>feel like jacking off
>jack off
>feel like eating pizza
>order pizza
>not even hungry but want to taste food
>order more food
This is the reason i got shit grades and my weight-loss progress halted
I'm at the point where i have ZERO discipline.
I'm basically a slave to my emotions, anytime my body wants something i immediately do/get it. I've had this problem my entire life it's a miracle that i didn't fail as much as i should.
I want more control over myself but i don't know how to approach it.
I feel like absolute shit and at one of the lowest points in my life.
My confidence is low and i feel like i can't do ANYTHING...
Where do i start?
Other urls found in this thread:
How To Be A Champion Volume 1 - The Foundation. It’s on kindle
Developing discipline is going to be fucking hard to do. Swallow that pill now. You're going to abso-fucking-lutely hate it at first. Right now your discipline muscle is weak as fuck, so you're not going to be able to do much with it. It's like going to the gym: you're not going to walk in and lift like the guys who have been coming for years. You have to start small. Set small goals, accomplish them, set slightly larger goals, accomplish them, set slightly larger goals, accomplish them, and repeat until you're satisfied with your life. There's no magic trick, it's just a wall you have to build one brick at a time.
this or go live in a buddhist monastery for a few months. Don't listen to the book fags. They take too much discipline for where you're at in life now.
Yeah so you're basically a slave to spiking your dopamine.
The world is filled with on-demand pleasures that are far more exciting than anything we'd encounter in the natural world, so your brain literally gets addicted to it. Your monkey brain is in heaven because any one of your base urges (sex, calories, etc.) can be immediately satisfied.
Since your brain's reward center wants to maximize pleasure, when you ask it to do a hard thing (sweat at the gym, avoid pizza etc.), it's like "fuck off! this is what i'm supposed to do!" And your willpower buckles and you eat the pizza.
Here's the good news — being at the fucking bottom means you can ACCEPT that you've fucked up your brain's wiring, and now begin the work of fixing it.
There is no "willpower fairy" that magically gives you discipline. It comes from a stack of:
- optimizing your biology
- taking control of your time and energy
- "foundation habits" that set the stage for everything else
Is this helpful? I can go on, but don't want to waste time typing if you aren't in this thread.
Not OP but I clicked here because I have the same problem
If I didn't I probably would have quit this place a long time ago
Was thinking about military before I turn into a NEET for a year, get kicked out by my parents, and become a bitter manchild for the rest of my short life
not op. sorry, what's the name of the author? I searched what you said and could not find it. Thanks
Join the military and if after a few years you like the discipline it gives you, become a PMC and get a bunch of money with it
How can you end up being satisfied with your life when you're doing shit you fucking hate?
>I can go on
Please do.
Because you get super fucking awesome rewards that send your serotonine and dopamine levels to the roof
I don't know.
Usually, when I have to face hardships, I end up being too dissatisfied with them occurring to even care enough about a reward.
Thanks for your words. I feel like i can start making a change now. I'll remember this post when i get out of this state. Thank you again
Peter Meade
that book is like an idiot's guide to living. but be aware that it won't do you much if you don't actually internalize. Dr. Sadler did a line-by-line commentary of it btw, it's great.
actually internalize its ideas*
i'm retarded
The book How to fail at almost everything and still win big operates under the assumption that we are just moist robots and slaves to our desires. Dont rely on willpower, just read that book and learn
Discipline is a meh VN.
Eh, I can try discipline while not trying to defend shit based on a lie.
Because it's comfort stupid. I know this stuff is bad for me, but rather torture my brain all day, I just give it what it wants.
That sounds adhdish.
And it's not hard to fight. First step: get it through your head it's not hard to fight. That's like 90% of it.
Second step: you honestly only need to delay yourself like 2 minutes before another thought takes hold and you forget all about it.
