male body isn't skinny, it needs a good deal of muscle tone which is a very strict lifestyle.

Got a buddy who was a body builder. Body of like the Rock. Fucked his back up lifting and he is fat as fuck now. Your body goes doughy quick as shit if your a guy.

That is a shitty life. All those "boyfriends" only use for sex. You incels truly are delusional.

>thinks men would have a problem slinging dick for a place to stay and to be taken care of if all they had to do was have a calorie strict diet in return

Phew, do I have some shocking news for you.

your BMI is: 24.08
you are not fat

Incorrect, I've had ugly women have no interest in me and attractive women be all over me. I'm rather average with a decent job but not tall.

Honestly a fucking dice roll and I'm starting to think just going around and seeking out a girl you hit the right rng crit with is what it takes. Some girls will see something in you that you honestly have no idea about and will probably never exactly figure out. But as long as it works....

I am yet to meet a woman that has it easier than a man. Especially that women have it BAD physically.

Literally every 4+/10 man can find a woman worse than him as well, I met a fucking fat 5'4" Canadian basedboy looking guy that got a really cute and talented girl that would be your 7-8/10. You just hate to not act like you are from r9k.

Attractive male bodies are skinny though, nearly every woman would say that her man doesn't need to look like a Greek god.

As a guy you remain attractive for longer than a woman does though, you basically are at peak performance from 25 to 50 while women would be from 20 to 35.

So now it corrects s o y b o y to basedboy? Or is my keyboard retarded.

some of the female porn players make next to nothing too, I know.

Not everyone is a star any more than some B or C list actress in a bit part

Uve gone off argument at this point.
I never claimed that ugly men cant be with pretty women, what i did say was that men cant turn their looks into money nearly as well as women. And dont try to strawmen celebrities and models because thats the 0,001% of people that do infact make money on a similar (-ish) level and have 50/50 demographic on gender
I was talking about how 4+/10 women can find men to financially support them on a disproportional level compared to men, theres even entire comunities that fetishize the act, and its 99% men being willingly cucked and stucked with the bill

And unfortunally i dont browse Jow Forums nor i subscribe to their steryotipic views on women because experience as showed me otherwise, but i can see why they think like they do when their only interactions with women are femanons like you will actively generalize them and insult them just as fast as they do

Men can turn their strength into money though, while women would never be as strong as men. Also talking about financial support you forget that it's usually men that want to do that because it makes them feel better about themselves, I always wanted to pay for myself or for both of us but soon realised that it made them feel actually bad so I had to or let them pay for me or argue to pay for myself. It's something you force on yourselves and then complain about it.

Where did I even insult men, lol. But well whatever, I am obviously the Satan and worst person because I don't say that women have the easiest life (which in not true obviously)