The so-called $38 billion to Israel

Reminder that the bill to give Israel $38 billion over 10 years was an Obama administration bill and has NOT even crossed the president's desk for approval yet. Rand Paul stopped it before it got there by placing an injunction against it, since it is clearly going overboard on foreign aid. We already know Rand and his father are against foreign aid in its entirety, Trump knows this as well and will use Rand as justification to veto the bill completely. Look at all the flak Rand Paul is getting over this bill and then imagine if he didn't block it to leave Trump to veto it. Trump would be getting all that flak on top of the shitstorm he deals with daily as is from the Israel-owned fake news media. It's not 4D chess, it's just regular planning and execution, Trump can't come straight out to naming the Jew because he'll be crucified by the media and its sheep. Jow Forums should be calling their Senators to stop this bill if they really give a shit about redpilling the masses and stopping zionist-influence in our country. FUCK ZOG.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>$38 billion
Not enough you cheap basterd.

"Key U.S. Lawmakers Want to Boost Israel's $38 Billion Defense Aid Package"

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Fuck the leftist shills on this board that keep fronting this retardation. Bastards wouldn't know a redpill if it was forced up their ass as a suppository.

Attached: 1543690225030.jpg (1280x720, 43K)

>signs 1.5 trillion dollar spending bill

Attached: 1544514350736.png (600x632, 253K)

Eat shit jew, we're the only reason you have a military.

Attached: 1543650865110.png (310x315, 382K)

>wall funding included

Attached: 1543286794519.png (200x202, 29K)

> trump
> veto military spending
> to israel
> ever

We dont want your money you piece of shit. you keep forcing us to take it what can we do, damn you filthy mutts.

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>which Mexico was supposed to pay for
also sage this gay thread

They will pay for it through the USMCA, guaranteed.

>forcing us to take it
TOPKEK. Your government gladly takes the shekels with bated breath.

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>TOPKEK. Your government gladly takes the shekels with bated breath.
We only being polite you fucking idiot. We dont need that damn money. we'll probably spend it on beer on hookers.

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>Trump can't come straight out to naming the Jew because he'll be crucified by the media and its sheep

Is that why his entire cabinet is jewish, and he gave his children to the jews? His 4d chess tactics are insane!

Truly this mans IQ is way to high

So you're not going to be on here bitching when it inevitably gets veto'd, right? Good, have fun.

Your infographic only proves that sending you kikes aid is wasteful. Gas yourself

oy vey

Attached: download.png (208x243, 12K)

I certainly can't think of a greater cover to have, the news networks can get away with pretending to be jewish and avoid being called antisemites, so why is it bad when Trump does it? It's good publicity and with Trump all press is good press.

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Good post.

Attached: Trump Israel Embassy.png (785x387, 42K)

Exactly, such moves that seem silly on the surface just keep adding up and people start questioning why it is that Israel gives no concessions whatsoever...and he built that structure on the cheap to boot.

Take it and shove it up your ass. You mother fuckers trying make us dependent on US government. like you did the poor negros in your country, Those Poor basterds crippled for life because of you satanic assholes.

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Make you dependent? Hold those in your government accountable for not taking care of you guys, instead they use what money we send to buy bullets. Israel receives more aid than any other country globally, what do those countries have to show for it but more wars in the middle-east?

>blocking shit to Isreal
Voted for the guy but come on man, dude fucking campaigned on being a good goy. Would love if finally got the balls to just put that 38 billion towards a proper wall and tell Pelosi to stuff it but it just isn't going to happen.

>Israel receives more aid than any other country globally
Far from it.

Attached: milbudg.png (740x439, 28K)

You all know you will pay up

>Direct Aid
You realize what that means right? Pure money ffs.

Trump already knows what's up with Zionism, he's letting Rand pretend to "redpill" him on foreign aid as an excuse to deny the bill.


Thank you greatest ally.

Most of the money that the USA gives to Israel must be spent on weapons that must be purchased from US weapons manufacturers like Lockheed and Boeing and other US companies. Israel is not even allowed to build their own fighter jets even though we could.

Strange huh?

So I wonder who benefits most?

To me it seems like a gift to the military industry in the US. But rather than our government just handing them money directly to their bank accounts it ‘gives’ the money to a third party and that third party gives it to the military industrial companies. Interesting isn’t it?

