I had a conversation with a friend of mine yesterday...

I had a conversation with a friend of mine yesterday, and we were discussing about how I pulled a "racist comment" in a game chat by mentioning a character in a game that looks like Apu. It wasn't even remotely close to being racist, and it was more of a generalization that the character looked like him.

Let me help clarify the situation a bit more. Years ago, I was part of a gaming group on Youtube. We all did this to have a good time, and hardly thought about money. So as soon as we started getting fans, then we just pumped out more content. Until THIS happened.

I did a podcast, and started to have fun with it. Up until my friend decided he/she wanted to censor me. I jumped ship, and looked back once, to rekindle that excitement. Then, I decided, fuck it, I'll make a new group of my own, where we can be as rowdy as we want to be.

But even now, I would try to invite them in, they'll merely see it as a business model. That's not what even pisses me off.

What pisses me off, is how they bend over backwards to cater to a minority of PC culture, just to get fans and money.

I am so sick of this insurgence of PC culture, that it's ruined my very being of wanting to have fun, speak my mind, and be happy. But NOPE. Can't even have that anymore without some snowflake getting butthurt about comedy on abortions, or retards, etc. It's the difference in generation.

So I ask you Jow Forums, How the fuck do I cope and go around this generation of power tripping, sensitive shitshow we have for a generation? How do you cope with it? I'm so absolutely tired of it, that I'm worried one day, no matter what art you put out, games you stream, OR even what you say in public, you'll get ostracized for speaking your mind? How much longer until we get true freedom of speech back? What platforms are we safe from the teeming masses of newwave feminism?

Attached: has-pc-culture-gone-too-far-wikimedia_1468829.jpg (620x273, 12K)

Nobody seems to be responding to this, so I'll go ahead and give a bump.

>How do I cope
Don't associate with those people unless absolutely necessary, and always be on the watch for ways to either avoid or defeat them.
>How much longer until we get true freedom of speech back
That didn't exist in the first place, but it will reach a make-or-break moment by 2050 at the absolute latest, probably 10-15 years sooner. If the current system doesn't collapse by then, brace yourself, because the Brave New World isn't going away.
>What platforms are we safe from the teeming masses of newwave feminism?
Truly safe? Nowhere. Places like Jow Forums give a veneer of safety, but that goes out the window if you piss off someone who can dox you or catch the attention of a letter agency.

Why do people imply being racist is a bad thing?

Everybody has some sort of bias. Move on.

Because racism can give birth to tribalism and genocides.

Tribalism is inherent to humans and is a beneficial trait to organize societies.

Genocides only happen when a 'tribe' is threatened through the presence of another group in close proximity--a racist ethnostate can't be genocidal by definition because it doesn't have minorities to begin with. And regardless of that, genocide is an ill-defined term because you can apply it to anything with an ethnic aspect regardless of other motives or scope--I would argue that no attempt has ever been made to specifically annihilate a group from existence, at most, "genocide" was simply large-scale ethnic cleansing. More often than not is was just a blunt instrument used to deal with a political problem, like the Turkish actions against Christian Armenians.

This is of course extremely distasteful to discuss casually like it's an everyday thing, but the main point is it's not an argument again "racism". It's a separate thing that has some similar aspects, which are just played up for their utility in attacking the modern Evil incarnate.

>Tribalism is inherent to humans and is a beneficial trait to organize societies.
My bad, I didnt meant tribalism in general but racial tribalism. Racial tribalism only lead do mass slaughtering and slowed our progession as a society. It might have been beneficial at some points in history but it only has slowed down our evolution in the last centuries.
>a racist ethnostate can't be genocidal by definition because it doesn't have minorities to begin with.
In order to become this racist ethnostate you need to go through some sort of ethnic cleansing aka genocide in order to be "minority free"
My point is that the banalization of racism will allways lead to mass-slaughtering at some point.
A behavior that is transmitted through history is by definition a tradition, racism is a tradition, its not written in our dna, it wasnt written in your dna that you should think that blacks are better dancers and that chinese are good at math, you were told so. Like every tradition you were told to practice this, behave like that, etc....
But I would like to hear why and how can racism be a good thing or at least how it isnt a bad thing ?

>an ethnostate must commit genocide

No, just don't let outsiders in.

That's it.

Although the current genocide of people of white European descent is pretty disgusting.

>Racial tribalism only lead do mass slaughtering and slowed our progession as a society.
"Progression" to what? A society of consumerist drones who do as they're told and don't give a shit about anything but their next paycheck and shiny new toys? No thanks. To a technological utopia? If you wanted that, you'd love wars for all the money that pours into research so we can use science to kill people. You think nuclear power would have gotten anywhere near the level of attention it did if we couldn't level cities with it? Don't be naive.

>In order to become this racist ethnostate you need to go through some sort of ethnic cleansing aka genocide
Ethnic cleansing need not be violent, and indeed it would not even be necessary in the first place had de facto ethnostates not been flooded with outsiders. This isn't on "racism", it's on the open-borders globalists who created the problem in the first place.

>My point is that the banalization of racism will allways lead to mass-slaughtering at some point.
Humans are at no shortage of reasons to kill each other, and racism, or preference for your own, is quite far down the list. Can it be used as a reason? Yes. But pretty much any human trait can. And as far as war justifications go, the defense of your own people is a very valid one. Certainly more so than bombing nations and funding military coups in the name of """democracy""".

>But I would like to hear why and how can racism be a good thing or at least how it isnt a bad thing ?
>how can a cohesive and self-preserving society be good
Gee, I don't know. A society which accepts everything isn't a society at all. A nation which allows anyone to become a member isn't a nation, it is just a glorified racketeering operation.

