What makes this country so hateable?

What makes this country so hateable?

Attached: 705px-China_blank_map.svg.png (705x599, 148K)

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The Chinese don't just eat dogs, they eat people.
Google it.
Fucked up primitives.

They buy our baby formula as if the world is about to end
We've cucked em to 2 tins per purchase but they still go fucking nuts for the stuff
... Its fucking powder bro

They don't trust their own powder obviously...

It's not so bad in the city, I'm going to stay here a 2nd year

Attached: Shanghai.webm (744x902, 1.78M)

the xinjiang uygur autonomous region

they outjew the jews. once padawans and now masters of the eternal kike. controls most of the world through usury. cockroaches of the far east that eat dogs and humans alike. shit on every part of the environment they can. zero empathy and high competitiveness. just...bugs.

chinese people

t. chinese restaurant worker

>stomped and cucked by foreigners for a thousand years
>British move in, don't even want to take over and rule their dingy shithole
>forced to eat shit for better part of a century
>taken over by commie retard who kills ~50 million chinks by fucking up farming

still insufferably arrogant

Attached: mfltshyfjprz[1].jpg (1125x1709, 185K)

Just look at it. It's just a large land mass. It could've been many small countries instead of one. I'm too smart, right?

They destroy not only their own environment but also the rest of the worlds environment, they invent all the censorship we are dealing with now and their government doesn't value human life

scared americans

I surprise that a country could behave like a nigger and a jew at the same time

Nothing in the universe is infinite. Even souls are finite. There’s only so much soul to be divided among mankind. China has so many """people""" that there aren’t enough souls for everyone. In fact, the vast majority of Chinese don’t have a soul at all. That is why the Chinese are so susceptible to sudden deaths and mass genocides by famine, disease, disaster, and enslavement. They’re literally a counterfeit people whose lives have no value. They’re the fake watches and illegal DVDs of the human race. They’re not even eligible for heaven or hell or reincarnation.



Attached: 1514098078724.png (2300x1335, 1.69M)

Chinks are an eternal slave race. The mere fact that nobody in China batted an eye when Xi Jinpig removed his term limits is quite telling. Chinks literally want to be enslaved and told what they can and can't do. China will never beat the West. Every time shit goes south in China, what do they do? Do chinks try to fix the root of the problem? Nope. They allow their country to go to shit until a new dominant master "unites" them. Basically, they just sit around doing nothing (besides massacring each other by the tens of millions and feasting upon human corpses like the triple niggers they are) until a new master shows up to lord over them. Doesn't matter if the new master is a chink or a foreigner, because as long as he has power, he will be obeyed. Chinks want to be enslaved. No, they NEED to be enslaved. The burden of independence is simply too overwhelming for them. Being enslaved is the only way they know how to function as a society without resorting to chaos and cannibalism.

Chinks are the most easily controlled and brainwashed people in the world. That's why Chinese nationalism is such a big thing, and even overseas chinks defend their motherland despite enjoying all the benefits of not actually living there. If you're an overseas chink nationalist reading this, ask yourself why you even defend your motherland in the first place. You just do... right? It comes naturally, right? Bingo. That's because you are a member of the Chinese slave race. Your ancestors were slaves, your grandparents were slaves, your parents were slaves, and so are you. You can take a slave out of China, but you can't take the slave out of a Chinese. Imagine that. Living in the West and having the liberty of independent thought... yet, you're STILL controlled by China. You're simply incapable of independent thought. You're a slave.

Attached: 1526255766427.png (800x1672, 209K)

The chinks don't use diapers. In chinese rural towns the children have pants with butt holes and just shit in the street

Attached: 0023ae606e6614cff4e918.jpg (578x800, 129K)

Attached: 1543620796724.jpg (1600x1800, 450K)

That's fake

How many bloated corpses do you think are floating in that river?

It would be great if Americans were slave-like in defending their homeland. I'd rather be Chinese than an American who desires to be raped by Hispanics and Muslims and let their women get blacked.

Fake pic or not, infants do shit in the street.

I've been there. I've seen it.

You are a good slave.

Go roast a dog, subhuman insect.

Have you seen how thirsty Chinese girls are for BWC? Do you know how easy it is to make it in China just being an attractive white male? China is cucked to the core

It's real, chink.

Attached: 1541224973934.webm (224x400, 2.85M)

I hope China take some over the world.

>Dual party system handpicked by Jewish overlords to create the illusion of choice and democracy
>Entire media is controlled by Jews
>Alleged entrepreneurial spirit symbolized by the Silicon Valley exists only to perpetuate cancerous modern life. Greatest hits like Facebook and Google and Twitter and Youtube are Jewish tools used to tear the nation in half and corrupt the youth
>Has guns, will never use them because niggerball
Others are slaves

1.4 billion NPCs.

>wayyy too many of them
>insect mentality
>shit language

Which race will have no homeland by 2050? White or Chinese?

I think it would be easier to list what about it isn’t hatable

>Chinese food

It's full of soulless bugmen?

I try to avoid the blackpill as much as possible. I lived in China for 5 years. As much as they are bug people, I'd rather see them win than the jews. Eastern Europe will become a white ethnostate. Diseases will kill off most of the niggers, nigger.

too big, should have been broken up into smaller states like europe.
main problem is china always falls short when it comes to doing the right thing. it has so much potential but it's plagued by this iron fist ruler complex and its people are born to accept it as the way of life.

Why did you change your meme flag?

Yeah fuck you. The Chinese have been mixing with Africans via neocolonialism. The resulting children have high potential, we'll see what that does to Africa.

As a black man, I can tell you I would prefer the whites over the anti-human Jews anyday. Hopefully Hungary remains steadfast.

Just because you saw some meme pics in this Mongolian cave painting forum, doesn't mean it is real you aussie faggot
Enjoy your chinese overtake.

It's inevitable. Han Chinese = master race.

Mount kailash is the possible prison of a watcher.