Sort of like giving your neighbor $500 and then your neighbor giving $500 to your spouse.

>our government

..>deploying în strategic locations of Allied countries means handing out money
Truly thr lowest IQ race

Reminder - Before his AIPAC speech, Trump held a press conference at Trump Hotel where he said "even Israel" will have to "pay back US". Can't find the video on jewtube anymore but if anyone can track it down, it happened during the Q&A phase of the conference in Trump Hotel in DC.

Of course then he went fully pro-israel at AIPAC hours later and disappointed Jow Forums, but here's hoping he will cuck Israel when the time is right. Israel's crimes will need to be named to keep boomers from chimping out before any aid is cut to Israel.

Attached: israel disappointed syria strikes 1.png (525x879, 347K)

No shit? It's almost as if the American taxpayer has been subsidized to pay for your military to exist... Imagine that. Now imagine not having it when we cut the cord.

He should be PRAISED!

>you keep forcing us to take it
Imagine being this kike

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>graphic proves Israel gets the most aid
I thought Jews were supposed to be smart

>So I wonder who benefits most?
Fucking Jews man. You wonder why we hate you, it's shit like this

>posts this graph as a rebuttal
and you wonder why people want kikes to die

>August 3rd
Still hasn't got to Trump yet because of Rand Paul.

Of course that’s what it is. It’s a defecto US jobs program. Most of these jobs are union jobs in blue areas. So the left and the right support these things.

Your retardation levels are impressive.

Attached: Trump vows fight Anti-Semi Oy Vey.png (576x609, 98K)

Good thread OP you fucking kike

>which he's against across the board
Try harder shareblue.

Obama gave Iran 150 billion on a pallet.

Attached: 2okc25.jpg (576x415, 70K)

Every time I've seen some faggot use "Share Blue" it's been to defend Jewry and Shabbot Goy.

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AIPAC and this shills in the US government and beyond will not allow the billions of US tax payers dollars to stop flowing into Israel.

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every time I see that guy brought up its to distract from obama changing identity theft laws so illegals can steal social security numbers

they should get 76billion$ as a double fuck you
to all of us hahahahahahaahhahahaha! fake
jew kike amalekites are such great people
worth every penny, we've gotten trillions in
intel for our money.

fact is, we pay for our own enslavement.

Attached: fake jews are egypt.jpg (1550x1050, 667K)


So this is AIM then? I forget, there's so many of you groups of retard children.

Is that the best shilling you can do? When will you retards realize Jews control both sides?

Attached: 13_14_Trump_AIPAC.jpg (470x362, 125K)

>Fucking Based!

Attached: Trumpstein our Goy.png (920x703, 368K)

They do but in case you haven't realized, Trump is an Independent. He only ran under the Republican banner to get elected.

Trump, a conservative, fully supports Israel

>Trump is fucking leading us to Kek you silly pants!

So either Trump is fooling Jew Billionaires he's had relationships with for decades, or he's fooling your dumb ass.
Gee I wonder which it could be?

Oh and his kids all have relationships with Jews. Weird.

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Yeah Trump should just go 1488, certainly the boomers and evangelicals won't chimp out at all, and he won't give a congress the public support they need to impeach him.

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Jow Forums is never wrong, kek literally got a candidate elected and redpilled millions in the process, buddy.

If we don’t get the wall we get their skin

Adelson only started supporting Trump when it was obvious Trump was going to win. Adelson shilled for Rubio.

Trump is the least supported President in recent times in terms of jewish donation. Btw, Happy Hanukkah.

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Attached: Iranians LARPing as jews get the most aid.jpg (433x439, 47K)

This is the most fucking Jewish comment I have ever seen.

Listen here, you Machiavellian piece of shit, it's nothing like the drivel you just spewed.

The US gives you cash, then you spend it with the industrial-complex, and then you get brand spanking new military equipment. For free.


He's a puppet Genius. What does it take to figure that out?

Attached: Trumps Goldman Sachs.png (858x953, 324K)

Hey, I'm all for raiding with guns-blazing if I'm wrong about Trump not being a puppet for Zionists but so far I haven't seen it. Just a bunch of people having knee-jerk reactions over perceived circumstances.

