ITT: Ask The Opposite Gender Anything

Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to like honest answers, don't ask your question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

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Other urls found in this thread:

Do you like the smell of sweat on your partner or your partner's natural scent?
I'm asking because I kinda like that smell and was wondering is it normal biological thing or creepy fetish of mine.

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Why do I get along really well with a girl on tinder but the next day I don't get a response? Why would they say they like me?

Do you know when and what you feel when you're going to be alone your whole life? Question for either gender.

I've done everything I could, I've asked out girls, tried taking out some girls, gotten phone numbers before. Even tried every dating app under the sun, but it always ends the same with nothing working out.

I wish there was a way to accept it and be happy, but I can't and every day I think about ending this misery.

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Because Tinder is a hookup app and you either (1) Don't escalate; as in get her number, schedule a meetup, meetup, etc or (2) entertain attention whores who know how to hook you but don't have any intention of going further. It's the fast food of intersexual socialization. I dropped it a long time ago and my life is better for it. It's better to get to know girls you see in real life over time.

Because they have lives and dont even open the app. You know school, job, responsibilities, lol or csgo.

You are supposted to ask them on date within first convo.

Post selfie and your BMI. Also have you tried to lower your standards?

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my ex was super into sweat/smells

to the point where she would bury her nose in my armpits

dw about it, just a little kink of yours.

>dating girl who I'd been crushing on for a while
>finally feel emotional connection with someone
>get too attached, get clingy, lose her
>constantly fluctuating between wanting her back and never wanting to see her again
>been chatting girl from uni
>we already went on 2 dates
>I can tell she's interested but I don't know how to/I'm too scared to make the first move
>also divided between whether I like her as just a friend or anything more
>we have another date on saturday

Do girls lose interest if the guy doesn't make the move? Does anyone have any tips on how to deal with all of this? I think the situation with my crush helped me develop emotionally, but these situations still make me super nervous.

>do girls lose interest if the guy doesnt make the move
100% yes

My tip for you is to stop thinking. DO NOT BEE YOURSRLF, DO NOT THINK. And buy condoms.

>also divided between whether I like her as just a friend or anything more
If she's gone on 2 dates with you and is willing to go on a 3rd it's pretty clear she likes you. She's probably wondering if you like her considering you haven't tried to make a move. I'd go for a kiss. You'll know right there whether you have any chemistry or a future with this girl. Do you have fun together?

Yeah, well, at least I do have a lot of fun with her. The exhibit we went to the other day had free drinks and we were both tipsy and I could "feel" a vibe between us.
The biggest "problem" about it is that what if I kiss her but I don't really feel the chemistry? What do I do?

My lock was changed 3 months ago to work differently and I still haven't gotten used to it. I can barely remember the details of movies I watched a week ago, just major plot points. Am I getting dementia?

Girls and guys
Do you sleep naked?
I find it very odd and awkward to sleep without an article of clothing

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probably not. brains works weirdly man, don't stress it.

GIRLS - 24 year old male here, just had my first kiss a few days ago (was embarassingly awful). She kept sticking her tongue into my mouth and I really wasn't prepared for it. Felt really overwhelmed and ended up shoving her away. How do I get used to the sensation and how much tongue should I use when kissing??!

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I couldn't ask her out AGAIN. *abloobloobloo*
And the next week has the Day of the Enamored. What if someone asks her out?
She looked like a princess, even in her hobo (lazy) clothes.

When I am about to ask her out, it's like being about to jump and parachute out of an airplane. Wat do?

So my ex always does this. She’ll always say “Miss You” our is nowhere and when I respond she doesn’t say anything. Obviously I know what she’s doing because she’s done it before. But what can I say besides miss you too that doesn’t make me sound like a dick? We’re still cool so don’t want to just be like K lol

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Does posting thotty pictures always mean you’re horny?

Breathe and be casual

Guy here. I am pretty good looking and girls tried to approach me or touch me. I’m just numb, I don’t feel anything and I don’t want anything. Or maybe my penis size insecurity has killed it all for me.

