Have a liver question for any possible heptologists lurking

I believe that I may have a bile duct blockage and I have finally figured out even though I have been to several doctors, several tines only for them to say that I am OK, even though I am not.

I am very fatigued, I have terrible coordination and I am mixing up words and thoughts constantly as well as memory loss. I want this to be resolved ASAP but these docs keep making me go through BS tests to collect insurance money.

I don't want to lose brain function and I don't want to live with severe liver damage.

Attached: download.jpg (306x165, 7K)

Oh ya, I don't self diagnosis typically but all the symptoms match and I am very worried for my future if it gets worse and I lose function of something.

Should I just go to the ER?

Anyone in med school or a nurse by any chance. I really just want to know if I will turn out OK. It has been 3 months

>but these docs keep making me go through BS tests to collect insurance money.

>Should I just go to the ER?
What do you think they will do if you go to emergency? They are still going to run tests to try to figure out what is going on. You better be insured because if they actually find something they will charge you up the ass.

>bile duct blockage
Are you in pain? I’ve had this shit recently and it’s physically painful and uncomfortable as fuck.

Not much pain, but extreme fatigue and serious memory loss. Also my stools are really oily and green when I eat something fatty. That is how I found out it was to do with the liver.

Also I have insurance but it is not great, so I hope this fatigue and loss of focus is temporary. I have an ultrasound next week

You don’t have to tell me this but gall stones and shit could be accompanied by high liver test functions found in blood work. I assume you’ve had one of those.

>serious memory loss
Not that I’m an expert but I don’t quite see the link from a blockage to memory loss. That said, the stools you mention could actually be something.

I’ll say this, going to the hospital would be the most direct way to try to deal with the problem. Otherwise you will be hopping from doctor appointment to doctor appointment and running tests that will take time to deliver results vs just getting it all done at the hospital. In either case, you need to tell them everything that is wrong. Otherwise they won’t get the full picture and they may pass on tests that might otherwise tell you something.

You have to make the judgement call on how sever your situation is. With myself, I didn’t have a choice. I had to go to emergency because I couldn’t deal with the pain. Just be aware, going to the hospital could be a multi day thing. Again, you need to make that judgement call.

I did lfts and the doc said it was all OK which confuses me yet again. I could go to the hospital but that debt scares me. I stopped eating fat so maybe that is why tests are good. I will visit the hospital and talk to the nurse if anything then.

Thanks for the advice

>Thanks for the advice
I tried anyway. I’m not an expert in this type of thing, just sharing my experience with shitty gall stones.

Best of luck OP.

Medfag here, explain the link you "see" between bile duct blockage and neurological symptoms please as you'd show GI symptoms way before having neurological damage.

A bit of tough love: Really? Your crap is oily when you eat fatty foods?! What were you expecting? That's obvious.
IF you had gallbladder problems WHEN you eat fatty foods you should be in severe pain, also: fever, distended abdomen, nausea, vomiting. IF the gallbladder problem is severe you'd have jaundice, so I gotta ask: are you yellow?
I'm ruling out gallbladder obstruction BUT if you want to be sure go have a liver enzymes lab test, either that or an abdominal echography whichever's cheapest for you, labs should be way high and echo would show the stones obstructing the duct.
Gimme more info OP: Are you fat? Have you noticed significant weight loss or gain?

I just saw this
> and I'm more inclined to rule out gallbladder obstruction, so let's take it from the top:
>How old are you?
>How much do you weight? How tall are you?
>The main symptom that made you seek help?
>How was it's onset: sudden or little by little?
>When did it started?
>Have you had it or felt it before?

I'll be around waiting for your answers

Attached: Medfag.jpg (400x400, 27K)

You do not have gallbladder issues, you would be laying on the floor rolling around and grippping the carpet fibers trying to breathe and praying that the pain drugs work sooner.

I bet you’re simply dehydrated. Try deinking 32 oz of water over the next hour and see if that brain fog cleara up.

Wrong reply I meant "I just saw this "

I've since stopped eating fat completely. Now my stool has black specks in it. Not sure if it is blood though.

I am 5'11 138 libs, and so far I cannot tell if I have jaundice since I am a poo-in-loo but I went to the Castro earlier this week and he said I did not. My eyes have red veins but not neccessarily yellow. I lost around 4 pounds since earlier this month. Also I had an LFT and the gastro said everything was fine which bothered me.

To give you some context, I remember eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich a few months ago and suddenly felt a weird pain after eating it in my legs. Then it felt like the pain went to my head and I got these confusion and memory symptoms. I used to est peanut butter sandwhiches religously and thought I mightve had a stroke. I got an MRI and EEG but docs say they found noyhing. Of course I am still paying that off, but I just want to not feel exausted and off balance anymore.

I am a bit bloated though. If that helps.
>5'11 138 pounds
>mixing up words(example: I will say "bat" instead of bread), chronic fatigue, balance issues, trouble focusing and loose stools with green oil and stools with black flecks in them.
>the brain issues were sudden, but I did have the stool issue for a week before that
>3 months ago, I have been serious and went to several docs

What is your diet like? Do you eat fresh fruits and vegetables? Do you limit suger, bread, and high processed fats? It’s starting to sound like you’re body is reacting to a cery poor diet.

I'm not a native english speaker so I don't know what "I am a poo-in-loo" nor "Castro" means, sorry about that.