>start doing sports
>doubt yourself everyday if you're even man enough
>after a year see notable changes in your body and in your skills
>after two to three years do awesome stuff with your body, feats of physical power that your mom and your gf find impressive are peanuts
>when you can give it your all at training you feel absoluely great afterwards, sedated, relaxed, everything is good
>body feels fast, movements are smoother, you're flexible, powerful
>you're a physically capable man
>girls mirin, guys respecting you more
In its core it's the same primitive reward shit as pizza or fapping but better. Guys who go back to being couch potatos will tell you of those glory days and how they miss it.
OK, so here's some more detail. This is just stuff that has worked for me. Part of the adventure is finding out what works for you, too.
(Not just what works because it feels good —what actually correlates with genuine change and consistency. They're different things).
# Optimizing your biology
You must take care of your body. In my experience I am significantly more likely to eat poorly, skip the gym, drink too much etc. if my biology/hormones/chemicals are out of whack.
- Sleep 8-9 hours of quality sleep per night. Read in the hours before bed, no screens.
- Some form of physical exercise every day, even just a long walk.
- Sun exposure every day, early, to help cortisol levels. (You can get a sun lamp off of Amazon for $50, try 30 minutes in front of this in the morning —it can be life-changing for some people).
- Some deep breathing and stretching at night to help the parasympathetic nervous system calm down.
- Eating: Fill your kitchen with healthy foods, eat frequent meals. (You can also experiment with fasting but I find that I break fasts with a "reward" binge, I do much better when eating frequent healthy foods.
# Taking control of time and energy
You MUST break your mind from its addiction to high-speed stimulus and information overload.
The internet and smartphones have made the technology experience one of nonstop, habitual binging (we literally call them "feeds") that cultivate repetitive, reward-seeking behavior.
Scroll, click, repeat. Scroll, click, repeat. Get angry, post about it. Do something interesting, post about it. See someone else, post about it.
It funds a small number of extremely profitable tech/media companies while sabotaging the mental health of society at large.
Instead of filling your hours with passive surfing and consumption, you must budget your time and energy like money. They're limited resources too, and you can't afford to be profligate with how you spend them.
The most powerful tools here are:
- Calendar. Schedule shit in your calendar like they're meetings. When I'm stressed and overworked and lacking motivation, I schedule EVERYTHING.
Time to work/study. Workouts. Visits to grocery store. Social life. Even meals.
This seems excessive, but it actually forces you to start regarding your time as limited, and to allow yourself the time you actually need to do the things that are required.
- Low-information diet. Take a social media & Jow Forums hiatus. Block the news on your computer. Save it for the weekends.
When you're looking at bullshit online, always reflect on the following truths:
1) Much of this is beyond your control to influence (and therefore it is not practical to get angry about).
2) Much of this is being published online not to inform you, but to generate a reaction (to promote the bottom line of the aforementioned tech and media companies).
Do not use your phone aimlessly. Don't look at it in the morning or night — replace it with books (reading cultivates greater focus/discipline in the brain). Don't look at it when you're bored or anxious. Enjoy life.
# Foundation habits
I've found that there are a few habits that absolutely set the stage for everything else.
When I follow them, most of the rest of the shit falls into place.
When I break them, it starts a slow snowball of despair that threatens to consume everything.
The good news is that this limits the number of things I have to worry about.
Here are mine:
- Clean room/work environment. Jordan Peterson isn't full of shit here, having a clean, organized environment absolutely sets the tone for the day.
- Physical exercise. When I miss workouts, everything starts to fall apart. I know that I have to force myself into the gym, even for a little light cardio and stretching, to keep the momentum.
- Reading. By far one of the most helpful things you can do for your brain. Even if it's Harry Potter. It's better than dicking around on your phone.
- Approaching women. I am NOT a pick-up artist or anything, but forcing yourself to go talk to women and try and get their numbers forces you to be social, confident, and to actually give a shit about how you come across to other people. Plus, it feels good.
That's about it off the top of my head, but I'm here if you have any follow up questions (or just think I'm full of shit).
Thanks for sharing your Jow Forumsice.