Tfw robots say femanons only want chad

>tfw robots say femanons only want chad
>tfw turned off by chads because they're way out of my league
>tfw boys who are mild and utr instead

"Bu-bu-but femanon! If Chad hitted on you, you would totally go for hi-"

No, no, I really wouldn't be able to bring myself to.

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Quit using loser memes and just burself

What is your definition of Chad?

All you have to do as a female in order to get a mate is not be fat. Even then there's fat fetishists if you can find them.
That's it.

Not sure what you're trying to get out of this thread. If you're saying you want to get with a guy, then just be the one to make the first move, especially if you're going after guys who you suspect don't have very high self-confidence.

>tfw turned off by chads because they're way out of my league

Bs. That's like saying that you avoid cake because they taste too good. You only avoid chad because you can imagine him with someone better

>>tfw turned off by chads because they're way out of my league
What kind of fucked up woman logic is this? That's called wanting what you can't have (ie chad's cock) and trying to ignore it. If you get a robot bf then you'll likely cheat on him or dump him for a chad (or some other flavor of normie) if you're unable to keep your hypergamy nature in check.
>No, no, I really wouldn't be able to bring myself to.
Why did you bring it up?

When I was 14 a was a fatass, but there were girls who liked me.

A man is not supposed to be a chad or even a normie.
A man has his niche set of attributes so all one has to do is go out to find a woman.

Now the thing is, you SAY you wouldn't. What you DO in the heat of the moment is something else.

>Girl here
>I'm exclusively sexually attracted to losers
hey baby it's your lucky day

I feel you lol, the best is something in between, a man that isn't a total loser but also the one that didn't fuck 10 girls before and acts like he can do anything to anyone.

Then you can find the man of your league. You have to be pretty and intelligent to find someone handsome and intelligent

>Be fucking loser femanon who browses Jow Forums
>Robots convinced I want to fuck a goddamn normalfag instead of another nerd loser

for what purpose

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>falling for the bait

This is just a man false-flagging a thread to try and bait discussion on Jow Forums
Any self-respecting woman who'd dated enough to know anything about what the fuck she wanted would not come on Jow Forums to arbitrarily start an argument about it

You are a man and you should feel absolutely ashamed of yourself.

>>tfw robots say
who gives a shit about what robots say?

Status to women is what youth is to men.

You can tell yourself whatever you want but if it was available to you, you would take it and shun your old tastes in an instant.

shut up roastie
you dont know what you want

I believe OP. Women are less slutty than men after all, and this is a perfectly reasonable outlook.

>women are less slutty

Its okay user, I lav you. Not love, that would be gay, but lav, cuz its gayer.

I am the guy who thinks hes hot shit like that. "The best" What is attractive about that?

>turned off by chads because they're way out of my league

femanon here, i've had chads hit on me and i was just really not interested. Im into more of a twinky kinda lanky nerdy guy, the chad that hit on me was bulky as fuck and i pretty much blocked him just not into it.

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Is that the same logic like if a guy was into underdeveloped petite women rather than thicc women with nice tits and dat ass? Please elaborate

Because it's in the perfect middle, not a loser that never saw a female irl but also not your manwhore that has more muscles than brains.

>Implying that petite means underdeveloped and that cow looking fattoes are better than petite cuties with round hips and perky boobs

Fuck off larping faggot
post tits with timestamp or gtfo

Not her but I'd guess no. It's because she has stereotyped the buff dude as being nothing like her and the lanky nerds to be more similar to her/her type.

sorta? depends on the attitude to, most of the time though lanky kinda guys are more nerdy and whatnot and that really turns me on because im also a nerd. I just find normies/chads to be boring and unrelatable
pic related

I talk to a girl like you. She's my best friend. She "slutted" around for a long time before she was willing to settle and she has, she's been in a very long term relationship. Landed her permanent "some what nerdy guy" who is essentially just a normal guy with nerd interests.

But if you landed an actual nerd especially if you were a young age he's going to be 1: too immature to keep you around so you'll drop him. OR 2: he'll build up your confidence, you'll try to go with some one better because you don't realize they built up your confidence.

Anyway Roasties be roasting, guys just end up being just as bad but have a more difficult time getting it while a girl just has to literally spread her legs if they want it.

I'm not resentful, but it's depressing because I know exactly how it is and I just want a long term stable relationship with some one INTERESTING. But they're all fucking crazy and I end up having to break up with them while time goes on and I slowly become more and more of what I hate as my number goes up and can't settle down. At least I can start a family at any time I want.. roasties get destroyed by biology a lot faster than men and while their starting value is much higher than a man, once they hit a certain age it just starts dropping off fast and hard while men's value just continue to increase with time. They think it's fine though just because they can always find a dumb enough guy to knock them up.

Any 'female' that brags about tastes on Jow Forums is falseflagging/LARPing
That's just a fact
You know there's no timestamp because that's a man, baby

If she randomly posted a timestamp you nerds would call it edited or said that she is attention whoring

Didn't I just see this thread in Jow Forums?

>unironically hate Chad type guys because they used to bully me all the time in school
>have a thing for gentle, kind chubbies instead
It's an abstract kind of feel

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pls date me