I'm waiting for you to prove it. Get to the point or GTFO.

>So either Trump is fooling Jew Billionaires he's had relationships with for decades
Pretty plausible. He managed to be a successful real estate developer out of Manhattan, and it would do a lot more for his ego to ruse other billionaires and powerful people than some guy on the internet. The man could never have gotten to where he is without being jew-wise. Marriage is a pretty good way to get your foot in the door of the group you want to take power over. So the question is, who's in control right now? Trump or the jews? My money is on Trump and he's beating them at their own game. Otherwise we wouldn't be hearing all of this kvetching over him non-stop.

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Jew chan, we must protect our shekels. You above all people should know the power of the shekel.

Attached: padoru.jpg (250x250, 8K)

So Trump hires Goldman Sachs execs, gets funded by Jew Billionaires, recognizes Jerusalem as Israel's capital, vows to fight Anti-Semitism, and his daughter converts to Judaism, marries a Jew, and has Jewish kids.

>Nope, he's totally legit. Playing 33rd degree Chess Goys.

Attached: TrumpIsrael (2).jpg (800x431, 85K)

Trump, a Machiavellian, supports whatever helps him get what he wants

Shill is hard as you want. Trump is still gonna win in 2020, and Israel is not going to get their war against Iran. Assad will take Golan Heights back too.

Its time to deal with with it shlomo.

Attached: zionist.jpg (520x737, 266K)

Sounds like the jews are pretty desperate to stay in his good graces. Also good luck not finding any Goldman Sachs jews in the world of high finance, though he did give us our first goy in the Federal Reserve for quite some time.

We can see you're purposefully twisting quotes and actions to suit your narrative. Jews literally cannot contain their kvetching over his every move, yet he's supposed to be their pawn? That doesn't jive, retard.

>though he did give us our first goy in the Federal Reserve for quite some time.


>We can see you're purposefully twisting quotes and actions to suit your narrative.

Pic related.

Attached: 1539547062950.jpg (1277x516, 211K)

The kike cries out in pain as he strikes you.

We'll see.

Hitler didn't even write Mein Kampf, shill. Thanks for posting an example of a true kike sockpuppet though.

>yet he's supposed to be their pawn?
The funny thing is the opposite is the case. israel is Trump's pawn. Because israel is so desperate right now they have to suck up to him hard, otherwise it's all over for them with the way things are going in the Middle East currently. So Trump subverts zionist influence in the US and pretty much tells them he runs the show on israel now. This puts a wedge between the insanity jews push as diaspora, and their greed for using other countries to prop up the failed state of israel. jews are going into neurotic overdrive.

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It's nice but it isn't slowing the liberal shilling any. TDS prevents them from giving him credit for anything, nevermind going against Zionism, that's an unfathomable concept to them considering the GOP's history.

You can't run from the oven forever

the jew cries out in pain as he strikes

That ashkenazi IQ is showing

>doesn't want your money

Dammit I done fucked up. Was going to replace my post amended but forgot deleting a post refreshes my screen so I lost it.

>The competition is killing itself
My thoughts exactly.


Anyway what I was going to add to that post was that Trump's use of turning zionism against the diaspora isn't supposed to be seen in the open. It's subversive and causes strife among jewery. Although overtly it allows Trump to usurp zionist politicians and a certain sect of "Christian" useful idiots become his own.

I will accept as much money as Israel wants to give me on the condition that I spend it in the Israeli economy.

Do we have a deal, Chaim?

Are there any Israeli political parties that want independence from US influence?

If trump wasn't (((theirgoy))), he would be dead by now.


Yeah, I know where you're coming from. I hope he continues beating zionist scum until he can safely name the Jew, he's already got a target on him by dicking with the reserve. No president has survived when getting between the Federal Reserve and its shekels.

Not for lack of trying if you believe qtards, I've seen interesting videos implying there may have been attempted hits.

Trumps grandchildren are literally Jewish, so is his daughter Ivanka after converting to Judaism. He'll approve it, he's a good goy.

Comrade, why do you shill against your ally? We're supposed to kill ZOG together... Don't let our zionist-owned media that attacks Trump daily, sway you against him. There's a method to his madness and we can't be as straight-forward as you guys.

You fucked up didn’t you?

>nimble navigator


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