>Do you sleep naked?
Sure. Kind of a recentish thing for me actually.
Fresh cool sheets + just showered + naked = amazing.

Obviously not you retard.

>meet female friend A through female coworker B.
>become very good friends with A.
>leave job but still occasionally hang out with B and other coworkers.
>A starts having issues with B. Reveals they used to date and B would always cheat on her.
>says she finally wants to distance herself from her
>out drinking with former co-workers and casually mention B had sex with a guy (A had used this as an excuse to hang out one night). No details or questions asked.
>mention this to A.
>gets mad at me. Says it was not my business to say.
>admit fault and apologize.
>gives me cold shoulder. Only messages me to bring it up again.

Why are women so confusing? What does she wasn't? Important details are that A is from out of town and stays with B while she's here.

How can I convince my boyfriend to get his hormone levels checked?

I feel like he has a lot of symptoms of low testosterone: he's has a low/non-existent libido, he has erectile dysfunction, he's fatigued/lethargic most of the time, he has pretty low muscle definition (to be honest), and he's very... passive.

Any time I bring it up he refuses both the test and even discussing it, but I don't know why... it's a simple, quick blood test. What could it hurt to make sure he's ok?

OI.. All this A B green text crap is confusing.

What’s your question?

That sound like anemia.
Maybe he's HIV+?

Basically, when should I expect my friend to get over it?

Ignore it. You know what she's doing. Don't feed into it.

Nah, if he was HIV+, I would be too and I'm not. We've been together several years. The ED and such aren't new...

maybe he's in the closet

How many sexual partners have you had?
How many sexual partners do you think is normal to have for men and women?

HIV + doesn't mean AIDS.

>bviously I know what she’s doing because she’s done it before
>Ignore it. You know what she's doing. Don't feed into it.
Wait what's she doing?

Boyfriend wants a mff threesome (with him actually penetrating the other girl) but shuts me down the moment i mention a mmf threesome (a fantasy of mine but nothing that i would actually consider in reality to be honest)

Should I be concerned?
He also considers himself a monogamist, which I find contraddictory since he wants a ffm threesome (i know it's a recurrent male fantasy, but one thing when it's just a fantasy and another thing is when he actually asks for it and talks about fucking the other chick in my presence)

How do I let this girl I like that I've known for a while know how I feel about her? I just want to get it off my chest so I can live freely and move on.

Just tell her, that's probably the only way you can do it. You can tell her in person or write her a text or letter

Ask her out, make romantic overtures on said outing. Dumbshit.
>Should I be concerned?
That's not the question, here. Do you want a mff threesome, yes or no?
Then you need to sit your boyfriend down when he brings it up and say you're not comfortable with the idea. If he starts being weird, he's valuing sex more than you, and you'll know what to do.

I've had one (still together).
I don't have a real idea of what's normal for either gender because I believe it's highly individual.


Girls can you help me?
>be me
>kissless virgin
>female single co-worker offer to give me ride from home to work and vice versa since we live next to each other
>this goes on for few months
>noticed that whenever I get in the car she would switch the music to love songs about unrequited love
Am I reading too much in to it? Or does she have some sort of feelings for me?

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Oh, thanks.

The question is do YOU like her?
Ask her out.
Ignore the music and keep carpooling. Why do you fucks make this so complicated.

Tell him you're not comfortable with it and not to bring it up again. That's literally all you need to do.


I don't know, I mean I know some girls who are over 20 and still virgin, some that had 2-4 partners, others than have the numbers way up (20+).

Maybe because the hussy is sending him mixed signals?

I want to do it in person. I just have no idea how to go about it. How could I lead the conversation to it? How can I have a smooth transition to the topic? I'm not so good at these things.

She's moving away and I'm not doing long distance. I don't *like* like her, not that much. I just really want to get it out and over with. I realized that burying things inside just leads to feeling like shit for a long time.

