What advice would you give to 18 year olds that you wish you had when you were 18

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Think ahead and outside of the box.

College is a waste of time.

Don't do it.

>me to myself
It's really going to turn out okay you dumb fuck.
>actual advice
Choose a path and stick with it, don't try a thousand different things and waste time.

Don't visit Jow Forums

Stop building all your friendships around drinking and doing drugs.

Take more pictures.

Stop posting pepe and any other shit that other ~18 year olds post

ignore this retard

I'm glad I didn't go.

I'm the only one of my friends and immediate family without a degree. I am also the only one with no debt, house, two vehicles, 3 acres of land, over 100 thousand in savings, and will retire in about 13 years because I pursued a career instead of a piece of paper that means very little in a flooded market.

I'm 25. This would be my advice to 18 year old me:

Don't have sex before marriage or without the intent of having children

Don't go to college unless it is for math, engineering, or something in the medical field. If you desire to become an artist, don't go to school, but rather become the pupil of a great master in your chosen field (VERY hard to find, but you'll know when you do). Study under his tutelage 3 times a week paying for private study, while working at a restaurant in evenings (lots of money for the work you do and you usually get free food so you'll save a lot of money).

Focus on the long term. Progress will be slow and steady at first. But you must NEVER quit.

Be patient.

Convert to Orthodox Christianity and take your faith seriously. This will take many whole years ere you fight your way through.

Don't do drugs EVER. Don't drink to get drunk.

Do not pay attention or any mind to how others may or may not be perceiving you. It's irrelevant.


>If you desire to become an artist, don't go to school, but rather become the pupil of a great master in your chosen field (VERY hard to find, but you'll know when you do).
Fuck yeah, man. As if being an artist wasn't enough of a diceroll already.

Nice advice. Bur srsly, what epwo

Nice advice.

But srsly, what would you give? I’m sure even you have some good advice to give.

Are you serious? Why are you on Jow Forums? Do you really think people will take ANYTHING you said seriously?

Don't ignore college. University is better, tho.



No one gives a shit about you. Not your friends, not your parents, and your loved one only to an extent. It's all about self-development.
The good thing is, this thought makes you realize that social anxiety isn't real.

>getting married
trash tier advice before you even started

I never understood the difference between uni and college, where I live we only have uni

True for any degree other than those related to STEM

This. Stay away from drugs and don't drink excessively, it fucks up your health in long term. Also, get Jow Forums. Lift or do some other physical exercises regularly.

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Get bitches, man

The best advice, really

Don't worry about what people think, most of the time their opinions don't matter. Listen to your gut, it's right 90% of the time. Don't start smoking cigarettes again. Spend time with your loved ones bc once they are gone you can't make up for lost time

>stay away from drugs
That's just your opinion man

I'm 18 with a fairly fine life, why am I on here?

Apparently because you want attention.

Pay attention to the women giving you attention. It's a lot easier to get with them now than it is when you're 23 and have a full time job and bills and shit

You're so stupid. Just, so goddamn stupid. Try to think things through.

You're too smart and too dumb at the same time. Too scared.
You have to face yourself. And drop vidgames.

quality here, just exagerated numbers when it comes to other peoples's advice and your guts

A university is a collection of colleges.

take acid now, saves you a lot of wasted time on dealing with depression

OH I see now

You mean college is not poor man's university?

uni = has grad programs, college doesn't

Casual sex with randoms with no feelings is crap and not worth it. Don't do that to yourself, you'll just feel dirty.

Dont do drugs till your 25 you still have neuroplasitcity till your 25, dont damage your neurons this early

Uni is where you get a better piece of paper, more debt and marxist professors.

Eurofag here, I dont go into debt for studying were I live. STEM sutdies professors arent all marxists.

leave this site

The ability to "not care about money" requires having money. You can't afford to recklessly pursue a passion without a real understanding of the things you want long term and how much they cost in the real world. The decisions you're making seriously determine your options, opportunities, and ability to have the things you want for years to come. Money isn't everything, but it fucking matters.

My dude right here, wholesome guy with wholesome advice

Credit is a thing, so pay your shit off or be fucked for life.

You know nothing

Being nice to people is actually cool. The kids who were mean to you, but were cool either were a.) not cool, or b.) nice to the people who mattered.

Persistence is key.

People are just as insecure, broken, and damaged as you are. Be kind to others. You can get most anything that way.

Comparing yourself to others is a surefire way to achieve absolutely nothing. You'll have to work harder than some people. Get over it. What is the alternative? Not accomplishing anything in your life? That is fine for most people. Are you one of them?

This is true. College is useless if you don't have an undying work ethic. Any degree can land you a job if you know how to network and build your personal #brand. So what is more important is the person with the degree, not the degree itself.

Work after high school, you're not ready for school yet

Oh shut up, you insufferable twat.

This would also be good advice to give to your 18 year old self.

Only you know whats better for yourself

Become more disciplined.
If you can get yourself to do things because they're the right thing to do/good for you then you'll be happy and successful

You were right in all your decisions. So If you want to bet on them, go all in.

Actually an 18 yr old needs to try all sorts of tings this age.

Like knitting, fixing wooden boxes, chopping wood, attempting to play an instrument, doing sports etc.

This way the youngster will feel what job suits him/her. Hence what education (be it college or professional school) to go for if any at all.

This is still here? Stop posting guys.