Wanna get drunk with me and babble about random shit together? then join this thread you cunts. everyone welcome...

Wanna get drunk with me and babble about random shit together? then join this thread you cunts. everyone welcome. let's discuss anything I only have cheap red wine which will go superbly with these fuckin marlboro's
>lessgo u fuckin cucks

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my gf of 6 years just dumped me for another guy. opening my second beer, 2 more left, maybe I'll go for more

Here's a word of advice kiddo, stop drinking and clean your room.

well i'm glad my thread can be of service to you. how did she break it off? where did she meet the dude? why was he better?

I'm 20 so technically not a kid, and even if I act like a kid right now I only get shitfaced drunk a few times a year, when life gets too much. my room is clean. now either be a bro or hop off my dick, niggy

we were in love but I'm a uni student right now. can't afford a lot. she was tired of the shitty conditions we lived in (shitty flat, can't afford a lot of stuff, it wasn't horrible, just not what an attractive 23yo girl would expect from the world. I don't even know if I can blame her, holy shit, this is pathetic). I guess the depression will hit soon

If she really loved you she wouldn't mind what conditions you live in. Chin up user, better girls will come and go. It's up to you to stay strong throughout.

>can't afford a lot
well yes thats why youre in uni now, so money can come later. I dont see why that would be a reason to break things off, dude. maybe she just got bored, 6 years is a long time. and from my experience people get bored with eachother after a lot of time passes

>cheap red wine
Patrician taste user. How's it going?

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Yo dudes, what's up?


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After my gf broke up with me I found out that singing was the only thing that got me to vent and feel better, now it's a bit of a need for me, I get anxious if I haven't sung in four days or so. I only wish I didn't suck add at it.

thanks man
it was one of the reasons, too. when you're poor you can't afford a lot of entertainment.

Keep at it and you'll get good. Routine practice beats formal training in terms of finding your individual voice. Just remember to fill your lungs from the bottom instead of the top and use your breath to propel your voice. You can go higher without getting into mickey mouse falsetto that way.

Also iktfb. I'm going through an extremely numb phase for other reasons and singing is the only thing that makes me feel anything. Sucks cause I don't live alone, though.

>Just remember to fill your lungs from the bottom instead of the top and use your breath to propel your voice. You can go higher without getting into mickey mouse falsetto that way.
Could you tell me more about this? I remember reading about singing from your belly and such but I don't really think I get it.

I got drunk and really embarressed myself tonight

Feel like everyone will talk about me behind my back, even tho its probably not a big deal to them

please help me get over it
i dont want to go into details

I broke up with my ex knowing shed move on, but hearing she has actually moved on and fucked 2 guys, one of them who i heard was massive and black has honestly really bothered me. why? I didnt want her anymore, but thinking about these guys using her for animal sex really upset me
kind ruined my week desu, and made her look less desirable to me

>and made her look less desirable to me
Is that bad? She's your ex.

i guess not. but she doesnt seem like the cute girl i used to date anymore, kinda sad

got drunk really embarrassed myself last weekend.

I just want to die. Bored of life, 30yo, nothing to look forward to, dont want kids, dont want wife, dont want physical goods, just want death.

Why cant i just pull this trigger?

Who needs a gun?


What I'm going to do. Come die with me, user.

Damn that must suck!
Dude one thing I'll note is if she loved you she would have stuck by you through this time of not having alot. That's how you can tell who is real. I bet there's alot of popular rich people, but if they're ever in the poorhouse that'll change quick.

Focus on yourself man, lift weights and hang with some buds. You don't wanna be with a materialistic person anyway.

I made my friend who I have this thing for really mad today. She rejected me months ago bt told me she's open to something down the line (she tells me she's prioritizing getting her degree over everything else).

Today she had a picnic for her department and invited me. I have insane social anxiety, especially when it comes to going to places where a friend knows everyone, so I took 1500mg of phenbitut and took ~2 shots of tequila before going. I made an ass of myself and now she's mad at me. I went to an industrial area and cried my ass off, and she doesnt want to talk to me since I made her mad by doing that and embarassed her in front of her friends. She's the ohnly person in the world I really care about and I am going to fucking fall apart if she leaves me, but I know it'd do her good to leave me. I want to tell her this, but I am scared she'll leave me, even though I've done shit like this in the past and she's forgiven me.

I hate myself so goddamn much because im a fucking loser, failure and fuckup and she's not. It's maddening.

Damn dude that's fucked.
You should look outside of her for your worth though. Make some friends or go to a Meetup so you have things to keep your mind occupied. And honestly man if she was interested in you, she'd juggle studies and a relationship. Many women do it.

Good luck.