I hope all of you can stop keeping things inside as well. If we all just let shit out I'm sure our outlooks on life or mental well-being in general would improve.

Thanks. Could you please tell me where are you from?

>Maybe because the hussy is sending him mixed signals?
That doesn't matter. It never matters. It is never productive to worry about whether or not someone likes you. What matters are your own feelings. Do YOU like x person? Yes? Ask them out. You get rejected? Oh well.
>She's moving away and I'm not doing long distance. I don't *like* like her, not that much.
Then keep it to your self. Wtf is she supposed to do with your feelings? You just want to unburden yourself selfishly when that time could easily be spent doing other things.

Just one, my current boyfriend.

Don't know, don't really care to be honest. It's their life to do as they please.


What do you think about shy attractive guys in the office?

>Do YOU like x person? Yes? Ask them out. You get rejected? Oh well.
It's not that simple...
a. she's carpooling him
b. they live close to each other
c. they work together
He's being drawn into a honey trap.

Yeah but I think I want to be selfish this time. Life is too short and I'm too autistic.

Girls, Leglock.
Do you do it unconsciously when you're feeling good? or what?

>It's not that simple...
It is that simple. If he doesn't like her, then him worrying about her having feelings for him is a complete waste of time. If he does like her, then he needs to ask her out. If he likes her, but doesn't want to fuck up the circumstances, he needs to get his own car or take a cab.
Life is too short so you choose to do something that does absolutely nothing. Fucking loser.

Why are you projecting so hard on an anime image forum? Genuine question. Why are you so angry at people here? I'm sure you've been doing this on Jow Forums for months now at least.

How do I become the person my ex fell in love with again?

I liked being that person.

I'm (20 m) in in a very well-going relationship with my gf (24) for about two years now and when we're together everything is great but when we're texting, I sometimes don't know what to write about. Any help?

Why would you want to? They are your ex for a reason.

How do I find women that I actually like?

I'm 18 and I go to a university that is very left leaning and I really don't like most of the girls here past their appearances, and they don't really like me when they get to know me.

I could find a gf easily if I wanted to just get someone despite what I think about them and suppress any abrasiveness I might have, but I did that for about two and a half years with some girl from my high school and it sucked, I was just using her for pussy and good feels at that point and she was just using me for dick and something to talk at, and when I finally started to be myself she said I "changed".

Am I just doomed to settle for some roastie and put up with them?

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Text her this and screenshot her reaction.

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Girls, how do you feel about guys with big dicks?

Maybe it sounds like a dumb question, but I find it interesting to hear women describe the way penises make them feel. I happen to have a larger penis and have gotten nothing but praise and compliments from women I've been with, so I'm glad I'm on the larger end rather than the smaller one.

Does the size of your partners dick matter to you significantly? Would you break up with a guy if his dick was smaller than you had hoped? Have you ever kept a relationship going on with a guy who was an asshole, just because you really liked his cock? If you use a dildo, do you prefer the bigger ones? Has seeing the penis of a man you were dating or hooking up with altered your attraction to him based on his cock being larger or smaller?

I just want some very honest answers from women. I at least can say that my attraction to females has been altered by seeing them naked, seeing their breasts/vagina or whatever.

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Text her this
>are you a prius? because you're giving me no visible signs that you're turned on right now.

Why are women sheep to the fashion corporate media (Hollywood) sells to them?

everyone is, men too.

men will fashion themselves according to what attracts females, and vice versa.

That doesn't explain why and as a man I don't fall victim to mass brainwashing.

you're just that much smarter than everyone else.

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I never implied being smarter, I can just see what's going on.

To anons

How would you feel if you went to a prison for 2 months and got house arrest for 1 year and your girlfriend of 2 years just couldn't get over it and felt worse about you and relationship?

I know that I shouldn't do that but it makes me feel unsure about future and having children with him, I do love him but I'm scared of what happened

How do I hit up this girl again? We use to text for a few days straight a month ago often during class. We have a new class together and I talk to her in class often but the texting has pretty much stopped.