Checking for jaundice is easy, check the white in your eyes, if it' yellow you're jaundiced but again, labs are negative so lets set that aside.

>Do you drink, drugs, smoke?
>Do you notice this neurological symptoms to appear at times, or they are there all the time?
Have they worsened?
>Anything you may have noticed that reduced them like meds or something else?

Poo in loo means hes indian.
Castro means his gay homo lover.

Shitty diet. I consume too much rice and potatoes. I should probably eat more vegetables.
I meant to say gastroentiologist but misspelled its short form. It is a doctor for digestive issues. Also poo in loo means I have brown skin so it is hard for me to see jaundice.
>none at all
>all the time
>I think they have gotten worse but my memory is foggy on that.
>so far I just rest and get up the next day and feel less fatigued, but that is all

Again sorry if my grammar is bad, it's late and I'm tired. Continuing my questions:
>Have you noticed an increase in your temperature?
>Can you or do you have trouble tolerating high temperatures?
>Any heavy sweating?
>Faster heartbeat?
>Tremors (like in you hands)?
>Any change in your hair or nails?

No problem, thank you for the questionare.

>no, but I am very sensitive to cold temperature
>I am at 85BPM now
>my hands do not feel steady but no tremors
>no changes

Lol I did thought that was gastro.
So you're indian, but are you in the US?
>Anyone else showing same symptoms (family, gf)?
>Any recent travels?

More questions:
>Any changes that you may have noticed in your blood pressure? Either too high or too low?
>Any sleeping abnormalities? More sleep, less?
>Do you pee more often?
>Are you more thirsty than before?
And very important:
>What tests have they done to you already and what are the results?

Maybe you're over doing yourself and not getting enough rest, prolonged exhaustion can lead to mental health issues.
Also you could be constipated too and throwing off your bodies normal digestion process as its trying not to absorb fecal matter for nutrition.

Get good rest and excercise as well as a colonoscopy if your poop is irregular or not normal.

Dr. Nick here OP, I have to get some sleep but I'll be back in the morning. See if you can answer the questions please.

>no other family members with this issue
> no recent travel
>A little high 138/78
>less sleep but I do not like sleep all that much honestlt
>yes I have strong urges to urinate often
>sort of but sometimes I do not recognize thirst
>mri = nothing found
>EEC nothing found
>liver function tests, nothing found
Going to sleep a bit to recover then, hopefully that is it.
OK thanks for the help

Been drinking too much? I got poor memory, extremely poor. Also mixing up words and stuff. Fatigue is only cured by the medications from the street doctor. :P doctors said I have a damaged liver and I know it's from the daily drinking of alcohol when I was younger. Was drunk pretty much every day for 2 years. Oh, hemorrhoids. I shit blood once in a while.

Don't drink, but thanks for the suggestion

I'm back OP, look, I'm sure you'll understand that it is hard to get to a Dx without having the patient actually in front of you.
With that said lemme tell you what I think. I'm thinking metabolic and autoimmune, the DDX is between:

>Diabetes Mellitus Type I or Juvenile
>Addison's Disease
>Hashimoto's Thyroiditis

The last one is the one I'm leaning towards to, it's an autoimmune disease that destroys your thyroid gland (it's in the base of your neck) and gives you neurological as well as metabolic and GI symptoms. See if your insurance covers a thyroid function test (I don't know if that's the name in english)

Regarding Diabetes, the classical symptoms are: weight loss, eating too much, drinking too much and peeing too often. You're in the right age and it does cause neurological symptoms such as weakness, dizziness, memory problems but no GI. Fast (don't eat anything in 8 hours) and go have your blood glucose tested (this should be very cheap) it shouldn't be over 100 mg/dl.

Last Addison: This one is not very likely, have you gotten more brown? Like a tan? (Check your palms and the bottom of your feet) Addison's causes some electrolytes imbalances and gives you a browner-tannish look (JFK had Addison's) shows similar symptoms but I don't really think it's your DX.

Again, it's hard doing it this way but I do hope you find my info helpful. Lemme know what else you and your doctors find and your actual DX (for knowing if I got it right :D)

so i did a thyroid hormone test a while ago, but i will let my gp know about it to redo. he thought thyroid too but no signs came up of it.

i had my glucose checked unfasted and it was 87. i just checked my app. i will get another fasted level.

not sure on addison's but i will mention it to him.

i will ask for thyroid tests and glucose fasted test.

thanks again for your help

Depending on how far ago was your thyroid test, your results may differ. But adding up all the symptoms you have I am inclined to think Hashimoto's as it is specifically autoimmune not just hypothyroidism.

OP, I've been thinking about other DDX and I came up with a couple of possibilities, if a bit less likely.

The first assumes that the GI symptoms aren't related (as crappy diets can explain crappy GI habits) so what about
>Benign positional vertigo (BPV)
It explains your loss of balance, confusion and vertigo even the memory loss. Google Hallpike Dix Test and see if a friend or family can help you give it a try.
>Celiac Disease
So, this adds the GI symptoms to the neurological. It explains your weird stool and due to malnourishment it explains the memory loss, imbalance or vertigo etc.

What do you think?

I live alone as of now so maybe I will bring this up to my doctor. the test looks simple

got tested for celiac twice and results showed i did not have that.