I'm going to take molly tonight, what is some good advice or warnings about it?
I'm going to take molly tonight, what is some good advice or warnings about it?
Don't stick to shrooms or acid
Lube up the butt before whoever suggested taking molly rapes you. This will reduce the bleeding.
Some people I know love it, some people I know hate it. I didn't do a strong enough dose for it to make it feel like more than adderall.
I'm taking a really light dosage. To the people saying dont, what are the risks?
There's such a wide range of side effects it's hard to say. The big one you hear about is dehydration. I've seen a lot of people do molly and no one got hurt, but sometimes it can just turn you into a total zombie - which, if that's what you're going for, works great.
They call it experimenting for a reason
stay hydrated
think twice before you blurt out the dumb shit that comes to your mind
remember not everyone want to have their ear talked off by the guy thats rolling
Yeah that's one of the things I heard about. So it's not completely out of control? Like I can still control what I say?
Stay hydrated. Molly makes you bit realize how hot and thirsty you are. People have passed out because of that. Also chew gum, it'll help prevent you from grinding your teeth. Look at any 90's rave video and count how many people are chomping away on some gum.
Don't take it if you're on antidepressants
Don't take it all the time, you get brain zaps on withdrawal
depends on your personality and how much you take
last time I look molly I ended up making out with all of the girls in my friends group, including two of my friend's girlfriends and two of my male friends
there was literally no way to control it for me
Be sure to drink your milk to build strong bones and support development
Pay attention, it's easy to get lost in the high. It will make you ramble your words like a high kid so remember to breath and relax.
Molly is honestly not worth imo
Just let it take you and keep hydrated but be careful not to drink too much. Also eat something small before you roll because you won't be hungry afterwards.
It's pretty easy to control. I say fuck it though and just talk to whoever because man it is fun and you feel confident as fuck. I would bounce from person to person though as soon as they seem disinterested. Or if they seem interested and having a good time talking because they were drunk and lonely or whatever, I'd go ahead and say something like "hey man I'm on molly, do you wanna go over here and keep talking? it's cool if not." If they say fuck off you won't be sad lol.
Plan your after care. Get home an hour or so before you come down, get your room all ready and cozy, have food easy to get to. I like to lock myself in my room and watch something really feel good because I'm bipolar and have borderline suicidal come downs from uppers, so just plan something cute like a bubble bath or whatever.
If you are doing it in like a house party setting or with friends somewhere not like a festival or whatever, I always enjoy when other people pick the music for me instead of me picking the music. Dunno why. Gum is a good idea. Spit it out half way through though if you think you can control teeth grinding, otherwise your jaw gets sore as fuck from chewing gum all night. You really will be able to control yourself, but your judgement is a little iffy, just because you're going to feel kind of god like and youll probably think everyone loves you. Lol. I've never had anyone pissed at me though because of what I said on molly.
Drink water but not too kuch water or else you is kill.
also make sure ita real molly because strange pills sold as molly can be cut with various shit that can fuck your shit up.
i usually let my ftiends take it first while i just pretend to ingest it and if i see they are having a good time i take it if i see they freak out and want to die i throw it away.
Take a long hard look in the mirror and berate yourself for being weak willed.
You should try heroin, you totally can't get addicted from the first session. If you don't try it you're a coward.
I don't understand why people take drugs...seriously.
I hate my girlfriend she is taking too much drugs I will dump her.
Reacts instead of responding. Typical addict
>but I can quit at any time
Retard straight edge loser
Don't take Molly, and don't do any drugs in general
Do you want to risk getting your brain fried and becoming a stumbling mumbling little jerk like ? It's your life OP, your call.
t. worthless buttmad nigger
MDMA is quite safe - if you do it correctly. It's recommended you take the dosage of your weight x 1.5. I think 100mg is a good dose. The first time I did it I had a bit over 100mg and it was awesome. It was the best high I ever had (granted, I don't do a lot of drugs), and I felt very much in control, just full of peace and deep empathy and love for myself, other people and the whole world. Touching people felt like an orgasm
Stay hydrated of course, but don't drink too much. If you're dancing, then yeah you'll need water more frequently. Around 2 glasses if you're dancing per hour, or 1 if you're just chilling.
Don't mix it with other drugs, and yes that includes alcohol. Alcohol would just ruin the experience anyway so no point. Chew gum or have a lollipop cause you will gurn and you don't want to chew away at your cheeks or lips.
During the come-up you may feel anxious and weird, this is normal, try to stay calm. You may or may not throw up or have the shits. That's normal too. The high should last around 5 hours? Don't be alarmed if you can't urinate easily, but again if you take a normal dose you shouldn't have much of a problem. After it's all done you'll have the come-down. You may have trouble sleeping. I certainly did, but that's because I did ecstasy tablet and they tend to have a bit of speed mixed in as well apparently.
After the experience treat your body well. Rest, eat healthy food, stay hydrated. You may feel depressed, but that's normal too. This may last a few days, it really depends on the person. You can take some supplements or vitamins that help with battling neurotoxicity of MDMA, but I'm not going to get into that.
But yeah, be with friends that are doing it as well, have music on... just have fun. You'll probably love it, but don't do it often, please. Ideally once every 3 months.
Yeah I pretty much regurgitated everything I know about it.
Oh forgot to add. Get your shit tested. Test with all three, Marquis, Froehde and Mecke reagents. You get instructions to identify by the colour changes