How do I meet women who just want to have kids and start a family?

how do I meet women who just want to have kids and start a family?

do I join christian mingle or something and pretend to be a jesus freak? do I import 3rd worlders? what is the answer?

Attached: ALL MIGHT I KEEP MY IDEALS.png (1280x957, 1006K)

everyone wants to breed, the hard thing is finding women who don't

Why do you want to have kids and start a family, OP?

When you say just want to do you mean 'have absolutely no further aspirations'? Because that's not healthy. You should want women who want those things and have additional aspirations, that way they teach any children you guys have to be driven and try to achieve their goals/work hard through example. It'll also help them be more stable, well rounded individuals and by extent mothers.

Anyway to find women who want families, try groups religious types tend to volunteer at, look for women who have 'traditional' jobs and hobbies on dating websites (teaching or anything to do with working with children is a good indicator, although not a guarantee) or say family is important to them. You'll also probably want to look at women who are at least 23 and up as a rule. Early 20s are usually a little too young to be ready for children or even know for sure you want them.

No matter what you do or how frustrated you get looking for someone you shouldn't pretend to be religious. That's a huge recipe for disaster. If religion is serious to them and you have children, they will feel very strongly about raising their children to be religious. And they'll likely feel that it's important for you to believe as well and maybe be an active participant. If you're not or you don't want your children to grow up being taught to believe in a given religion, then you're going to fight a lot and it could even contribute to a divorce. Find people with similar values to you about child rearing. That's very important.

so I can raise cute little versions of myself and some attractive woman to carry on my genetic legacy? isn't it only human nature? Also it would be nice to have a family to come home too. Children and grandchildren will in time help you when you grow old.

the christian mingle and mail order bride thing was just a joke. but I would like to meet women who are more interested in having kids and starting a family. And where did I say I have no other aspirations in life? of course I want to develop my career, stay fit and strong, travel the world and do other things like that. but wouldn't doing all that stuff be more worthwhile with a family?

>all these selfish reasons

Do you even think before shitting out intelligent life? I hope your kids leave you to rot in a nursing home. Spoiler alert: it happens all the time.

LOL at Jow Forumsfag
I'm a 16 year old loser who doesn't have a job and just rants on Jow Forums.
Oi where is my wife!!!
I said how much I hate niggers
So why aren't I given a wife?
I have no job
I have no education
But hate niggers
So give me my wife???

He cute

I have a job and an education and I don't frequent pol or subscribe to identity politics.

Gotta date women older than 25. Or, you know, sell your soul to religion, hope she doesn't end up resenting you for the rest of your life.


What can you provide to your hypothetical children? What can you provide to your hypothetical wife?

Who are you quoting?

the hell did I say anything about being a Jow Forumstard or being unemployed? I've been working since I was 14 and living on my own since I was 20, chances are I'm older than you.

I'm a hardworking man and I feel it's due time that I find a mother for my children. Is that so wrong?

>assuming I'm a racist


A playful, caring father and husband? A provider? I've always wanted to buy kids video games and play it with them. Simple things like that.

>the hell did I say anything about being a Jow Forumstard or being unemployed?
Because you're having a sperg attack about how you aren't given a wife

He asked where he could find wife material, you semen-gargling faggot.

No one said anything about niggers but you you fucking fruitcake lmao

i'm just tired of meeting women uninterested in having children or getting married, I guess.

No, he implied he was due one
You get a wife by, get this, treating women like people.
Go find a best friend. And if they have a pussy, marry them

>You get a wife by, get this, treating women like people.
Is that why leftist men leave a girl if she doesn't put out before marriage?
Fuck off with your strawman, you parasite, two can play at this game.

i've honestly rarely ever met a man who was married with kids who would ever call his wife his "best friend". just seems so strange. every married man I know speaks of his wife as if he does love her, but she drives him crazy at the same time. and yet he understands she fills a necessary role in his life.

the relationships between men and women are unlike the relationships men have amongst themselves, this much is just a given.

well i'm sorry i want to have kids and provide them a nice home and find a decent woman to be their mother and buy them games and play sports with them and fun stuff like that and eventually see them grow up and feel proud of them.

