Is there any photographic evidence of Heather Heyer actually being hit by James Fields’ car...

Is there any photographic evidence of Heather Heyer actually being hit by James Fields’ car? There are tons of angles but in none of the pictures do you see a planetoid being struck by the vehicle.
Is it that far fetched to think Fields is a political pawn for the left to continue pointing at mythical Nazis and “white male terrorists”?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Yes, police helicopter video.

no, cause that cow died to a heart attack from being spooked about the car. And I'm not digging for their grandma saying that and not wanting to talk about it anymore.

>Is there any photographic evidence of Fields actually being train raped by rabid niggers right now?
Because he is.

That dude also accelerated cause some nigger busted his back window with a chair

Heather Heyer's BMI is 66.6

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>limp dick emasculated libcuck pussies don't know how jail culture works
Why do you faggots keep saying this stupid fucking meme?
James will be protected by White Gangs in Jail/Prison fucking idiots. He already has stripes for busting a mission on shitskins and commies when he rammed that car on them.
He will roll with the Whites and get swole af within a year.
He's the one who will be punking niggers, not the other way around faggot cuck.

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>muh jail culture
the only person who's eaten more nigger dick than him is you, delmar

Frens, I'll dump my best.

I think heather either jumped or other people being hit below her pushed her up in the air, you can see she's not in the path of the car.

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Person of interest. Some heavy hardcore Jewish guy. He was in court talking crazy stuff.

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mason hand shake

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We need a bigger boat!

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This is a very compelling image.

Notice the white rag on the ground by back tire. It doesn't move.

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Heather is by the passenger door.

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This is where I get confused. There is a photo above where she the ponytail down, then It looks like she put it in a bunn? I think that can be done fast, I remember my mom doing it.

I think the green square in this photo is Heather with a pony tail in Bun. What do you think?

Attached: whereisponytail.jpg (1604x912, 423K)

there is one video at an angle and you can make out the body in the air. its hard to tell with the shitty low res, but the shirt is a match

but my theory is the person hit was a body double.

real heather is circled in purple. the pony tail is the body double

Coroner report literally says blunt force trauma. Heart attacks are not blunt force. Unless you can explain why/how the coroner report was faked to put a different cause of death, you are simply wrong and cannot live with what your side did, because deep down, you know it was wrong.

>b-b-but her grandma/mom said...
Isn't the coroner, and their opinion on such means nothing. A medical examiner examined the corpse for cause of death. No heart attack comes up as blunt force trauma.

Link the report.

I think this is also the same guy who stealth smashes the maroon van windshield

False. Source: am doctor.

>Massive contusions visible in picture
>How can you PROVE she was hit by the car guys??!!
this is just getting sad

They used self defense as a motive which requires fielda acknowledging that his vehicle was a weapon used for self defense. That theory was utterly irresponsible for the attorney to argue. He commited manslaughter, but not murder or malicious injury. He also committed hit and run. He had bad counsel and will be in jail for life. Fuck him though, he helped turn VA hard blue. And he attended a rally david duke and spencer disavowed. Utter waste of oxygen and he should just get death rather than me having to pay for his imprisonment

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Lol oh my God you people are acting exactly how those who supported mike brown. How's it feel to have the shoe on the other foot fags.

>Link the report.
I have it, let me look for it.

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lol those dudes don't like high profile criminals especially soft ass political activists who have no history of violent crime besides that one time they snapped and ran over a fat woman. Aryan Brotherhood is not a white nationalist organization, they're a gang of degenerate junkies

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She is clearly in the path of the car. Her blood was on the windshield. The impact pushed her up and to the side.

When CPR is properly done, the ribs and sternum will likely break.

>Massive contusions visible in picture

Oh.. I have never seen this. She is bleeding, she must have been hit by the car, it has massive dents. My Universal Basic Income. Yes, this is pandering. Do I have your vote? Free college also.

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yes the body double was hit.

