Are women and parties as boring as I think they are?

Are women and parties as boring as I think they are?

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Depends on the party, if you have your friends over, parties can be great, being invited to a party where you don't know anyone is a gamble but more often than not, bad.

Women become very boring once you've already came inside them.

your answer to this question will decide:

do you like having conversations with total strangers?

As someone who was once part of the normie world, I can tell you that they're even more boring than you think they are.

All that kind of shit you see in movies and pop culture about people snorting coke and doing molly and people fucking like crazy in guest bedroom and cops being called and all that only exists as fiction. The average normie party is extremely boring. People have some drinks, some people dance, maybe like 3 people secretly smoke one joint in the backyard and that's it. If you try to bring some blow or whatever all the normies are like "oh jeez I don't know we were having a good time before you brought that out can't you die from that oh my gosh" and even if there are a few of them smoke weed the rest of them are like DO I LOOK LIKE A BIG HOT DOG DON'T EAT ME HAHA HOW MANY FINGERS AM I HOLDING UP and people don't really hook up they're all in long-term commited relationships, etc.

However if you on either extremes of the Normie Spectrum where you have Chads and Staceys, they'll do drugs and fuck a lot - and then also on the other end with cyborgs and failed normies is where you'll also find a lot of casual sex and drugs. But normal normies are very vanilla and safe and boring.

t. 45 year old

If you consider a wide range of people boring, then it's probably your definition of boring. Yes... Not all people live these thrilling lives like you. Some just work and watch TV ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>and watch TV
Worst hobby ever. Even worse than videogames.

Women are pretty boring yes. But I like parties, because there is usually whiskey there and it turned out that I love whiskey

nah those are all college/uni normies who like to party moderately hard.

Actual normies are responsible people who think about the day ahead of them and their future so they're not drug-fueled sex degenerates. Those are cyborgs or failed normies or whatever you want to to call them.

Women are interesting, parties are not.

Depends on the party and the women.

Some suck, some are great.

This. Atleast video games force you to use your brain somewhat.

Yeah.. This is also how I see it. But people are people. Everybody has different things to waste their time.
It was some extreme example.
People who are constantly very busy with all the things are sometimes more exhausting. But you gotta find someone who fits you.

They're as boring or as exciting as you want them to be. A lot of people underestimate just how much our preconceived expectations of events in life affects our perception of them. If you go into it not wanting to enjoy it chances are you won't. For me, partying and flirting with girls is like a piece of zebra stripe gum; wonderful in the moment but the experience is fleeting and it isn't a sustainable source of entertainment or nourishment. There's nothing wrong with doing it but it all depends on what you want to get out of it.

Yeah definitely

one time I sat around with a poker face and listened to really attractive women talk about their pets for an HOUR, but I suppose that's normal now seeing as they all use them as surrogate children

Without the sex, I don’t want anything from a woman.

I also don’t feel the need for friends. Although sometimes it’s uncomfortable being left out in the office, aka the only guy that is not invited to this and that, the only guy that people still find it awkward to joke to. But I’m not really bothered by the pressure to make friends, nor do I actually need one.

>Without the sex, I don’t want anything from a woman.
same. they cant give you me besides sex I dont get better from a male friend

- less laid back
- less funny
- less interested

>less laid back
>less funny
>less interested

Why do these things matter? Sure I think I’m so not laid back and very boring and uninteresting, but why does that bother me so much? It shouldn’t.

Yes and Yes. Normie parties are fucking boring. All they do is drink and play beer pong while barely listening to each other over loud music. I personally prefer small gatherings of people I can actually connect with. Beats sitting around pretending to drink out of an empty cup because I dont wanna be the guy who clings to the first person he talks to

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I don't really understand you guys. I mean, firstly, not all women are the same, and secondly, I like being surrounded by women? I mean I like men too, but surely you'd like, take an interest in women equally as men?

Like I know you're probably hung up a lot on gender, but there's so much hate by straight men for women on here. That sounds like those really toxic 'masc4masc' gays.

it seems like you hate women, which is weird because you're apparently straight and meant to like women? Like if you had a choice between spending a week with 20 men or 20 women, you'd choose men...because you're straight and men are better?

Idk really what I'm getting at more, you just need to think a lot more.

most are

I've been to more parties where my friends and I bailed shortly after arriving. They usually suck unless you're hosting/most of your friends are there. No one throws down for weed but everyone expects you to share yours.

Girls at parties are too easy to fuck. I would know since my ex cheated on me at one.

depends on the party, depends on the women.
but most women are far from boring

Parties are fun, women are nice to look at, but both are more fun when you're really attractive.

Hahaha dude, you have been to the laaaamest fucking parties. Seriously man I feel so fucking bad for you.