I guess the advice I want isn't particularly to this girl. But after a conversation has died out, how do you hit her up again a few days later? Just a hey what's up?

Go to library and browse section called "red library" aka porn books for women. If you will read a few, you will notice none of them spends more than 1 sentence describing the lover's penis. In fact, most of the books dont even describe the penetration alone. On other hand they spend 9 pages on her feelings alone. Tldr: for women your penis is irrelevant as long as it fits their vagina.

Why are men sheep to anything resembling sex? Just slap pair of tits on anything and men will buy it.

You are too young to worry about such bullshit. Fap a lot and focus on school.

Texting is boring. Cuddling is where the fun is at. Ask her on date and keep texting on minimum.

Basic psychology says that certain body language is used when you feel X.

Pick only one.

Invite her on weekend for parl and ice cream.

Ask her on date. You NEVER CONFESS unless you want to kill any chance for relationship happening.

I would dupe my partner if they wanted threesome. It is a sign they arent build for monogamy.

I think it is very reasonable to not date people with criminal records. It shows they have questionable morals, inability to control their impulses or the worst possible option: they are dumb enough to get caught.

Feel free to dump him. You lowkey need somebody able to provide for you and your future babies. People in jail cant go to work...

>Why are men sheep to anything resembling sex? Just slap pair of tits on anything and men will buy it.

Sorry, not for me.

Not even for her, I just want to be able to be happy and talk to people and meet new people and I just feel broken inside.

>Why are men sheep to anything resembling sex? Just slap pair of tits on anything and men will buy it.

That's not even an answer to my question and an excuse to continue being a cuck for the kikes. Men are superior.

Hey bro, I'm sure you're a great guy. What would make you happy?

The point is that I can't really bring myself to. I love him, I see my future with him, and I have been waiting 2 years to finally lose virginity with someone I am sure to marry... Like, I don't think I could see myself as a valuable girl to date if I am not a virgin anymore you know? It's unreasonable for me to be so upset over it I think, he isn't after all and is mad when I bring it up, but, it's so different from what I was imagining years ago my relationship would look like. He is a gentle and sweet person and I don't know, maybe I'm just wrong for letting it get to me

>Basic psychology says that certain body language is used when you feel X.
I meant during sex

>he marries her hoping she will never change
>she marries him hoping she will change him
>both of them are idiots
You sound like the "she" from above saying. Also you didnt even say which kind of crime. Take care, plans are always very different from real life.

That one is easy: please cum in me as deep as possible, no pullouts allowed!

I don't think I can change him, he is working hard to go past it. It was because of graffiti, his mother kicked him and his brother out for a night because she was drunk and mad without any reason and it put them under a lot of stress and they just went one day and he watched as his brother did graffiti and demolished few cars, he himself sprayed one thing and didn't do more. But because he didn't show up for a court one time he was arrested and put in the prison, he was supposed to be there for 4 months but because he didn't so anything bad during it and was acting perfectly, he was let go after 2 months with house arrest for a year. That's the story. He didn't go to uni but I am encouraging him to and I think he will in the end, and he is trying to get a job but due to recently moving to the place away from his previous home for like 8h he couldn't do that for some time and then ended up in the middle of the semester so I'm not as surprised he didn't get anything. Although I made him promise me that if he doesn't find a job for a year he will go to any uni college he gets in

Someone who can pull me out of my own head and make me feel wanted.

I'm going to the gym almost every day and I'm starting to actually like my own body now, I'm not depressed and I don't have shit self-esteem, but I just can't fucking talk to people.

I think when I was with her just the safety of knowing that I had her made my insecurities all irrelevant and I could just be confident as fuck, now I feel like I have nothing.