Ok I'll throw this in
a bit tinfoily, but
George Soros' birthday is August 11
August 11 is the 223rd day of the year.
In the infamous Illuminati cards, card#223 is "Hit and Run"

I'm not saying the elites are so rich and bored that they actually amuse themselves with games like this, but if I was that rich, I would.
Look at what we've done with Pepe/Kek in the last few years, imagine if our website was secret with no shills spys or disrupters, imagine if we all had billions of dollars and family connections to get away with anything
We would do a lot more than smug frogs and stealing HWNDU flags

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I'll just leave this here, niggers.

>let me make shit up with absolutely zero proof

ok I am done now

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It literally doesn't matter. He would have been convicted even if crystal clear video evidence exhonerating him existed. The United States is no longer a nation of laws, this has been clear for a long time now.

hurry up, if you're this slow you don't
need to run for office.

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The one that crashed?

Empirical Evidence that Two Cars used in Charlottesville VA Car Attack

His lawyer gave him a shitty defense on purpose. It was just a car accident.


There was one car. no need for 2. State police let him slowly drive to a secluded area so they could switch the real driver out for james fields

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>330 lbs

Jesus Christ. She was a dead woman walking.

yea the top right is before the car back up and then it drags his shoe. Luckily he managed to jump onto he hood of the inconspicuous FBI/DHS faggot mobile

not true. if true, please show video, mohammed.

I dont think they ever released the freemason helicopter footage

WATCH 3:16



Makeup should be illegal. Holy fuck

>hurry up, if you're this slow you don't
>need to run for office.

I was eating dinner.

It lacks much detail.

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its two different people. one on the left is real heather heyer. one on the body double that takes one for the team



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wayne carver prob did the autopsy

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the body double got hit, yea.

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That redshoe guy is superman. Get's up like it's nothing.

haha good riddance
fat slob deserved it
she is the reason my village starved last year
a few rolls of her high caloric fat could have fed my village for years

Jesus, she looks 30 years older

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Wow, this is great proof. My first time seeing it.

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Good one!
The one two people died in, if true!?! Anyone have intel gibs on the helicopter? Crash site photos?

This is the key and will lead us to the Virginia criminals!

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I guess you guys just can never help yourself with those insults. Only a matter of time before you lose your cool


Never Married!

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The only thing he carves is a turkey!

Report released 2.5 months post-mortem. Is this normal in Virginia?

go on youtube. TMZ has footage of the fake helicopter crash.

there are videos. chest trauma was CPR

Google search says 30% of cpr recipients get broken rib/sternum. More importantly Cpr is slamming the rib cage into your soft organs it's will cause blunt force trauma

I checked her instantcheckmate public profile and she was 12 possible criminal records from 2006-2015

No it's all Jewish bullshit like the holocaust and the avengers

there you have your chest trauma

Heyer was disgusting. Imagine not taking care of your body to the extent that you die because of your fatness in your early 30s.

Honestly, the least amount of life possible was lost. I'd be more concerned of how many dogs were put down at the local animal shelter that week.

IF anything, this beast- this abomination of a "human" being mercy killed under her own rolls of fat shows just how far the kike's degeneracy plan has come.

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Her blood!? There was no blood mr theatrical faggot! Take your tights off!

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That stupid cunt on the right spoke at the DNC Convention for Hillary!

is it agreed that this is what happened?

>heather is knocked over by one of the few people with half a brain who actually ran away from the car instead of towards it in the chaos
>barely has a scrape but decides to lie on the ground and call for an ambulance instead of helping the real injured people (she had plans to sue)
>paramedics take her
>she is injected with blowfish poison in the ambulance or after arriving at the hospital
>it causes an untraceable cardiac arrest

rest in peace heather heyer, another innocent victim of marxist terrorists.

yea she is a massive shill for the establishment

Fake! Autopsy lacking real autopsy information!

Blunt force trauma to torso? Bill Einstein write this up on who’s orders?


What a disgusting, Zionist cesspit of obesity...

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Like how could you tell her torso from the rest of her pile of magma? Full frap of gooey shit!
The smell of her bacteria laden 330 lbs of piano carcass would make the hardest combat marines retreat!

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