>No, just don't let outsiders in.
too late, all states have minorities.
>Although the current genocide of people of white European descent is pretty disgusting.
I didnt got the memo on this. genocide of whiter European descent ? where ? Living in Europe and I never heard of such thing

That’s stupid. It’s not very racist af all. Don’t get libtards & SJWs get to you. Find better friends.

>too late, all states have minorities.
So you boot them out of Europe. In the US's case, Balkanize.
Third world immigrants are literal bioweapons, demographic fifth columns used to destroy nations. They ALWAYS vote for leftists as a group, even if they're conservative themselves.
>I didnt got the memo on this. genocide of whiter European descent ? where ? Living in Europe and I never heard of such thing
According to the UN's own definition released in 1994, genocide is not just killing people, it is any concerted and deliberate effort to suppress a people--pic related. When you have open advocacy for demographic replacement (and anyone who dares to suggest maybe London should always be majority white British is shouted down as the second Hitler) and full blast from academia and mainstream politicians that European cultures don't exist, you have a basic case for the demographic destruction of the white race, i.e. genocide.

I didn't use it in this sense because you seemed to have a different concept in mind.

Attached: genocide definition.jpg (540x405, 62K)

Genocide is the systematic removal of a race. People seem to think that solely means throwing bodies in a mass grave, but promoting the decline of a population, the growth of another, and the slow eradication of a people through manipulation of government policies is genocide.

For example, when a politician goes on TV and says "white people will be a minority in the USA in 15 years" and it is met with applause? That is promoting genocide. Although people are too stupid to realize it.

bringing in massive amounts of refugees in Europe to breed more children of foreign stock and dismissing concerns of native Europeans in regards to this cultural and ethnic shift while the native birth rate plummets is the start of it over there.

Be careful, eurobro.

This is not a "friend". Start going to Jow Forums

(a) no killing of white european groups
(b) not happening
(c) not happening
(d) no forced vasectomy on white european males
(e) I see what you meen with e but no
Nobody is forcing children from whatever shitholes to come here.
Who do you think are organizing those """"genocides against white europeans""" ?

How's that birth rate for white europeans?

Is it being addressed? Is it being fixed? Or are the politicians in charge just replacing the population with a different one slowly but surely?

Once again, if it isn't outright force people don't think it is genocide.

It is why it is effective.

Politicians are all liars that feeds you with whatever lies to scraps votes from whatever morons want to hear from them.

in 2004 before the migrant crisis we were 462 millions europeans. You have to bring more than 462 millions immigrants to have a significant impact on the demographics of the white race.
last year 172'000 migrants (probably a few thousands more) where accepted in Europe. That is a 0.037% increase. But if you want we can make with the numbers from 2014 to 2015 that is 1'766'186 immigrants that represent 0.38% of the European population.... doesnt look like a genocide of the european white to me. Nobody forces white people to breed with immigrants what the fuck !!!
Japan is trying to fix birthrate without immigration, they still havent found a problem to their solution. Im sure there are alternative to immigration to fix birthrate but atm we dont have found any.
>Once again, if it isn't outright force people don't think it is genocide.
but genocide is voluntary and forced in some way. if it was genocide it would be more than 0.38%

*total Numbers from 2014 to 2017
my bad

And to reply to you OP, your friends are morons, this wasnt racism at all.

>Nobody seems to be responding to this
I wonder why...

Attached: 800.png (625x626, 146K)

(a) isn't happening because it's so obvious to provoke a backlash.
(b) rising suicide rates among whites would disagree
(c) this is precisely what open borders policies do. Crucially, anyone who wants their country to remain ethnically stable (i.e. Sweden for the Swedes) is instantly labelled as "far right". The end result is what we already see in capitals like London, Paris, Amsterdam, and Berlin: native whites are already a minority.
(d) Feminism and pic related. Whites specifically (as the "upper" portion of society) receive one message on having children--either don't do it because womyn need "careers", or because it's going to "save" the planet--and another on "we need immigrants because we don't have enough children!
(e) another rarity because of how obvious it is, but I submit to you the forced "integration" schemes and their results, like in Britain--there was one case where a (white) girl was sent to a Muslim foster home which predictably abused her. More broadly, rural schools in the UK are not given top marks for the sole reason that they are "too white".

Those are the ones accepted officially--many more migrants come in illegally through the Mediterranean, and furthermore the ones who establish themselves breed like rats.
European birth rates are below replacement (itself a good or at least neutral thing, given the crowded conditions in much of the continent), but Arabs and Africans easily shit out twice or three times that. It's not just about new arrivals.
Also, I noticed you used numbers for the whole EU, not just the Western and Northern European countries being targeted right now.

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When people call me racist I just say "lol ok" and they can't do anything about it because no matter what they claim I don't take them seriously enough to take it personally. I did that before, now I am racist and I truly couldn't give a shit about what sjw call me

So all cartoons and all animations have to now be in green and purple striped humanlike characters. Because if it ever even appears to look like a human, someone will be offended.

It’s just ridiculous. I called customer support and heard that very same accent...

>I'm so absolutely tired of it, that I'm worried one day, no matter what art you put out, games you stream, OR even what you say in public, you'll get ostracized for speaking your mind?
If the PC culture is as niche as you'd like to believe then this shouldn't be an issue. Maybe you're just an unfunny, unentertaining faggot with racist tendencies?
>How much longer until we get true freedom of speech back?
The 1st amendment never protected people from the consequences of their words in regards to public opinion.