I do only when it's insanely hot, like over 30°C and I have a thick cover

Just do the same thing they are doing. Pushing their tongue into your mouth? Push your tongue into theirs. Although first kisses shouldn't really be with tongue, sounds like she is an awful kisser herself


Men: 5
Women: 3

Sing, start conversations with people, smile a lot and act kinda silly and hyperactive. Take a lot of selfies too I think


Is is a thing with women not to look into guys eyes sometimes. I've been noticing that more girls are looking below my eyes, almost at my lips when we talk. I'm not ugly by any means nor do I have something wrong with face. Find it a bit odd and don't know whats going on.

Normally I keep my underwear on as things don't fly all over the place.
When it is really warm, I do.
My stomach feels so much better afterwards, but I couldn't do it all the time. It is harder to fall asleep this way.
Never understood pyjamas. Even when I sleep around other people, I don't wear anything but boxers and they never called me out on it.

I feel threatened and uneasy when I have eye contact. My boyfriend would often tell at me why I'm not looking into his eyes and I would force myself to but it just feels like I'm being in a situation in which I am trapped and vulnerable

Feel like your situation might be rarer to come across? Maybe unless all the girls in my area feel this way.

Depends what he did

He watched his brother do graffiti and demolish a car or two. He himself sprayed one thing and that's all. He went to the prison only because he skipped one court (he didn't know it would have such consequences)

Well I do have anxiety so I guess it works different for me. It might be also the fact that they feel like it is too intimate and awkward to maintain long eye contact

If he won't do it again, it's literally nothing.
As long as you're not racemixing, you're in the clear.

That makes sense. Thanks femanon!

Does he know that putting his hand on the stove will burn it? Jesus how do you get so stupid.

Obviously I'm not racemixing, I'm not a retard and human waste. I dont doubt he won't, but u was wondering if it's reasonable to feel upset about it or am I being overly emotional?

I wrote a backstory for that before, he was upset and did something stupid. I told him it was stupid and he knows that, probably knew that at the point as well. He isn't stupid, but he is quite emotional, like he doesn't deal too good with major stress

Np user, good luck with dating!

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It is reasonable to be concerned about, of course, and you shouldn't feel bad for that. But we both know how difficult it is to find guys willing to wait instead of use you as a fuck toy.
This isn't to say that you should push yourself into an uncertain relationship simply out of desperation, just that you should take into account the kind of person he has been the past two years you have been together.
For further confirmation, just look at the kinds of people he associates with. If none of them are hooligans, then it's safe to say that he's sworn off it.

Ultimately, while I think that there's nothing to worry about, it is YOUR relationship--and if this is a huge issue for you (and a criminal record isn't always an easy thing to live with, from a family perspective), then you wouldn't be wrong to dump him (and you aren't wrong to have these feelings). Either way, give it a little time so you can sort your feelings out. After all, if you dump him or marry him too soon, you're stuck with that decision.

I hope this doesn't mean he gets violent. This adds in another factor when considering your relationship with him. Again, though, I am just some guy on Jow Forums, I haven't been around your bf for 2 years, so don't place too much weight on my words when your experience says otherwise.

Yeah, thanks for writing it, kinda helps me put it in the perspective. I usually don't think about it much and rather focus on the fact that he is really trying to make up for that, but sometimes I feel down and overthink it

Nah, he isn't violent, it's rather the opposite when he feels upset he kind of isolates himself for a while until he feels better, but he never takes it out on me

Sure thing. And that's very good he isn't violent--the last thing to check for would be if he stays responsible even if he isolates himself.
But that's about all I can say--the rest isn't about red flags or not, it's just whether you personally feel like he's the kind of man you want to spend your life with. I don't see any immediate disqualifiers, so it really comes down to you and your desires.

Good luck with whatever you decide, user.

I think I do want to marry him and I want to have children with him. He made a mistake but he is the kind of the person I can be myself with and I feel like he would take care of me if I felt down or couldn't work. Maybe he isn't perfect but he is a man that is worth a lot. Really thanks for replying, it helped me a lot with figuring stuff out