Are you married?
If not... Then suck my dick

>i've honestly rarely ever met a man who was married with kids who would ever call his wife his "best friend".
I know three of them.
They all married with big ol smiles
Want pictures?

I do believe you. However, how do I put it, it's hard to imagine this happening with me?

I've found it pretty much throughout my life difficult to really be "friends" with women I'm attracted to, only ones I have no interest in or know they're taken. If I was dating a girl, it always felt like I was "romancing" them or going out somewhere with them, doing activities with them. It actively felt like they weren't a friend, because the relationship was different from just being "friends" with someone.

You didn't say you don't have other aspirations, that part was directed at what you're looking for in a women.
>how do I meet women who just want to have kids and start a family?
From your reply you clearly didn't intend it that way, but this is Jow Forums so I thought it prudent to add that part in case you did.

But yeah, cast your net far and wide. Meet people through friends, and their friends, as well as using dating websites,, and a variety of other things. Hopefully you'll find someone like-minded.

the dating websites and app part I have down pat, but I've never tried before. would be great to meet a woman at the gym who also wanted kids.

Attached: mikasa eren abs.jpg (653x767, 74K)

Oh man, we are in total agreeance.
I do not believe that women can be "best friends".

My best friend. A boy and then man I knew for over 15 years married a woman who in my regard was not really ready.
I was pissed for the entire year of engagement.
I wasn't even asked to be best man
And for that I will never really forgive him.

My friend is moving into new home. After two years of living with that cancerous woman.

Literally why you're single. Why would you want to date someone who isn't at least approaching best friend level?

... Dude, I've never had a close friend who was female.

Pretty much in my entire life. This is just how it is. I don't socialize that much, I have a very small group of friends that in 10 years, honestly hasn't expanded much at all. Yes I have female friends but never any I'd consider close or best friends.

I've dated plenty of women before, and most of them were literally attractive strangers. I went to the effort of asking them out and dating them because they were single and I wanted to get to know them better. And if things went well, something would come out of that being me dating her for a while or just hooking up with the girl for a time or what.

I don't know what universe you live in where men only date women who are close friends, but I and pretty much 95% plus of male friends I have (single, in a relationship and married men) pretty much have all followed the same kind of pattern where we mostly just date attractive strangers. And often times you don't consider this person your "friend", you consider them to be things like your "girlfriend", "lover", "fuck buddy", "fiance" or "wife".

I am really starting to think this is the way leftist see Jow Forums. They come on here and they assume everyone is like Jow Forums. They have been sitting here in advice just attacking people for days because they are too afraid to go to Jow Forums to do it. it's kinda sad really.

Are you ugly?

No, I mean I've managed to meet and date plenty of women in my life. I've just rarely found anyone interested in having children or having a serious ltr, particularly while we're still in our 20s. I'd at least like to be a father by the time I'm 32 or something... and that gives me about 5 years. Also I actually did post a picture of myself on this board not long ago and plenty of people told me I was attractive. I don't think that's the issue here, I think more the issue is either how I'm meeting women or where I'm looking.

youre probably just ugly

I met my gf through a roommate I had a few hears ago. She has a solid family background and is still close with them, has a degree and is intelligent, sensitive and beautiful. I know she wants marriage and a family and I intend to marry her in the next few years. I have also had a few other girlfriends through the years, some bad apples too. In my experience the differences have been mainly observable by their company - the bad ones hung out with low brows and hedonist, and the good ones kept company of sound moral fibre. So I would say the best way to meet women whose aspirations meet your own are to make friends with all people that share your core beliefs and ethics, and they will lead to other avenues and people, one of which may turn out to be the person you are looking for.

You know I keep hearing about people meeting their wives or girlfriends through friends, it seems like it must be a better method than all the tinder, badoo and pof girls I've run through. My brother married a woman he met through pof, and even after 10 years and having kids they seem to be having problems all the time. I think a problem for me might be that I don't do much socializing and most of my friends are either in serious ltrs o they're guys like me just dating random women in between work or whatever.

Just marry a Mormon girl, pretend to be Mormon, they tend to be traditional and tend to want to make babies asap, lol

That's a terrible idea. Do you know how superficially happy many Mormons are? Most of them want desperately to separate from their "church" but are afraid that they'll lose friends and family over it.