There are people who are less wealthy, less successfull, less educated, less healthy...

>There are people who are less wealthy, less successfull, less educated, less healthy, less everything and they are able to find a girlfriend while you cant

this is the fucking worst. How is this fair? Why is some low class Bob allowed to find love and a girlfriend while i cant? This is the thing that drives me fucking mad.

Money and fame doesnt mean shit if no one will ever truely and unconditional love you. Hell even if someone would love me i would be to retarted to express my emotions.

What to do?

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>can literally believe this is the real Ben Affleck posting

Grow up op. Focus on shit you can and able to achieve and sometimes keep trying with the gf shit. But dont let it be your ultimate goal or youll go mental by failing all the time.

i think because when it comes to finding a good girlfriend personality helps more than being wealthy, successful, educated, healthy,

if you think that if someone happens to love you, and you would be too retarded to express your emotions, its personality that you are lacking again.

Gee, it can't because you're an insufferable cunt who thinks people are beneath him.
It's not your looks or pocketbook that scare away girls, it's your repulsive personality.

To me it feels like maybe you're looking at it in the wrong way.

You may have wealth, education, health etc., but if you are not secure in yourself and come off as 'incomplete', unfortunately, people tend to move away.

This goes for your personality too. Think about your qualities and how you act and speak to people and try to put yourself in their shoes.
It seems to me at least, strangely, the more you want something, the more you act in such a way that repels the thing you want so badly. Self-restraint and dulling of passion is key; I don't know if this is necessarily what's going on with you, but in my experience it tends to happen in people that desperately want someone to love them.

Life is not fair, unfortunately and having those things doesn't mean that you will get much of anything - what you need is confidence and that you radiate security in your own person. That's what women are attracted to.

Toxic masculinity: the thread

You're putting off girls because you come off like someone who would trade off their entire life for a relationship. Giving up everything you like or want for someone isn't romantic, it's scary. Life isn't like the movies. It real life, puts her in a position where she has to evaluate if she's just another component to be traded off as soon as you decide you want something else. It makes her wonder how much of you is just an act; you were willing to give up your favorite things in an attempt to attract her, clearly you were capable of faking enthusiasm, so why would she be any different?

You don't want a girlfriend, you want a parent/therapist figure to open up to because you've been convinced that showing any kind of vulnerability after hitting puberty is gay. Yeah, babies and children are "allowed" to cry, but not you! Show your emotions to a male friend? That's gay and feminine. Show them to a female friend? Gay and cucked. Show it to your family? Gay momma's boy.

Simply put, you need to grow up and get more life experience. You're acting like the only way you can exist is to act like a stoic, grizzled action hero and get the girl you "deserve" at the end for being such a badass. I doubt you're older than twenty. You should try to cultivate self-awareness and learn to question where your thoughts and feelings are coming from instead of following them blindly. Therapy may help.

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Unconditional love? Lol. You must be 18 to post here.

The people who have less may have more of a personality. I suggest you get one of those.

low class Bob ran JBF game

Oh, look, it's another "I somehow never picked up on the message that personality is at the heart of all successful relationships and also vastly misjudged the value of success" thread.
It was plain as day to the rest of us, I don't know why you guys all missed out on the idea that being high-strung is unattractive.

Everyone ITT is lying to you OP, the truth is that you're an ugly subhuman and just have not realized it yet.

When girls say your looks and wealth don't matter, they actually fucking mean it. Women DO NOT think like men do. For men it's all about looks. For women it's all about feels. Make them feel like youre are the man and they are going to taken care of by you and the rest is cake.

Giga cope

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Who let you out of Jow Forums?

Elliot, is that you?

bro shut the fuck up... acting like wealth n education is proof of how good a person you are or smth... you know what's crazy, the fact that yall educated niggas think you're "successful" just because daddy n mommy paid tuition for you... getting good grades and now you think you're ontop of the world... wack. Try getting a real personality n some talent while you're at it... talentless uni hacks... wish I didn't live in a shack n was abused as a child, I'm better suited to academia than you are... fucking sperg... heaven sends its rains on the just an unjust alike...

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Entitlement is really unattractive

maybe it's your attitude because your entire post screams "I deserve a girlfriend simply for existing." You sound like an entitled cunt, no offense and I guarantee women can smell that a mile away.

what have you done to find a girlfriend?

What effort have you put into finding a girlfriend? Give examples.

OP, you created thread, have not responded to anything, and did not provide reasonable background info.

If you put effort in it's repulsive to women. It's a really fucking weird dichotomy where not trying solves nothing and trying makes it worse somehow.

thats not even what OP is saying

stop projecting faggot